Phase Two Weekly Outline
Activation Upper and Lower
Narrow-Grip Overhead Squat Cycle
Snatch Skills & Drills
High Intensity Conditioning Intervals (30 seconds to 2 minutes) – cyclical work like rowing or assault bike
Possibly add in simple gymnastics work immediately following the conditioning piece.
Upper Body Accessory Work
Include grip work.
Nose Breathing Work
Front Squat – build to heavy
Clean Technique Work
Jerk Technique Work
Back Squat – build to heavy
Plus 3 back-off sets @ 80-85%
GRIND Conditioning Work
Warm-Up and Activation
Gymnastics Skill Work
30-Minute EMOM
*Pull-Ups or Vertical Pulling
*Single-Leg Variations
*Upper Pressing (strict variants, push press)
Also use 21 minutes EMOM, followed by 3 rounds for time of…
Posterior Chain Accessory Work
Nose Breathing Work
Jerk Technique Work
(progress to FS + Jerk in weeks 4-5)
Conditioning mixed with
Barbell Complex (alternate between snatch and clean)
E.g., Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes, AB sprint + 4 Cleans, 4 Front Squats, 4 STO @ 70% of 1-RM C&J
Volume Back Squats: Squat by 7s
Upper Body Pressing Priority Strength Endurance Work
E.g., AMRAP in 12 of Strict HSPU, Ring Dips, Strict Pull-Ups
Gymnastics Skill Work
Traditional CrossFit Conditioning Work
Grip Work & Midline Stability
Strongman Finisher
Monday’s Training:
Mobility & Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Inchworm Walk x 3 reps
Minute 2 – Hamstring Floss x 10 reps per leg
Minute 3 – Russian Baby Makers
x 10 reps
Minute 4 – Rocking Box Bridges x 4-6 reps (slow and controlled)
Take 15 minutes to build to a 2-RM Tempo Overhead Squat @ 32X1
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
3-Position Snatch with Pause
(high hang, mid-thigh, then 2″ below the knee – hold each position for two full seconds, maintaining positioning and mechanics throughout)
Start at roughly 65-70% of your 1-RM snatch, and build in load over the course the sets, never exceeding a load that you can perform at prescribed tempos and with perfect mechanics.
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets) for times of:
Row 1000/800 Meters
20 Burpees Over the Erg
10 Muscle-Ups
Three sets of:
Tate Press x 8-10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Bent-Over Barbell Rows x 8 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Towel Kettlebell Farmer’s Walk* x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
*Loop a hand towel around the kettlebell handle and squeeze the towel for the carry – do not touch the kettlebell itself.
A. 175lbs
B. 115,125lbs
C. 7:38,7:45,7:40
D. Done
I’ll try not to be super self-conscious of posting, goal is to post all through phase 2!
A. 95lbs (Felt easy overhead, but afraid to press behind the shoulders anything heavier than this)
B. Built to 85lbs – If I would’ve gone higher, I would’ve missed positioning
C. 5.45 / 5.50 / 5.42 – subbed MUs for KPU
D. Done.
A. 175lbs
B. 115,125lbs
C. 7:45,7:40,7:46
D. Done
One Day behind schedule, but will catch up on thursday
A. 100kg
B. Up to 80kg
C. Scaled to 800m row/20burpees/6bmu’s. 6.11/5.49/6.07, had a pretty rough weekend snowboarding and aftersski’ing so scaled accordingly and really happy with this ?
D. Done
A. 165
B. 95 first time snatching in a while, felt better after a few sets
C. 8:56 9:18 9:20 mu took a while, rested 2 min between rounds
D. 25# Tate press and 135 rows
Fun workout thanks Tino!
Good to see you were able to snatch today! Fun start to the week!
I’m so super stoked! It’s been a while since I’ve had the equipment and time at the same time. Back at it today and did every single piece of the workout! The back bridges were some shit though. Difficult to do. Anyway.
A. 85lbs
B. 55lbs
C. Oh yeah. (Forgot) Someone was on the rower so I ran 800m instead. Each round ended up taking around 10 minutes.
D. Was good. Ended up moving down to 15lb db for the Tate’s d/t something weird in my elbow. And 45lb kb!! Fucking fun!! Thanks!
Oh yeah. Scaled the muscle ups to banded pullups and banded dips.
Great to see you were able to get a solid session in today! Let’s hope that continues!!
M&A: ✔️
A: Built to 185#. Felt good
B: Built to 140# with good mechanics
C: 6:20, 6:27, 6:47. Did pull ups instead of MU. My shoulders and lats were fried
D: ✔️
What were your shoulders and lats fried from?
Not entirely sure something from a few days ago that I’m still feeling beat up from.
