February 15, 2021 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Mobility & Warm-Up
Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch

x 60 seconds per side
Butterfly Pulse x 30 seconds
Hawaiian Squats

x 5 reps per side

and then …

*Implementing nasal breathing, perform:*
Assault Bike x 2 minutes
Over/Under Barbell x 5 reps in each direction
Assault Bike x 90 seconds
Barbell Front Squat x 10 reps
Assault Bike x 60 seconds
Barbell Sotts Press x 5 reps

In 15 minutes build to today’s 2-RM…
Pause Front Squat @ 33X1

Please adhere to the tempo – 3 second descent, and a 3 second pause in the bottom position.

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch + Overhead Squat

Loading per set (by %): 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85+

Four sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Hang Power Snatch (95/65 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds

When the running clock reaches 6:00…

Four sets for max reps of:
15 seconds of Hang Power Snatch (115/75 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
40 Double-Unders
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
10 Toes-to-Bar

Athlete Notes:
Today we are back to cycling snatches. The goal is for you to use weights that allow you to hold on to the bar for the entire 30 seconds. Treat this as the skill session it is and work on ways to be more efficient in the movement. Focus on bar path and play around with how you like to bring the bar down to the ground (do you like to go into the hip or straight to the ground), grip width and when to breathe.

The barbell cycling is followed by a short classic triplet conditioning piece. For most of you, the goal should be to keep each movement unbroken. If you know that 20 snatches or 10 toes to bar will be challenging for you after a couple rounds, you may need to take a quick strategic break and cut them into two sets, and speed up your transitions to make up for lost time. Seven minutes is a relatively short time domain, so there is not much time to waste getting chalk or with long transitions. Set your rope and dumbbells next to the pull up bar and as soon as you finish one station, start the next. The real station that will determine your speed on this workout, as long as your are doing the transitions quickly, is the snatches so know how you will cycle them. Below coach Hunter Britt demos a few variations of cycling dumbbell snatches:
Switch hands on the descent
Switch hands on the floor

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The start of the workout will be closer to 85-90% RPE and will build into 100% where you are giving it everything you have in the last 90 seconds of this amrap.

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Katie Hergenrother
Katie Hergenrother
February 23, 2021 7:36 am

MOB & warmup ✅
A. Est’d 170#
B. 90–>125#
C. 65# —> 11-11-11-10; 75# —> 6-6-6-6
D. 221 reps RX

Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
February 16, 2021 11:23 am

A. 255
B. 95 up to 155
C1. 12 across
C2. 6 across
D. 3 rounds even in 7min
6 rounds in 15:43

Siamak Asemi Esfahani
Siamak Asemi Esfahani
February 16, 2021 5:49 am

A. 225 lbs
B. 115/135/145/155/165/175 lbs
C. 95 lbs= 18/16/16/10
115 lbs= 6/6/6/5
D. Rx: 3 rounds+41 reps

Eduardo Ruanova Salazar
Eduardo Ruanova Salazar
February 15, 2021 6:20 pm

Mobility & warmup ✅
A. 275
B. 115/ 135/ 155/ 165/ 165/ 185
C1. 13/ 10/ 8/ 9
C2. 6/ 5/ 3/ 6
D. 3 Rd + 40 DU

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 6:44 pm

done ✅

Chris Hoptowit
Chris Hoptowit
February 15, 2021 6:06 pm

Warmup done
A. Front squat tempo 95/135/165/185/215/235/245 failed the second squat hold
B. 95/115/135/155/165/175
C. 95 – 14/13/12/14 reps
115 – 7-6-6-7
D. 3 rds + 55 reps had to sub ghd the rig was full of ppl doing squats.

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 6:43 pm
Reply to  Chris Hoptowit


James Wozniak
James Wozniak
February 15, 2021 5:44 pm

A. Built to 305
B. Built to 205
C. @95 14/13/11/11
@115 6/6/6/6
D. 4+64 Rx

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 6:43 pm
Reply to  James Wozniak

Good start to the week!

Robert DeLeon
Robert DeLeon
February 15, 2021 5:30 pm

A: 95-185
B: 115, 135, 145, 155, 160×2. Had multiple missed snatches at this weight. Couldn’t punch through but eventually got it
C: 95# 7/7/7/7, 115# 4/3/3/4
D: 2-2/3 rounds. That was a fun one!

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 6:43 pm
Reply to  Robert DeLeon

Good job coming back and hitting that 160!

Nathaniel Olsen
Nathaniel Olsen
February 15, 2021 4:52 pm

A) Kept it light. Up to 235.

B) Just did 2 hang power snatches. Up to 185.

C) 18/17/16/16 then 8/8/8/8

D) 5 rounds. UB. Quick transys. Felt right.

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 6:42 pm

Solid start to the week!

Raul Galvan III
Raul Galvan III
February 15, 2021 3:47 pm

A) up to 315lbs
B)up to 200
*only have 55lbs DB
Skipped C due to my last snatch that almost landed on my head and got me way out of focus.

Last edited 4 years ago by Raul Galvan III
Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 4:32 pm

????????????‍♂️ be careful!

