January 12, 2015 – Masters Program

Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Hawaiian Squat x 10 reps per side
Internal Rotator Stretch with PVC Pipe

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x 10 seconds contract/5 seconds relax x 3 reps per side

Three sets, not for time, of:
Chin-Over-the-Bar Isometric Hold x 20 seconds
(pull the shoulders back and down, head in a nuetral position, maintaining a hollow body)
Handstand Hold x 60 seconds
(freestanding if possible, otherwise nose-to-wall)
Double-Unders x 40-50 reps

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean @ 70-75%

Three sets for max reps of:
45 seconds of Ground to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
Rest 45 seconds

40-44: 185/125 lbs
45-49: 170/115 lbs
50-54: 155/105 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs

40-54 MEN & WOMEN
As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes:
100/65 lbs Thrusters x 3 reps
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 3 reps
100/65 lbs Thrusters x 6 reps
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 6 reps
100/65 lbs Thrusters x 9 reps
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 9 reps
100/65 lbs Thrusters x 12 reps
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 12 reps
. . .

As many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes:
65/45 lbs Thrusters x 3 reps
Chin Over Bar Pull Ups x 3 reps
65/45 lbs Thrusters x 6 reps
Chin Over Bar Pull Ups x 6 reps
65/45 lbs Thrusters x 9 reps
Chin Over Bar Pull Ups x 9 reps
65/45 lbs Thrusters x 12 reps
Chin Over Bar Pull Ups x 12 reps

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Joanne Parker
Joanne Parker
January 22, 2015 6:02 pm

B. 125#
C. 5/5/5
D. 116 reps (5+26)

January 19, 2015 10:34 am

A. complete
B. 135 , 155 , 175 , 205 , 205
C. 10 , 11 , 11 @135
D. 18 thrusters + 3 pull ups RX

Nick Mirgeaux
Nick Mirgeaux
January 16, 2015 8:50 am

A. Done
B. 225 lbs
C. 6, 6, 5, @ 185
D. 18 + 5 Chest to Bar

Jay M.
Jay M.
January 14, 2015 7:34 am

MA 40-44
A. Completed
B. 135/155/175/190/200
C. 6/6/7 @ 155#
D. 18+5 C2B RX

Tifo Meskini
Tifo Meskini
January 13, 2015 5:20 pm

A : completed
B: Done 165 lbs
C: 5/5/6 165 lbs
D: 15 + 10 (rx)

Natalie Plotkina
Natalie Plotkina
January 13, 2015 6:53 am

48 SE
A. Done-good
B. #85 form
C. 10, 10, 7 tough. Back wants to arch
D. 15+6 RX hard 🙁

January 13, 2015 6:14 am

40-44 F
MOB: Done
A. Done
B. 125# (Did a few extra to work form)
C. 105# (7/7/7…Got really messy…should have just done 6)
D. Did our Box Challenge WOD … #killedit #birthdaywod

January 13, 2015 11:25 am
Reply to  Jodie

Was it your birthday yesterday?

January 13, 2015 1:41 pm
Reply to  Elissa

YES! Such a fun day. 🙂

January 13, 2015 2:27 pm
Reply to  Jodie

Happy Belated Bday!

January 13, 2015 3:45 am

A. Done. DU unbroken (which never happens for three sets for me)
B. 115
C. 6/6/6
D. 18 – used this to try yet one more grip option. Natural grips. Like these the best. Finally found a good one for me in case I tear.
Felt good today. Glad I rested Sunday. Thanks Nichole 🙂

January 13, 2015 6:15 am
Reply to  Elissa

LOVE the Natural Grip…It takes a couple sessions to break them in. They get better and better the older they are…like us. I’m sad when I have to get a new pair. Enjoy!

January 13, 2015 11:10 am
Reply to  Jodie

Thanks Jodie! Good to know – yesterday was the first time I used them. Have a great day 🙂

Sandy Hill (W's 55-59)
Sandy Hill (W's 55-59)
January 12, 2015 10:45 pm

Question: will you be programming optional additional conditioning sessions for Masters like you do for Competitors? if not, is there any problem if I do those, too?

Sandy Hill (W's 55-59)
Sandy Hill (W's 55-59)
January 12, 2015 10:39 pm

Mobility done
A. Chin over bar :20 cume, not unbroken. HSH against wall, all full :60. DU’s no unbroken sets.
B. #85
C. 3,3,3
D. 15’s + 18 thrusters + 1 pu

Aimee Sargent
Aimee Sargent
January 12, 2015 10:02 pm

A. Could not get full 60 sec for 2nd & 3rd set of handstand hold (nose-to-wall)
B. 100 lbs.
C. 3/2 (couldn’t get 3rd rep in time)/3 at 115 lbs. When I can get 125 lbs OH, I will be a happy lady.
D. 15+7/97

January 12, 2015 9:55 pm

Mobility done
A. Done. Freestanding hold accumulated time, only getting about 10-15 sec before losing balance.
B. 135
C. 5/5/5 @ 155
D. (40-54) 15+5

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
January 12, 2015 9:03 pm

A 20/60/50 x 3 (60sec HSH against the wall)
B, 135
C. 105 10/9/8
Shoulder on fire. Could not do 65 lb thrusters. Did not complete. I have been resting it but it’s not getting better. Frustrating! Back to the Dr I go….

Beau Arnold-M/45/SW
Beau Arnold-M/45/SW
January 12, 2015 8:39 pm

A: complete
B: complete @225#
C: 10-10-10 @170#
D: Rx- 18 even

Karen Boerman
Karen Boerman
January 12, 2015 8:30 pm

A.3 rounds complete; isometric hold 10 sec/60 sec N2W HS/30 UB DU
B. Done at 116#
C. Done at 116# 6/6/6
D. 15 + 21/111 reps

Andi Hodorowski (42 YOF)
Andi Hodorowski (42 YOF)
January 12, 2015 8:15 pm

A. Done
B. 100/100/105/105/105
C. 3/4/4 @ 105#
D. 127 Reps RX

Leya Moore
Leya Moore
January 12, 2015 8:14 pm

(40-44, CW)
A. Done with nose-to-wall handstand
B. Done with 130lbs
C. 4, 4, 4 with 125lbs
D.18+33 (159 reps)
Today, I felt really good. Nice and recovered and ready to go.

January 12, 2015 8:10 pm

A. Done
B. 165,170,175,175,175
C. 7,6,6 (155)
D. 149 reps

Ralph Cardin
Ralph Cardin
January 12, 2015 8:06 pm

First workout in two weeks; still slightly recovering from pec strain (2.5 months ago!) and severe ankle inversion injury 3 weeks ( I still do not have much inversion but dorsiflexion is returning). My goal was to use lighter weights and go through the movements and push myself a little with cardio to ease back – that’s the goal the whole week. A. Two rounds only. DU all UB. On the HS holds as a progression, should we start to move ourselves away from the wall? B. @ 68% (135#) for all sets C. 135#. 7/7/7 D. 85#. Just worked… Read more »

January 12, 2015 8:02 pm

A. done
B. @125 done
C. 5/5/5
D. 18 +9 thrusters. Trying to give myself a little more rest between sets of C2B because I burn out so quickly and end up doing singles! Two tough movements for a sore shoulder. 🙁

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