Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Partner Assisted Front Rack Stretch x 3 pulses each side
Row 500 Meters @ a light pace
Straight into . . .
Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Leg Swings x 10 reps (forward and backward)
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Alternating Reverse Lunge x 10 reps
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Plate Jumps x 15 reps (jump onto a 45 lbs plate)
Three sets of:
Tall Clean x 2 reps (focus on technique, not weight)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
High-Hang Clean x 2 reps
Sets 1-2: 65%
Sets 3-4: 70%
Sets 5-6: 75%
Hold the high-hang position for 2 seconds, then lift. Work on feeling the proper high-hang position.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
Clean Pull x 1.1 @ 90%
Back Squat
x 5 reps @ 70% of 1-RM
x 3 reps @ 80%
x 1 rep @ 85%
x 10 reps @ 70%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Three sets of:
Assault Bike x 30/25 calories
Double-Unders x 60 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 20 reps
50-54: Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Rest the exact time it took you to complete your set.
Three sets of:
Assault Bike x 25/20 calories
Double-Unders x 40 reps
Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Rest the exact time it took you to complete your set.
Please go off feel here. If the volume on the pull ups is too high for your body today then drop the reps down.
Make your double-unders and pull-ups smooth. Focus on staying in rhythm for both movements and transitioning quickly. If your grip strength is not feeling too strong today then substitute ring dips x (35-49: 15 reps; 50-54: 10 reps)/stationary dips x 10 reps (55+). Please come off the bar if you feel like your hands are going to tear. Ideally, you are keeping a close eye on your hand maintenance to keep them from potential tears.
Hotel gym style. Tuesday’s B and C + Wednesday’s activation, A and D. Two sets of: Nose-to-Wall Handstand Holds x 45 seconds A. Strict Handstand Push-Ups – 3 and then 1+2 negatives for 4 sets. Not feeling strong in this position today. B. Back Squat – 65/75/80/65kg. C. 20:18 Three sets of: Assault Bike x 30 calories – Stationary bike at 60-70rpm. Double-Unders x 60 reps – Substitute to bike sprint at 80-90rpm for 1 minute. Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups – All Strict. 5 c2b + 5/3/2 pull-ups. Then 5/2/2/2/1/1/1/1 pull ups for two sets. D. Four sets of: Stationary Dips x… Read more »
A1- up to 60kg
A2- up to 120kg (squat)
A3- 130kg (assumed it was 90% of max clean)
B- Kept these light: 130-135-140kg
C- Read this wrong and did it as 3RFT. Time was 12:55
18.1 redo 338
Came down to grip, which is unfortunate. Finished not tired at all 🙁
A. 195/205/225
B. 5×280/3×320/1×340/10×280
18.1 redo
HSCleans upto 225
BS upto 330
C. 1:30 bike, sloppy DU, ok C2B not blazing fast
A. Tall clean with 75#, hi hang 98/105/108, no clean pulls tweaked my neck on ttbar yesterday and it was getting aggravated again.
C. Bike, du, ring dips–baby hands today. 4:17/425/4:35–Overall a bit tired today, especially legs on bike.
Hows it feeling today?
Better than yesterday, I had some needling done, but will stay away from hspu today for a day at least. Should be ok by tomorrow though.
Thanks for asking!
Unfortunately ended up having to skip 18.1. Ugh. Warmed up Friday and T2B and DB cleans were hurting my sore elbow. Rested it and planned to try again today. No better. Got spooked by our box owner who had a similar situation a few years ago and had it tear on him requiring surgery. Frustrating but I think it was the right move as golf season is about to start. Very weird injury – only hurts when I pull with last two fingers on my left hand. All barbell work seems to be fine. A. Tall cleans at 115. HHCs… Read more »
If its hurting when you pull with the last 2 digits, it sounds like medial epicondylitis (golfers elbow).
Yes, that is exactly what it is. The funny part is I played competitive golf since age 10 and never gotten it from golf. I know how to manage it and should be able to actively train through it – just need to be smart about it. But I’ve seen injuries like this turn into tears and I want no part of that.
Exactly! Play smarter, play longer!
Really good call Mike. Sorry to hear that but am so glad you made a good decision about it!
Gutted for you but sensible decision
I did 18.1 again. Moved from 232 to 255 reps. I realised after I could probably have done more. I am treating this year as a baseline after long of time off during January and early February. I will aim to push it harder for the next four events.