A. Mostly done ?. Rocking box bridges were doing a number on my healing rotator cuff and bicep tendonitis and I had to just stop. B. Substituted with Coach Jared’s weightlifting programming. C. Scaled and modified. 500 meter row – 15 burpees over rower – 10 heavy lat pull downs at 50, 55, 60 (haven’t mastered BMU’s and pull-ups cause a lot of pain in my “possibly partially torn” bicep. Lat pull downs are a painless option and easy substitution while I heal. D. Bicep was getting very angry, so i skipped this and did my my rehab exercises instead.… Read more »
Possibly?!? Dude get that checked out by a professional. Please be smart and don’t do anything that hurts or causes discomfort!
My physical therapist says it’s possible because of symptoms I’m having but without an MRI we time can’t be 100% sure. Given I still have full range of motion and only movements that rely more heavily on the bicep muscle cause pain/discomfort, we don’t think there’s a real need for a pricey MRI. Especially when the treatment for a “confirmed” partial tear would be exactly what we’re already doing.
My motto: if there’s pain, stop.
Looks like you have it under control. Hope you get back to 100% soon!
A) went up to 115# focusing on controlled descent while engaging core properly
B) 80# felt good to focus on mechanics
C) yikes … did only 6 MU’s per round to save shoulder due to soreness over past few weeks
D) ran out of time before work
*Pedro’s wifey
Hope your shoulder is ok! Please be smart and get it checked out if you have any further issues!!
Thanks for the response and solid advice/concern! I appreciate the personal touch, and very impressed how you’re able to keep up with all the athletes here… you rock!
I try my best 🙂
Warm up ✅
A) Up to 115# probably could have went heavier but elbow was a bit annoyed today.
B) 90/90/90/90/95/95/95/95
Only 1 miss on the btk on second set
C) scaled to 5 muscle ups didn’t think I would be able to do today because my elbow was annoyed but it didn’t bother it and all were pretty solid did as singles. Last set took a long time because shoulders and pecs were smoked still sore from Saturday.
D) 15# db
65# rows
40# kb
Look after that elbow! Please be smart and adjust accordingly. I would recommend staying clear of anything that hurts for a few days!
Thanks definitely will back off anything that irritates it.
A) up to 225 at a close grip(more stable)
B) 165(high hang PR) got under 175 twice but couldnt stand it up)
800m Run
20- BFB
10-Bar MU
5:15(3:05 run)
4:45(2:58 run)
4:38(2:50 run)
All BMU Unbroken
Solid day of lifting! Congrats on the high hang PR!
Mobility & Activation: done
A. 185 lb
B. Up to 135 lb
C. 7:10/7:10/7:58
Snuck under that 8 minute mark! ?
A. Missed my second rep at 165#… unfortunately I made a big jump so my last make was 145#
B. 115#
C. Scaled to 5 MU everything else the same…
6:06 / 5:57 / 6:23
D. Done
That was a little aggressive!
Warm-up and primer done
A. Worked up to 125
B. 55-65-75-85-90-90-95-95
C.two rounds done (6:33, 7:01) scaled muscle ups down to pull ups + dips
D. Done
Tino, when it says phase two, does that mean we’re halfway through cycle one? Thanks!
Correct. Two phases to this cycle in the lead up to the online qualifiers in March. 12 weeks was too long for one cycle 🙂
A. Built to a 165# 2RM Tempo OHS @ 32X1
B. 105, 110×2, 115×2, 120#x3 for 3-Pos Snatch with Pause
C. 6:43, 7:21, 7:43 using 800 m row, 20 Burpees Over Erg, and 10 Ring MUs.
Thank you. Loved today’s workout!
Great start to the week!!
Warm up done
A. Up to 275
B. 170×2/175/185×2/195/205×2
C. RX 5:18/5:38/5:48
MU unbroken last set was tough
D. Done ??
Awesome work keeping these sub 6!
A) stopped at 265 felt like I had some more in the tank but couldn’t stabilize
B) worked up to 205
C) 5:36, 5:52, 6:20
Came out hot to see if I could hold on. First two rounds of muscle ups unbroken. Last set 8/2.
D) done.
Love the push and the fact you went out hot! ?
Do we reset between snatches
If you like but there’s no natural break so it’s ok to hold on to the bar too.
Ended up just holding on to the bar
A. Snatch balance
B. Hang snatch double up to 235
C. Power clean and power jerk emomx7 @ 245
D. Temp back squats, :05 down
Wod – ran low on time so I did 3x 500m row, 15 burpees over erg, 7 MU, rest 1:00 between rounds. 3:24, 3:46, 3:55.
A. 225. Moderate but felt good
B. 135 up to 165. No misses, felt good the whole way
C. 6:03/6:20 -bathroom break- 6:05
D. Done
Bathroom break helped that last set 🙂
Strong start to the week!