Mobility & Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (2 sets):
Minute 1 – Russian Baby Makers
x 10 reps
Minute 2 – Alternating Kettlebell Goblet Cossack Squats x 12 reps
Minute 3 – Rocking Box Bridges
x 4-6 reps (slow and controlled)
Minute 4 – 6 Single-Arm Kettlebell Presses + 6 Kettlebell Windmills (Left Arm)
Minute 5 – 6 Single-Arm Kettlebell Presses + 6 Kettlebell Windmills (Right Arm)
Minute 6 – Seated Piked Double Leg Lift x 15 reps
Five sets of:
Narrow-Grip Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3311
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Goal is to set your hands in your jerk-grip position or even narrower, slowly descend and hold the bottom position for 3 full seconds – the priority should be on mobility and movement mechanics, not load used.
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets), of:
2-Position Snatch with Pauses
(stand with the barbell, descend to mid-thigh and pause for two seconds, then snatch from there, then reset to the hang, descend to 2″” below the knee, pause for two seconds, then snatch from there)
Start at roughly 70-75% of your 1-RM snatch, and build in load over the course the sets, never exceeding a load that you can perform at prescribed tempos and with perfect mechanics.
Against a 5-minute running clock, perform the following:
Row 1000/800 Meters
Muscle-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 3 minutes then repeat for a total of THREE sets. Note your rowing time and the number of muscle-ups achieved in each of the three sets.
Three sets of:
Tate Press x 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Single Arm Dumbbell Rows x 8 reps each arm @ 21X1
Rest 30 seconds
Towel Kettlebell Farmers Walk* x 60 seconds
(loop a hand towel around the kettlebell handle and squeeze the towel for the carry – do not touch the kettlebell itself)
Rest 60 seconds
A) 40 50 60 70 80 kg
B) 40 50 60 65 70 75 80 85 kg
C) remplace ROW for Run 800mts
Ronda 1 : 10 bar MU
Ronda 2: 10 bar MU
Ronda 3 : 9 bar MU
D) none
A. 85
C. 5/4/4 also did 3-4 mu during the first minute of the breaks
Fun stuff thanks Tino!
Up to
12/14/14 = 40
done with DB skull crushers and Regular KB farmer walks
Solid start to the week!
Mobility Done
A. Done empty bb
B. Done 165 last set
C. Done I have to adjust for 800 mts run
5/5/3 muscle ups
D. Done
Warmup done
A. 40/50/60Kg x3
B. Up to 75Kg
C. Did strict C2B, didn’t have rings or a bar today.
D. 17.5Kg Tate
32Kg KB rows
32Kg towel farmer
Great job on the muscleups! Ninja! ?
They were C2B. I didn’t have equipment to do RMU or BMU today.
Coaches, hi!
I was hoping I can get some advice !!!!
I’ll have my first competition (In partners) in 2 months exactly , scaled of course. Should I stick to the program till the end, deload how much time before or should I go lower on the heavy weights and focus on conditioning? We can handle the weight standards pretty well. Is the conditioning in the program enough to do well? I hope I’m not asking for too much… appreciate any feedback at all!
Exciting! I would train as normal incorporating movements and workouts that could potentially come up. On competition week drop the volume but keep the intensity I would take a rest day two days out then the day before perform plenty of mobility, activation work and some low impact intervals. ??
Warmup done
A. Up to 105lbs – higher than last week, felt much more solid and I lost the fear of pressing behind my back!
B. Up to 85 – not into maxing out in snatch at the time, focused on improving mechanics.
C. Changed it up … with partner today did 400m each and then did max box jump overs. Managed to do 101-97-97 between both. Crazy on the legs but I have an upcoming competition and we needed to practice this!
D. Done except farmers walk
You did 300 box jumps?!?!?! ??
That’s just not smart! Please be safe and don’t blow out your achillies!
It’s Monday! And I got it all in! Seemed shorter today and that helped.
Warmup done
A) up to 95
B) up to 120. Been a minute since I’ve snatched ?
C) 9/7/7 bar MU
D) done
Thanks Tino! Hope your day is awesome!
Back on track now let’s not get derailed!
Mobility activation
A) 65/75/85/95/105
B) 95/95/95/95/95/100/100/100/100/100
Body was tired today so stayed at 70-75%
All solid lifts
C) 3:01 3 Muscle up singles
3:04 3 muscle up singles
3:02 3 muscle up singles
A bit slower on row today tired ?