Bronco MacDonald
Bronco MacDonald
February 15, 2021 3:32 pm

A. Up to 295#
B. 155-215#
C. 13/10/10/10 then 5/5/3/5
D. 2+ 50

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 4:31 pm


Kathryn Salmon
Kathryn Salmon
February 15, 2021 3:06 pm

Working back into things with the knee
Mobility and warmup done
A: easy 195 didn’t push it
B: got to 115
C: 11, 10, 10, 10; 6, 5, 6, 6
D: 2 R very slow today no steam left

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 4:31 pm
Reply to  Kathryn Salmon

Hope your knee is improving!

Brian Fitzpatrick
Brian Fitzpatrick
February 15, 2021 3:02 pm

Back has been tweaked so skipping the lifting portions for now. Hoping to work them back in towards the end of this week.

C. 15/12/9/10 @95
8/5/6/6 @115

This lit my shoulders up big time.

D. 3 + 23 du. Not feeling super focused today. Du were not smooth. Tripped once or twice each set. This cost me a lot of time. Would like to hit this again in a better head space.

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 4:31 pm

How did you hurt your back? Hope to see you back to full health soon!

Brian Fitzpatrick
Brian Fitzpatrick
February 15, 2021 5:16 pm
Reply to  Santino Marini

Not too sure. Flared up one morning and I decided to go snowmobiling which lead to it flaring up like crazy. Definitely getting better though. Went to the chiro last week and have been doing a bunch of mobility.

Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
February 15, 2021 1:49 pm

A) every 3’ for 15’ min 10 cal ski 20 single arm db th to bench (22.5kg) 10 hand release push ups 1:36 1:37 1:37 1:38 1:38 B) 3 rounds 20 cal bike erg 15 shspu 10 bar mu 9:52 At the 15’ mark 3 rounds 20 cal ab 40 tempo air squats to bench Around 7’ 3 rounds 100 du 10 strict pull ups 30”straight leg hold into 30” flutter kicks Emom for 16’ 1: 30” top ring support hold 2: 20 m dumbell carry (left oh, right on shoulder), the 20m alt. 3: strict knee raises from bar… Read more »

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
February 15, 2021 2:57 pm
Reply to  Aron Megyik

Just keep trying to work while healing the back! I hope that gets better soon.

Dylan Weller
Dylan Weller
February 15, 2021 12:09 pm

A. Up to 295
B. 135/155/175/185/200/210
C. 95# 16/13/12/13
115# 8/7/7/8
D. Rx 4rounds + 35du

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
February 15, 2021 2:54 pm
Reply to  Dylan Weller

Looks like you made it a good Monday! On to day two

Dennis Chaumet
Dennis Chaumet
February 15, 2021 12:03 pm

A. 100kg

B. Up to 80kg x2 sets (85%)

C. 40kg 4×10 reps / 50kg 4×5 reps

40 jumps over DB
20 DB Snatch
10 Dragon Flags


Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 12:09 pm
Reply to  Dennis Chaumet

Fun start to the week!

Jesse Johnson
Jesse Johnson
February 15, 2021 11:38 am

A) hit 315 easy. Went for 335, failed on the way up on the second rep
B) 165/185/205/215/225/230
C) 15/15/15/14 for 95
8/8/8/8 for 115
D) 4 + 12 DB snatch. I guess I was just moving sluggish. No breaks or pauses between movements

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 12:08 pm
Reply to  Jesse Johnson

Be aggressive and trust your fitness!

February 15, 2021 11:18 am

A: 135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 215, 230LBS
B: 100, 120, 130, 135, 145, 150lbs
C: Done @ 65lbs (working on technique)
@ 75lbs
D: Only have a se of 30lbs DBs. 2 T2Bs short of 5 rnds (I switched hands on floor)

Last edited 4 years ago by PATRICK BUCKLES
Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 11:23 am

Awesome to see you back!

Cathrine Nyhus Hagum
Cathrine Nyhus Hagum
February 15, 2021 10:40 am

Mobility & Warm-Up Done
Nasal breathing Done
A. 55 kg (82%)
B. 25/ 29/ 32/ 35/ 36/ 38 kg (90%)
C1. 9/ 9/ 10/ 11 reps (55 lbs)
C2. 8/ 8/ 8/ 8 reps (65 lbs)
D. Rx, 3 rounds + 53 reps

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
February 15, 2021 11:23 am

Solid start to the week!

Joaquín López
Joaquín López
February 15, 2021 10:19 am

A. Up to 130kg ????
B. 60/70/75/80/86kg fail OS
43kg: 12/11/10/13= 56
50kg: 8/7/6/6= 27
D. RX 3 rounds + 46 reps

Last edited 4 years ago by Joaquín López
Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
February 15, 2021 10:30 am

Starting the week off right! Nice job

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
February 15, 2021 10:14 am

Warmup done
A. Up to 135Kg
B. 60/65/67.5/70/72.5/75Kg
C. Rx
1515/15/14 = 59 reps
7/8/7/7 = 29 reps
Tried so hard for 60/30; next time.
D. 5 rnds Rx

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
February 15, 2021 10:28 am
Reply to  Wilson Hopkins

AH just one rep. Great work today on both the cycling and the metcon

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
February 15, 2021 11:32 am
Reply to  Hunter Britt

Thanks Hunter. Shoulder fatigue was getting me by the fourth set of each. Felt really good cycling the BB though. The METCON was a wheelhouse workout. 5 rnds was the goal. Definitely could get a bit more, but not much.

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