Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Trap 3 Raises x 8-10 reps
Upper Trap Self-Myofascial Release with Lacrosse Ball x 8 arm passes
CrossOver Symmetry Victory x 8 reps
MEN & WOMEN 40-55
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets), complete:
14′ L-Sit Rope Climb x 1 ascent
(switch to 1 legless climb if l-sit is not possible, switch to 2 rope climbs if legless is not possible)
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets), complete:
14′ Legless Rope Climb x 1 ascents
(switch to 2 rope climbs if legless is not possible)
Five sets of:
Jerk x 4-5 reps
Rest as needed
(Use jerk blocks if possible!)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 70%
Ring Dips x 6-10 reps @ 1112
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 80%
Ring Dips x 6-10 reps @ 1112
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
Ring Dips x 6-10 reps @ 1112
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 6 – Max Reps @ 90%
Max reps sets terminate with any excessive pausing at the top of the lift. The athlete should take no more than 2 seconds at the top of the lift to breathe, brace and start their descent for the next rep.
Four sets for max reps of:
30 Seconds of Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
(Work on rhythm and consistency)
Rest 5 minutes and then …
Complete as many round and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
10 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
40-49: 24″/20″; 135/95 lbs
50-54: 24″/20″; 115/75 lbs
55+: 24/20″ Burpee Box Jump/Step Ups; 95/65 lbs
A. 2 x L sit (120 degrees), 1 x hanging legs, 3 x Kipping.
B. Skipped due to time constraints and working with the young guys on the Competitive Program.
C. 245-10/280-8/300-8/315/335/315×3
D. 10/9/13/10 – worked on back swing in my kip, really helped in the later rounds.
2 rnds + 3 S2OH
Just realize that I didn’t post my score for Friday
A. Done all L-sit
B. 4x 60-70-80-90-100kg (happy with 4x100kg power jerk) No jerk blocks, all unb.
C. 140-160-180-190kg, 4x180kg
D. D1 12-13-15-13 D2 2rnds+ 10
(F, 40)
A. 12′ legless rope climbs x 6 (ropes were only 12′ high)
B. Worked up to 120 lbs x 4 on blocks
C. 3 reps at 160 lbs for max (6 ring dips on sets 1-3…but had to break them up on sets 2 and 3)
D. Only worked on C2B due to time 7/8/6/7
Mobility done.
A. 6 L-Sit climbs
B. 4 reps each – 135, 155, 165, 175, 185
C. Off 250, 225×3
D. 14/14/13/14; 2+10
A: Done all L-sit
B: 205×4. Not having jerk blocks sucks.
C: based off 260
D: 14/12/14/12 (Worked on straight Butterflies, did more but just counted UB butterflies)
2 Rds + 4
Upset about my score on D, just went back over the WOD and realized I did all Ground to Overhead on D…feeling a little better now.
I did a private gymnastics session with Maddie today and worked on kipping PU, kipping T2B, HSW, HSPU, MUs, so modified the WOD, which I performed two hours later.
A. done with legs
B. done #85
C. off #200: 140/160/170/180/185/190 and no ring dips
D. only second half: completed 2 full rds. and 1 BBJ (I jumped)
Limited time today to workout.
Mobility- done
A. 1 legless for 6 rds, little easier
C. 185#x6/ 215×4/ 225×2/ 240×1/ 255×1/ 240×5
D. 8, wish these would not hurt, then 3 +1,
A. Done (attempted all L sit however not pretty)
B. 135/165/185/205/205
C. Based off 400lb squat- 3 reps @90%
D. 16/10/14/11- 51reps
D2. 2 rounds plus 6
A: complete:6×2 rope climbs
B: 135/155/175/195/215…
D1: 15/14/12/10
D2: RX-3+5 burpee BJ,
A. Completed 6 x 2 rope climbs
B. 165/165/179/170/175
C. 205/235/245/260/275. 6×260
D1. 5,8,8,8 usually do c2b’s one at a time was able to string 5 together
D2. 2 rds plus 7
A. Done
B. Push jerks 155×5,175×5,175×5,180×4,185×4
C. 225,255,275,290,305, 290 x 4
D. 25,20,17,17
3 rounds
Mobility done
A.2 rope climb leg less no good on elbow!
C.235-270-290-305-320 fail MR didn’t do
D.10-10-9-10-3 round +2 reps
A. 2 L-sit, 4 legless
B. up to 115×5
C. 145/165/175/190/200/175×3 – 6 dips each round
D. 11/9/11/7 – 2+5 (did 20# wall balls instead of S2OH)
Mobility Done
A. 2 legless attempts, 4 set with 2 rope climbs
B. Skipped overhead
C. 215/245/265/280. Stopped, felt really heavy today. ring dips with band really tough on shoulder at bottom position.
D. 9/9/10/9 3+3 sub clean instead of STOH
Little off today so went easy. Yesterday did Airdyne 5,4,3,2,1 min with same rest.
C. 245,280,300,315,330, 315×3 almost 4 🙁
D. C2B 15,15,12, 9 D2. 2rds + 7 Jerks
A – 6 legless rope climbs with one to 14′, two to 13′ and the rest lower
B – 105#, 115, 125, 135, 140 (all sets of 4)
C – 150#, 175, 185, 195, 205, 195×3 (6 stationary dips after each)
D1 – C2B – 12, 12, 10, 10 (wish I could butterfly these like I do regular pull-ups)
D2 – 2 rounds + 12 reps (my legs were very tired; I was moving slowly!)
Did snatch program from coach
C. Off 285, right knee gave out at 240, tweaked during snatch work so stopped here
D. 10/9/10/10 happy with!
2+19 I literally had the weight overhead in push jerk but couldn’t stand the last one before time, sooo wanted that 3 rounds
A-1 L-sit leggless than sharp pain in left shoulder between triceps and bicep. Stopped rope climbs. Slight pain when I pull down.
B-245, 270, 300, 315, 335, 315 (2)
C-16/11/11/9 crazy once my shoulders fatigue c2b very difficult. Excited however as I got 9 last round 1 at a time. Gives me hope during open to try and get to that next round as I’m sure c2b will be part of a ladder.
D- Not today probably shouldn’t have done c2b?
Take care of your arm!!!
A. L-sit rope climbs.Never done these before, I like em!
B. Worked up to 125#
C. Worked up to 195, 8 dips at tempo, did extra after set 4 & 5, oops. Only 1 at 90%, these just didn’t feel right today for my back.
D. 11/10/10/10. These are feeling great! 2+13. Wasn’t expecting much from myself today, my son was sick and had me up all night, just happy to get to work out!
So strong Christine!
A. Legless
B. 135-185
C. 225/255/275/285/295/275×7, 3×10 ring dips
D. 16/13/11/11 all kipping, no butterfly