Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Cat/Cow Spinal Flossing Drill x 15 reps
Supine Hamstring Curls with Medicine Ball x 10 reps
Wall Slides x 5-8 reps
Bird Dogs x 10 reps
*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 55% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 10 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 6 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 6 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 6 reps @ 85%
*Set 6 – 4 reps @ 90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
CrossFit Games Open Event 14.4
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes-to-Bar
40 Wall-Ball Shots
30 Cleans
20 Muscle-Ups
20 lbs to a 10′ target; 14 lbs to a 9′ target
135/95 lbs
20 lbs to a 9′ target; 10 lbs to a 9′ target
115/65 lbs
Three sets, not for time, of:
Chinese Row x 5-6 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Sorenson Hold x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Prone Leg Lifts x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
MOB: Done
A. up to 200…getting easier!
B. 180
C. Done
A. 135/160/185/195/210 (failed after 3)/DNF
B. performed NFT in order to get all T2B kipped and subbed Ring Rows for MUs.
A. 235/265/305/325/345/365
B. 1 MU.181. Plenty of time to beat last year (5 MU). Failed 6 times. Not kipping. Very disappointing.
C. Changed to 3 rounds not for time of 400m run + 2 legless rope climbs.
A. 245-10, 295-10, 335-6, 365-6, 385-4
B. Did 14.1 (ceilings too low for wall balls & muscle-ups in basement)…290 total reps…31 rep improvement from Open Score in 2014…a few failed double unders kept me from 300+
A. Did bench at same % progression due to strained hams. Based on 325lb max
B. 184 but no rower so did SDHP’s and pull-up/dips for MU’s
C. Done
A big Canadian shout out to all the athletes posting results and comments. Truly inspiring to see so many folks committed to improving his/her fitness.
Had to meet with one of my clients yesterday so I worked out as his box
4 rounds
Row 350m
15 power cleans 95lb
15 burpees
Rest 8 min. Was harder then it looked great Wod to work on pushing hard all the way through the round
Today I rowed and did the deadlift I missed yesterday
Rested Wednesday, weather closed box. Thursday night:
A. 225/255/295/315/335/345
B. 185, finished cleans @ 11:37. Open score was 180, cleans done @ 13:52
C. Mobility
Mobility: Done
A. 205/240/275/295/315/330
B. 181!!! Stoked. Didn’t even get to the MUs last year
C. Ran out of time
Thanks for the programming!!!
Mobility done
A. 185/215/260/270/285/300 All UB
B. 180 scaled cleans 75lb. TTB very slow, WB felt good. Should of did 95 cuz shoulder feels OK. Still gradually getting better!
C. Done
B. Did 194 got 14 muscle ups failed one muscle up. That is 1 better than last year. Please put this in the open 48 years old 172bw!
A. 130/153/176/188/200/213(2)
B. 159 (14.4 161..)
C. Done!
A. 125/145/170/180/190/200
B. Made thru Cleans at 14:00
C. Done with ring rows instead of Chinese Rows
mobility done
A. 140/165/190/205/215/230 to 3 cleans, worked on getting the hollow back in TTB
T2b Kipping practice, mobility, done
A. 135/160/185/195/210(4)/220dnf
B. I did row, wb, cleans and RRs unbroken, but NFT and omitted T2B because my hands are torn from extra gymnastics session
C. Done
Mobility- done
A. 165#x10/190×10/225×6/235×6/250×6/265×4
B. 2 mu, got 5 last year but I guess I am happy since i have not been able to do mu for months, shoulder felt a little bit better, fingers crossed
C. Done
B. 14.4; 180 reps/tiebreak time 13:40 .10 better than 2014…no MU
A. halved reps; 195, 205, 236, 252.6 266, 286 (1)
Got to the gym late, did some basic stretching then right to deadlifts.
A. 160, 190, 225, 235, 250, 265
B. 175 Bummed I didn’t make it to MU, but I performed better and finished in much better shape than last years open.
C. Did not do, getting to late.
Nice job Hoke!
A: Based of 360
B: 186…left a little too much in the tank. Gamed everything nicely as opposed to last year. Would like to re-do with a slightly more aggressive pace. I’m sold on breaking up T2B from the jump (regardless of your proficiency). Almost impossible to get them back after one comes out of the gate hard and looses them. 10×5 reps with 10 sec rest between works well and conserves energy for me.
Interesting T2B strategy. So I’m not the only one who ‘loses them’? I don’t understand how I can get 15, then never be able to do >5ub after that…
I am in same boat. More work I guess 🙂
I did the same thing with the t2b. Went 8/7,8/7,6/4,5/5 worked well. Awesome work!
You too Mel!
A. 255#, 335#, 380#, 405#, 435#, 455# Felt solid today
B. 182 – Just 2 MU’s. Midline was totally wrecked! I got to the MU’s with .48 secs to spare and only could get two! So pissed! Last yr I hit 12 MU’s. Grip was tough also. Not sure to make of doing 14.4 after a MEAN DL session.
C. Needed to mobilize.
Yes, absolutely take into consideration doing this AFTER those deadlifts!
A. Up to 250# which isn’t 90%
B.40-54: first time doing this. Made it to MUs in 10:54 and hit 3 MUs. Goal was 1 MU so I am happy with this.
Had a good plan that didn’t leave me smoked. Stayed cosistently around 80%
Woo Hoo,nice job Mel! Wouldn’t it have been nice to fly through 2 minutes of MU and get double digits! I’m in the same boat, MU are not very efficient for me:(
That would be incredible! We will get there…baby steps! Gymnastic in general is a struggle for me. Helluva job, lady!