Primary Training Session
Every 2 Minutes, for 6 Minutes (3 sets) of:
20/15 Calorie Row or Bike
50 Foot Goblet Lunge (Light Weight)
followed by….
Every 2 Minutes, for 6 Minutes (3 sets) of:
20/15 Calorie Row or Bike
10 American Kettlebell Swings (Choose your weight)
10 Air Squats
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes:
Odd Rounds: 45 second Sandbag Squats (150/100lbs)
Even Rounds: 3 Back Squats @ 80%
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (10 sets):
*Sets 1-5 = 2 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 6-10 = 1 rep @ 75% of 1-RM Snatch
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
Squat Snatch (135/95lbs)
*200 foot shuttle run after each round (50 ft turnaround)
Accumulate 3:00 in a dead hang from the pull-up bar.
Followed by…
Three sets of:
4-5 Plate Rotations Each Direction
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is going to be a LOT of snatching, so prep your low backs accordingly. For the snatches, we’d advise quick singles. It’s better to keep moving the bar consistently than to touch and go a couple and have to take a long rest. Make sure your hand is touching the cone or the line on the 200 foot shuttle runs, it makes them that much more fun. For the run, this is your rest.. don’t walk it, but we also don’t need to see you winning any line races here. Have some fun and build up that strong back with today’s workout!
B. 21 with 100 and 295 for the triples
C. 125, 145
D. With 105 and 5 burpees over bar
3 reps into round of 14
A. ✅
B. Done w/325. SB Squats 21/22/26
C. @160/170
D. 6 rounds + 8 snatches Rx
A: done pretty much took the whole 2 min
B: 175 and green KB goblet squats didn’t count reps bc I forget that’s how we roll
C: 105; 115
D: 5 reps into round of 14, felt really good mostly just below on the cardio
E: done forgot the plate turns mea culpa
Good job getting into 14!
A. Did 4 rounds
15 cal echo
100 foot backwards sled drag moderate load
25 tibialis curls
Sandbag squats 18/19/18
Back squat done at 315
C. Still can’t snatch so did
Panda Pulls @ 275
Felt great
D. Did Fridays 27-21-15-9 conditioning since I won’t be able to then and again not snatching yet
9:41 RX
All back squats “unbroken” rested just didn’t drop the bar
27: 15/8/4
21: 11/6/4
15: 8/5/2
9: 5/4
E. Done
Happy with today knees felt better than they have in a long time now just waiting on the wrist!
Solid work on keeping the squats unbroken!
Thanks Hunter! Nowhere near that 5 to 6 minute range though ????
A. Done. Been a hot minute since I’ve done KBS.
B. Used 50lb sandbag + 155lb bar. Averaged 12-15 sandbag squats per round
C. Snatch- 75/80lbs
D. 85lb bar. Happy that I’m getting more comfortable using heavier weight in my MetCons. Made it through round 10 + 2 Snatches.
Glad to hear that!
A. Done
B. 70Kg SB/153Kg
SB squats – 30/31/32
C. 65/70Kg
D. 6rnds + 8 snatches Rx (50 snatches)
E. Done
Good work!
Thank you Hunter.
A. Done
B. 10 reps
350 lbs BS
C. 145 &155 lbs
D. Rounds of 10 + 50 foot run
E. Done
How did those snatches feel when you got up into the 10s?
it were feeling good. I was single from the first round and smooth in the runner.
A. 2 rounds each
B. 50kg 16-16-16
C. 72.5-77.5kg
D. Did 10min steady
Finished round of 10
Good work this morning!
A. With row, 1.30-2min/rnd. Nice warmup ????
B. @152,5kg, counted/read wrong so did four sets each.. ????
C. 70/75kg, no misses ????
D. 5rnds +7, so 37 snatches total ????
E. Done
Fun monday ????????
Love a good start to the week!
Yessir ????