Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – T-Spine Stretch x 6 pulses
Minute 2 – Medicine Ball Hamstring Curls
x 8-10 reps
Minute 3 – T-Spine Bench Stretch
x 45 seconds
Minute 4 – Russian Baby Makers
x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat + Behind the Neck Press + Drop Snatch + Snatch Balance
*To be performed with an empty barbell
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
Press in Snatch x 3-4 reps
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete:
High Hang Snatch + Mid Thigh Snatch from blocks
Sets 1-4: 75% of 1-RM
Sets 5-8: 80+% of 1-RM
The focus needs to be on barbell positioning and speed in the turnover.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Snatch Pull x 3 reps
Set 1 – 90% of 1-RM
Set 2 – 95% of 1-RM
Set 3 – 100% of 1-RM
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Front Squat with a Pause x 4-5 reps @ 4111
(MUST move up in weight from last week)
Three sets of:
Row 750 meters
Ground to Overhead x 10 reps
Toes to Bar x 15 reps
Rest 3-5 minutes
40-54: 135/95 lbs
115/65 lbs
*Your choice on the ground to overhead. If you feel comfortable snatching with that weight then try snatching. If you feel more comfortable doing a clean & overhead then go with that. Try different strategies for the movement and see what you like best for your breathe, grip, etc.
A. 95, 155×4, 165×4
B. 195, 205, 215
C. 195, 205, 205, 215, 220×4
D. Hands to torn from mu and ctb
Mobility – Done
A1 – Done
A2 – 15/35/30 4 reps
A3 – 95/95/95/95/105/105/105/105
B. Worked on Snatch for upcoming competition 6 reps @ 115, 9 @ 95, 12 @ 75 rather than snatch pulls.
C. 115/120/125/136/145
D. 1. ?? 2. 7:00 3. 6:45 All PC’s with majority push press; T2B 3 X 5’s
A – press with empty barbell. Then 120-140 for snatch complex.
B – 150/165/175
C – 165/175/190/200/210
D – 5:10/5:15/5:15. Damn barbell just drains me.
A. 1 a barbell
A.2 barbell
A.3 115/125/135
B. 145/155/172
C. 210
D. 5.10/5:40/5:30
Mob done
A1 & 2 BB A. 3 85/90
B. 105/110/115
C. 125/125/135/145/155
D. 5:55/5:30/5:55 w/95# and 4min rest (all c n j )
Mobility done.
A. Barbell, then 65#
Mob Done
A. done
1-4 @ 160
5-8 170-170-175-180- no misses
B. 195/205/215
C. 185/185/195/195/200
D. 4:13/4:11/4:12 G2OH was singles / TTB unbroken
Mob done(This one really had me feeling good, contributed to a good day, Thanks)
A1Complex done
A2 Press at 115x4reps
A3 sets 1-4 @ 150, sets 5-8 @ 160. These felt good especially the pull from the blocks.
B. 180/190/200
C. 275×5 (
Glad to hear that Art! I don’t know of any affiliates in Colorado Springs, sorry!
M&A done
A. Press 3×4@115, all snatch @135
D. No time just tried to stay fast
Mob done
A1. Bar
A2. 55-65-75#
A3. Sets 1-4: 120#
Sets 5-8: 130-130-135-135# (missed 1st one from mid, reattempted, got it)
B. 145-155-160#
C. 145-155-160-160-160#
D. 4:28, 4:33, 4:36 (thought I might be able to snatch one round of this, did two reps on the first set of snatch and immediately went to clean and jerk, I think I was still rather tired from yesterday’s training and the clean and jerk just felt more efficient)
Nice job today Cheryl
Dyn Mob Activation: Done
A1& A2 with 45# bar
A3 1-4 @ 125# 5-8 135#, 140# & 145#
B. 155#/165#/170#
C. 140# 150# 160# 165# 175# (felt much easier than last week)
D 20:19 Rx with 3 minutes rest between rounds. Splits at 4:43/4:48/4:48
Mobility and Act. done
A1- done
Can someone tell me what a press in snatch is??? I just worked on my snatch technique here what should I have done?
A2- 80/85/90
B. 95/100
C. 125/135/135/140/145 Those were rough.
D. 5:30/5:25/5:26 all clean and jerks sets of 3-4 there was a bunch going on at the gym so I had to walk far to get to the barbell and the pull up bar. Rested 3 min then 4 min. the row kills me did all three in about 3:10.
It is often called a Sotts Press but it is when you are at the bottom of the snatch – then bring the barbell behind your neck and press overhead.
Ok! That’s what I thought but then started second guessing myself. Thanks Nichole!
Mobility done
A. Done
A1. Done
B. 105
C. 120/130/135/140/150
D. Hard to snatch the first 2 sets~did clean push press 3rd round did 5 C&J push press last 5 snatch
A. Done as prescribed
A2. 3X4 @ 75#
A3. 1-4 @ 145# 5-8 @ 155#
B. 185, 195, 205#
C. 5X4 @ 245#
D. 4:24, 4:30, 4:30
M&A complete
A1. empty BB
A2. empty BB
A3. sets 1-4 @135lbs; 4-7 @145lbs, 8 @155lbs (all felt good)
B. 165,175,185
C. set 1&2-195lbs; 3@205lbs, sets4&5 @225 lbs (tough at the end – 5 reps for all)
D. 4:56;4:45;x
A. Sets 1-4 @ 85#
5-6 @ 90#
7-8 @ 95#
B. Totally loaded my bar wrong and did way more than 100% – 115-120-125
C. 4 reps @ 140
D. 4:35 4:50 5:00
Row pace same all sets – all singles c&j – t2b went to crap a little more with each set.
A/B. Empty BB and light snatch work
C. Up to 195.
D. 4:45/4:39/4:50, all C&J singles, 4 min rest interval
Still nursing my left ankle after rolling it last Wednesday. Swelling is down, can see my ankle bones but still a bit swollen.
Mobility and stretching
4 sets of 25 GHDs 10 push-ups
Row 5000 meters time 21:30
Nichole, any suggestions on what you would have me doing unit my left ankle is better?
No jumping!! Just let it rest, it needs time to heal. Back off the volume, no dynamic work and rest for the next week.
Thanks, will do.
Hope it’s better soon bud. We miss ya.
Chomping at the bit to get back to training, but gotta be smart to let it heal. Hopeful to be back soon, get ready for the open.
Mob & Romwod
Snatch Drills w empty BB
c. 225/225/225/235/235
D. @135
4:32 C&J (singles) t2b UB
4:47 snatch (singles) t2b 8/4/3
4:35 C&J (2 sets of 5) T2B 5/5/5
Not sure Snatch is hell on my midline
Prob coulda done all 10 UB C&J but I was trying not to redline
What do you mean it is hell on your midline? Unable to pull the barbell in close to you? Your back gets fatigued?
I was talking about doing things like t2b/ c2b or MU I have a lot more issues doing big sets after snatching
Mobility done.
A. Done with just barbell.
A2. Snatch Press – 70# (4 reps)
A3. High hang snatch, Mid thigh – 80#
B. Pulls – 95#, 105#, 110#
C. F. Squat – 105#, 115#, 120#, 125#, 120# (15# up from last week 🙂
D. 5:45, 5:20, 5:30
Nice work Nicky!