Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Hawaiian Squat
x 10 reps per side
Rack PNF Stretch x 10 seconds contract/5 seconds relax x 3 reps per side
Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Three sets, for time, of:
Muscle Ups x 2-5 reps
Toes to Bar x 10-12 reps
Box Jumps x 10 reps (24″/20”)
Rest as needed
*Practice fast transitions and smooth, efficient rhythm.
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Clean x 1 rep
Build over the course of the 12 minutes to today’s heavy – not necessarily a 1-RM.
Every minute, on the minute, for 18 minutes:
Minute 1 – 20 Double Unders + 10 Toes to Bar
Minute 2 – 6-12 Burpee Box Jump-Overs or Step-Overs (pick a goal to hit each round)
Minute 3 – 20 Double Unders + 10 Ring Dips
Three sets of:
2 minutes of Left Hip Flexor Stretch of Your Choice
2 minutes of Right Hip Flexor Stretch of Your Choice
2 minutes of Thoracic Spine Mobility of Your Choice
A. 5:43
B. #95
C. Done, but could not do all in a minute. After 5 minutes, I disregarded clock and finished all rounds and reps, eventually.
D. Done
MOB and Activation Done
B) up to 130#, which is a pr
Did class WOD
A. jumping muscle ups…my clock got stolen during the wod so no time, but i did it
B. up to 137# PR!
that’s all i had time for today
Congrats Andi!!!
B: worked up to 290#
C: complete, towards the end, rests got shorter
Mobility and activation completed
A. 1:06/1:10/1:07, 2 jumping muscle-ups
B. Up to 135 lbs, failed at 140 on last set
C. 1: 20 2XU + 3 TTB x 6 (hands were tender after A)
Mobility done
A. 5/12/10 0:56, 0:53, 0:59
B. Power Clean to 195
C. Done, reps varied round to round. Didn’t seem to have much energy after A
A. 4:00 box jumps still issue cycling.
B. 240#
C. stationary dips used. Rest as prescribed
D. Done.
A. Pass T2B’s connecting so well.
B. Started @ 225# finished at 285#
C. Dubs are SILK! Silky Smoov that is.
D. Pass Did some Jefferson Curls felt sooooo good.
Who’s ready 4 the Opens!? Me, me, me! LOL!
A. No muscle up work today. It’s getting in my head.
B. worked up to 155. Missed 160. Got under it, but couldn’t stand it up
C. 20 DUs + 5 T2B
6 BBJO per round
20 DU’s + 5 ring dips
D. done
Don’t let it get in your head! Tell yourself everyday ‘I am strong and I will be able to get a muscle up’ – keep at it!
Thanks for the encouragement! The worst part is that I had them last spring and now they are gone again. Back to the basics again.
Mobility Done
A. 1:19/ 1:18/1:26 Scaled w/2 BMU attempts w/band
B. worked to 150
C. Done, 8TTB, BBJO, Sub 10 sit ups for RD.
D. Done
Mobility done
A. no MU, strict PU instead x 5. Worked on stringing T2B together.
B. 85/90/95/100/105/110/115/120/125F/125/130/135 PR!! 140 F twice
C. 20 DU + 5 T2B per round
10 BBJO per round
20 DU + 5 ring dips per round
DU a bit better tonight, but still my goat!
Yes! Great job on that PR!!!
Nice work Loretta!
A.4MU-10 T2B-10BJ 4:56. 1st unbroken/ 2nd and 3rd set MU 2-2. A little bit of MU fatigue, alot of MU- and CTB on saterday with the gym.
B. 95/115/135/145/155/165/185/190/200/205/210/215.
C. 20+10/10/20+8 held strong
D. Cash out of 75 WB/50CTB/25 thrusters…lol….cash out (6:56)
B. snatch program with coach
C.20 du+ 10 TTB
6 bbjo
20 du+ 10 banded ring dips, no stationary bar
A: Done
B: Up to 220
C: Done with 10 BBJO. Everything UB.
D: Done
mobility done.
A. modified. C2B, knees to elbows and box jumps to use a warm up and to take strain off shoulders. Still unable to do MU’s
B. 75/95/115/135/145/155/165/175/185/195/205PR/215PR!!
C. short on time and was able to work out with my 12 year old; 9 min AMRAP instead of 18 min
Mob and Act done
A. 1. 1:45, then two rounds without MU (tore callous on wrist).
B. up to 135
C. done with 20DU/10TTB, 6 BBJO, 20DU/10 ring dips with thin band.
D. done
A. MUs doubles across
T2B: 12 across
BJs done
B. up to 180# felt fab!
C. 20 dubs+ 10 T2B UB each round
10 BBJ each round
20 dubs + 10 push ups in sling shot. Favoring my shoulder a bit.
Did Saturdays workout yesterday so I am definitely feeling the traps, lats and bis today. Spicy.
Nice work on the clean!!!
A. 1MU, 10t2b, 12 bj 1:55/1:57/1:56 – Something clicked and I finally got MU’s yesterday.
B. 135,145,155,165,175,185,195,200,205 fail
C. Done – 10 BBJO
Congrats Michael!
A. 5MU, 12TTB, 10BJ, 4:05 Rx
B. Worked upto 235lbs
C. Done 10 burpee BJ-over, felt pretty good!
D. Done
A. 4assisted MU 10T2B 10 BJ – 1:02/1:00/1:06 1 mis rest bet sets
B. Worked with coach on hang squat clean + squat cleans – 86/90/95/100/105/110×6
C. 10 Burpee BJO/rd, 6 banded dips/RS
D. Done