Dynamic Mobility & Activation
One set of:
Banded Scarecrow x 2 minutes
and then …
Two sets of:
Wall Slides x 6-8 reps
Hand Plank to Press Lean x 5 reps
One set of:
Ring Muscle-Up Reverse Pull x 20 reps
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Speed Swings x 3-5 reps
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) of complex:
Peek-A-Boo Swings
x 3-5 reps
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 60 seconds (2 sets), complete:
Cast Swing + Pop Swing x 1 rep
Followed by …
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Muscle-Up x
3/2 reps
50-54: 2/1 reps
55-59: 1 rep
Ring-Dips x 2 reps
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 4 – 5 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 – 3 reps @ 85%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 90%
Rest 3 minutes between sets
For 30 minutes rotate through the following exercises @ 60-70%:
100 meter (50 meters out/50 meters Back) Reverse Sled Drag
2 minutes of Assault Bike @ 60-65/50-55 RPM (this may be lower based on what your 60-70% is on the Assault Bike)
100 meter (50 meters out/50 meters Back) Farmers Carry
2 minutes of Row on Concept2
A. Done. Sets of 3. Video on Rising vs. Rowing was awesome.
B. 5@235, 3@270, 1@300, 5@255, 3@285, 1@300
C. Done. Was able to keep AB at 60 RPMs (ok, that’s a little above my 60%). Been trying to work on sustaining progressively higher RPMs.
A. Done 2 MU
B. 135/155/170/145/155/170
C. Made up own version (space/equipment) 2 min bike/10DBall 50#/2 min row/10 KB snatch light
A) done with 2 MU
B) 170-195-220-170-185-220
C) Done 3+ RNDs
A. A few reps of strict MU only.
B. Missed on set 6 at 90%
C. Skipped
A. Warm up plus 12 BMU’s but took me about 10 mins.
B. 145/155/165, 155/165/175, 185
C. 3 rounds of 2min row/2min run.
Time ran out.
A. Drills – then did a pop swing and a MU emom for 6 minutes trying to establish some kind of consistency with technique.
B. 220/245/285/235/265/295. Felt good. Tried for a second rep of 295 just for the hell of it but missed.
C. Skipped due to time.
Did my own shoulder mobility.
A. Did some ring MUs. Feeling good and confident.
B. 230X5, 265X3, 300X1, 250X5, 280X3, 300X1 felt solid today.
C. Skipped ran out to get a massage!
Mobility activation done
A. Done….really like the new ring mu reverse pull drill; first time doing ring mu in over a month. Did 4 sets of 2…felt good!
B. 190-205-230-190-220-235#
C. Done 30 mins (55-60 on bike, 2:15 on erg, 55# kb carries, 3 plates on sled until the neighbor complained…then did GHD sit-ups …4 rounds)
Mobility&Activation – Done
A. All done
B. 210(5),240(3),270(1)
C. 4 completed rounds, used 90#
sled & 35# KBs for farmers walk.
A. Done
B. Skipped, knee a bit pissed
C. 20 min
What is going on with the knee?
C. only 20min
B 275/305/345/275/315/345
Bar Kips, HSPU only because thats what I was teaching in classes today
Low Ring MU transitions on box
Didn’t wanna push it on shoulder with swinging
A. MU drills & 6×2
B. 235/265/305/245/285/305
C. Done.
Mobility – done
A. Only did a couple of sets of each (speed swings, peek-a-boo & cast swings).
B. Back Squats – hit all of my percentages (160 – 185 – 205 – 175 – 195 – 205)
C. 30 min WOD complete
90lb on the sled drag/60+rpm on assault/35lb. db’s on farmer’s carry/2:07 – 2:14 on the row
Good work on those squats Barry!
Thanks Nicole.
A. Skipped
B. Back squats felt good.
C. Did 20 minutes of 2 minutes on AB, 2 minutes rowing
A: figured I pushed my luck with my shoulder this week (with no issues), so just did the drills and one MU to ensure I could still do them if needed. B: 235; 265; 300; 250; 285; 300- Felt solid C: Did 3 rds in 23:05. Maintained 60-65 rpm, rows were 1:56ish. Went too heavy the first rd of sled drag with #140 on a rouge dog sled so dropped #50 the next 2 rds. Definitely a leg burner. 50lb DBs for farmers carry. This week felt the best of all the weeks of open prep. Despite the plethora of… Read more »
Didn’t have much time so wanted to do something with muscle ups in it.
Muscle ups
Squat snatch
Felt solid no misses
Mups 7/2. 5/2 3/2
Snatch singles but drop and go
A. DOne
B. No fails on MU, all 2’s
Good work on your MU Chris!
A. done
Ring MU: 3_1_3_2_2_2
B. done
C. 3+sled drag, AB & 40m Farmers Row
A. Done – 3 MU’s. Felt great today.
B. Done as Rx
C Done – nasty weather here today, and wasn’t dedicated enough today to pull the sled in the rain. Subbed in some presses instead. 70# FC, row & bike at 70%.
Open prep is a wrap – bring on 17.1!
Mobility completed.
A4)Scaled to x2 per round to help save on my pull.
C)Completed 4 rounds plus sled drag and :20 of assault bike.