Warmup 18.1 redo: 414
A: 255 heaviest hhc
B: 300 on x10
C: just did 2 rounds. 60du, 20c2b
Absolutely amazing score! Great start to the open
🙂 Awesome Brent!!
Redid 18.1 – temp. outside was a bit high. Was aiming for 11 rounds and was on target till round 8, but fell off pace with a bang! Got 6 reps less than 1st time even though I had better transitions and reps felt smoother?
A1. 40,50,60kg
A2. 70,80,90kg
A3. 110kg
B. 105, 120, 130, 105kg
That was it.
Did your nutrition differ at all the second time?
Yes, had a very busy day, 4am start with 4hours of travelling and nutrition was about 50% of what it was suppose to be…did it at 4pm…so yes, I “thought” I could “muscle” it…but the “muscle” left me at round 8 and from there onwards only the “thought” was left. Lol! (PS. BIG win for me was to see my heart rate was more than 165bpm (My max is 180) for +19min’s. That’s 91% for 19min’s! NEVER seen this before…that’s a healthy heart!! Thx INVICTUS! (and Nicole!) Luv you for it!
Ohhh that is awesome about your heart! Fantastic!!
Yep, that totally makes sense then as to why you felt the way you did when training. Sleep & nutrition play such a key role to performance!
DMA – done
A1. with bar
A2. 120, 130 ,140
A3. 165
B. 180 – 205 – 220 – 180
C. 3:36 – 3:19 – 3:32
A) HC up to 120# B) BS 145, 165,175, 145×10 C) Did 18.1 yesterday 282, therefore legs were tired on the ass bike?. Slight tear in hands, 10 strict pull-ups instead of C2B, each round around 3:45-4:00. First time in 2 years my body has been healthy enough to participate in the open. My goals have changed, I’m no longer fighting for the leaderboard, but I’m inspired by you all who are!! I’m happy to participate in this event with great people I adore and who make me better everyday. No repeats for me, I’m just very grateful to be… Read more »
I love this!!! Great job Christine, I am so happy you are feeling healthy in all aspects. Missed you on Friday!
Yeah very bummed to miss you. My son ski trains Friday nights, I hope to try to stay one Friday if you come out again!!
Started off redoing 8.1 Had more mistakes this go around, basically had a mental breakdown at the 17th minute. Cost me some reps, a hard lesson learned. But I did keep grinding and improved my score by 4 moving me to 369. I learned a lot from this and will take not of it. Was just gonna call it a day but after a couple hours decided to do today’s programming. A1 & A2 done A3) 155,155,75,175,185,185 A4)225 B)265,300,280,265 * strength was off due to doing 18.1 C)chose to do ring dips because my hands are sore from 18.1 2:55,2:56,3:04… Read more »
Hope you learned well in your repeat and can channel that lesson to 18.2. Still a great score Joshua!
Thanks Nicole, definitely will take a lot from the experience
A. 85-95-105#; 135-140-145-150-155-160#; 190#
B. Box squats: 175, 200, 215, 175#
C. 2:57, 3:06, 3:12 (all unbroken except 1 trip on 1st set of DUs)
Battling the funk maybe back tomorrow but looking more like Wednesday.
Get better soon!
Ended up doing 18.1 288 rx been battling a cold but glad I was able to get it in
18.1 re-do, 352 reps. More efficient with the dbs, and a tighter setup. T2B UB through 7 rounds, rows about the same as first attempt.
Thanks Nichole!
Brilliant score!
Thanks Rob, you too!
Wanted to redo 18.1 very badly, but resisted the temptation via a stern talking to by my wife. She reminded me I’m coming off an injury and the goal is to complete all 5 weeks without setting myself back on the injury. So…I listened to her (as I usually do) and did today’s workout.
A1. 95/115/125
A2. 165/180/195
A3. 275
B. At %
C. Shared a bike with a partner so didn’t get accurate times, but I think they were all around 4:20-4:45.
Good job listening to your wife! 🙂
If I had done it and hurt myself I think I would have been sleeping on the couch tonight!
Good job Joe!
A. 185/185/195/195/205/205
B. 225×5/255×3/275×1/225×10
C. Ran out of time so just worked on double unders.
Decide to redo 18.1 this evening. Goal was to hit 300reps. Didn’t quite make it all the way. It’s the t2b that takes time after 6 rounds i couldn’t keep up the pace. Ended up with 290reps
Close Fredrik!
A. Done
B. Done
C. 2:40, 2:22, 2:43 chin over bar pull-ups