Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Ankle Pulses x 15 reps per side
Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per hip
Rack Squat
x 5 reps with a 10 second hold at bottom position
Two Sets of:
Roll to Pistol
x 5 reps per side
Scap Pull Ups x 8-10 reps
Three sets, not for time, of:
Weighted Pull Ups x 4-5 reps @ 2011
Alternating Weighted Pistols x 8 reps
Double-Unders x 40-50 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Mid-Thigh Clean + Clean
Build over the course of the six sets to today’s heavy.
Complete rounds of 9, 7 and 5 reps for time of:
135/95 lb Squat Snatches
115/65 lb Squat Snatches*
MEN 55-59
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
115/65 lb Squat Snatches*
MEN 60+
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
95/55 lbs Squat Snatches*
*A power snatch to overhead squat is allowed for 50+ divisions.
Mobility done.
A & B did not complete.
C. (50-54) ~ 14:00 Tried doing Rx squat snatch but was failing too many attempts; dropped to 95#; Rx weight doesn’t seem to heavy, just not consistent with it. Unbroken MU each round, at least there’s some improvement here.
A. 32 lb Kb for 5 strict pulls and 20 lb weighted vest for pistols. Had to use upright on rig by the end of wach set of pistols.
B. 155/175/195/205/215
C. 8:41 (+- 6 min pr) crazy improvement.
MOB & Activation done
A) Done, but felt something pull in my shoulder during weighted pus
B) Up to 115#
C) Attempted to do and got through first round of snatches but shoulder did not feel right so just practiced other movements.
A. W-PU’s @ 26#
Pistols @ 25#
B. 185/195/205hc + Failed Clean/205/205hc + failed Clean/205
C. 11:49 Got my MU’s back, took over 8 minutes off my last pitiful time. Still having to power snatch in the later rounds.
Mobility done
A. Done, pull-up not weighted
B. #95
C. 5:08 with pull-ups, not c2b
Masters 50-55
All mobility done. Plus extra work on Crossover Symmetry.
a. completed. Used 18lbs on the pull-ups and on the pistols. Shoulder still aches on pull-ups so I am keeping that light and with the pistols I am just glad to be getting them regularly
b. Worked up to 215. Had a struggle on the last one due to a faster than usual warm up.
c. did not get this done. Still smarting from a raw spot on both wrists from forgetting to tape last week.
A. Completed…was pretty pleased with double unders…3X50 and I kept waiting to fail and it did not happen.
B. Worked up to 225…
C. DNA…no ability to do this at home…
Sorry on late post.
Mob done
A. Pull ups@16kg kbell, Pistols@20kg kbell, DU 50 unb
B. 70-80-90-100-105, 110 fail from hang
C. MU 9 unb, Snatch 5-4, Mu 4-3 and then I tore my hand completely (it was already damaged from Saturdays WOD) . I was so pissed off but it was a stupid thing to continue, because I would just make things worse and not be able to train the next day. But after that I did 30 squat snatch @ 60kg, just because 😀
Mobility done
A. PU 18 lb x4 Pistols 18lb X8 50 UB DU
B. 105/115/125/135/145/150/155
C Still no MU so did 14.2 only got thru 12. Was really off today.
A. 26 lb kb x4 reps, pistols with 53 lb kb, 50 DUs
B. Just up to 225.
C. 11:23
A. Worked up to +75# for pullups, did pistols to box because of knee pain, DU (VERY broken for 40’s)
B. Worked up to 205# (knees still not warm by this point)
C. 9:01 Had a very strange feel in my left bicep. Did not want to put it with the muscle ups.
Happy Monday Good People!..
Lets do this –
A. 40# Vest, 25#KB w/pistola, Fiddy Dubs UB (Made that thang whistle!)
B. Kept it Clean (get it..) & maxed at 290#
C. 7:18 Rd of 9 UB, Rd of 7 UB MU’s & 5-2 on SN, RD of 5 (Oh Boy…) Ok here’s the thing, 4 UB MU’s … Yes, 4, then finish w/ 1. Snatches All Singles (I know right?). Lesson learned: Drill Down Mentally Son! Tried for a sub 6min finish, but just didn’t have it today. Amanda always gets to me. Damn you Amanda.
Solid work Steve! Even if your snatches are singles, I want you super aggressive with that barbell. You are following the bar back down to the ground and placing hands immediately on it! That will help get you the sub 6 you want!
Thats real talk Nichole. “Stay aggressive”. Thx
Funny boy Steve, thanks for keeping us laughing! And nice job tackling Amanda.
Thx Christine! Your numbers are pretty solid, Looking good for the Opens.
A. PUs 35#/55/55, pistol progressions & a few Rx reps :), DUs
B. 155/165/175/175/175/185 hc only
C. 9:56 @ 115, vs. 11:40 @ 115 on 1/5, 1:44 improvement 🙂
Great work Perry!
A. 10# pu/10# weighted pistols (right leg only)/DU done
B. up to 135
C. 24:43 75# (scaled to not irritate collar bone). Moved faster (Jan. time @ RX was 45 minutes). MU much better today. First round was 4 minutes faster in my MU. Learned I don’t to rest as much as I thought in between 🙂
So awesome Elissa!!!!!!!!!!!!
A-3x50DU, 3x5PU up to #40, no pistols as pisses off medial miniscus both knees last week.
B-Up to #205 kept light
C-Worked on strings of 5x135x4 sets at 1:20 average.
A. Pull-ups BW – 5, 12# – 5, 4 – 15# plate for pistols, 50 DU (UB)
B. 85/95/100/105/110/110
C. Did Saturday’s 10 min amrap w/ 16# wallball – 4 rds +15
A. Done : pistols not weighted
B. Up to 205 on hang clean, cleaned 225 for a single after last set
C. 4:44 this was 2 sec. faster than last years MQ, but noticed on video after that depth on several squats were questionable. Mobility continues to be an issue for me. I did forget my Oly shoes at home so these were done in Nanos which may or may not have made a slight difference.
That is a smokin time Al! Great job Man!
Nice job Al!
You killed that once again! So amazing sub 5, I’m working on sub 10!!!!!
A. pull ups 5 reps @ 10#, pistols 20# db to a 12″ box,
B. 95, 115, 135, 145, 145, 145
C. 105# 9:35, tried a couple of snatches and ohs @ 115, just didn’t feel like I could do 21 reps, last time I did 4 reps at 115 then failed 4 times lowered my weight to 105 to finish, my time was 21:27, at 105 was able to do singles with very little rest between each lift.
Mobility done
A. 25# for PU and pistols, DU 50’s
B.Worked up to 125#, back feeling better, like to keep it that way:)
C. 11:18RX. Super happy with this as had a crazy busy weekend and went into this tired. Master qualifier time was 14:49, Nov 7th 12:13, I missed Jan 5th due to vacation. Every time I feel more confident doing this workout and I’m even starting to like this Amanda chic!
Awesome work Christine!
Great work Christine!
Mob.& Act.: Completed
A. 5/5 pull-ups (53#)
8/8 pistols (10#)
50/50 DUs
B. 165/175/185/195/205/ failed 215
C. DNC: No energy today!!! Disappointing day!!!