D) 15# Tate press
35# rows
Skipped farmers carry didn’t have time for all 3
Hope you get some good rest tonight and have more energy tomorrow!
That’s the plan! ?
A. Done
B. Up to 165#
C. 3:55/4, 3:50/5, 3:55/4
D. Done
Good job today Jonah!
A. 235 last set(mechanics felt great, I prefer a narrow grip for OHS)
B. 205×3/225×2/235/245/260(miss)/260/205 drop set to finis
C. 3:34(14)/3:38(11)/3:38(9)
D. Done did
Solid start to the week!
Muscle up ninja!
A) done
B) done at 185 across. Felt a little sloppy today, really focused in on staying crisp and solid technically
C) 3:23/15
Grip blew up quickly in this.
D) done. Forearm pump for days
Solid work! Way to bring that last set up an extra rep.
Warm-up and primer done, then:
A. Worked up to 85
B. Worked up to 95 for 2 sets
C. 5/7/9 c2b
D. Done
We take the little guy in with us and swing him from the rig in the car seat now. Seems to work well most days so we can get most everything in!
That is so awesome! haha I want to see that set up
Check out the hubby’s Instagram story @Matt Sabean – little babe sleeping through today’s muscle ups ?
That awesome! Keeps him occupied for at least 5 minutes ??
A) 30/40/50/60/60kg
B) 5 rounds due to time limits, 40/45/55/60/65
C) no muscle ups so banded strict pull ups:
1) 4:04 & 8 pull ups
2) 4:12 & 11 pull ups
3)4:21 & 4 pull ups
D) 8kg dumbbell Tate press, 25kg dumbbell rows & 2 x 24kg kettlebell towel walk 40m
Solid session considering time restraints!
Yesterday i trainig with one friend and the wod 27-21-15-9 Cal assault T2b Rest 5min 27-21-15-9 Assault Shpu Rest 5min 27-21-15-9 Cal assault T2b 9:30/ 9:30/ 10min TODAY A.done b.start 40 kg finish 57,5 kg ,, 0 fail Today have time and , im feeling strong find a new rm 1squat snach for newt loads old rm 63kg ( only one time) normal 60 kg , and today 65kg perfect , and 67,5 kg ok but not perfect tech one step front ,70kg over head but not block my elbow and fail.. very happy C. 3rd row 3:30 and mu… Read more »
Looks like two solid days of work!
Congrats on the PR!
Thanks , motived for next months
Mobility done
A. Up to 120lbs, tried not to be a meathead about it!!! My hands were roughly where I would jerk from
B. More focus on form again; repeated sets at 105, 110, 115lbs (top set 81%)
C. 3:15 / 3:19 / 3:19 & went with bar muscle-ups for 7 / 7 / 9 reps. I tried playing around with how to sustain a good pace on the rower but couldn’t quite figure out the best strategy.
D. Done
Productive days work!
A. Done up to 135
B. 135/135/155/155/165/165/175 failed second snatch/175 got both
C. 3:37/3 3:40/1 3:40/2 haven’t done many of these lately and having problems holding the false grip on the rings. Any suggestions? Maybe just need grips
D. Done
Did a 4th set of C with bar muscle ups to get the confidence back lol. 3:41/8
Lose the false grip and get on the gymnastics program! Travis will be able to really help!
A. 75lbs
B. 115lbs
*Today was hard because I’m little sick*
It’s ok to rest! Don’t hammer your CNS and prolong recovery!
Okay Thanks!
Warm up done
A. 45/95/115/135×2 all at jerk grip these felt solid stayed light and used as mobility
B. 175×3/185×2/195×5 lighter end of percentages just being careful with back but felt good
D. Done but no towels so used fat grips and added Pallof holds and reverse snow angels
Consistent! Glad your back is beginning to feel better!
Thanks Tino! We’ll see how the back feels tomorrow with the squatting
Straight to training after 12 hour shift with 90mins to train today
A. Did it as a warm up for next part
B. Did it E90secOM
3:36.7 + 7RMU (4+3)
3:37.7 + 5RMU (4+1)
3:40.8 + 3RMU (1+1+1)
Good job getting your work in after a long shift. Just remember that sometimes it’s better to rest and try to get in to do your workout another time. Just be smart and understand more is not better. Better is better!
You are right coach! I barely manage to get 5 sessions lately due to long shifts and I try to do my best! Last set of RMUs irritated my right rotator cuff a bit