Four sets of
5 Depth Jump with Vertical Take-Off
15 second Assault Bike Sprint
Rest 60 seconds
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat
*Sets 1-2 = 3 reps @ 85%
*Sets 3-4 = 2 reps @ 90%
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 95+%
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Build to today’s heaviest set.
Ten rounds for time of:
1 Rope Climb (15′)
3 Power Cleans (225/155 lbs)
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2″/0″ Deficit
Compare results to January 10, 2020.
Three sets of:
Safety Bar or Regular Barbell Good Morning x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
Reverse Hypers* x 25 reps @ 50% of 1-RM Back Squat
Rest 2 minutes
*If you don’t have access to a reverse hyper please perform band pull-throughs.
Two sets of:
3 Minutes of Banded March while Holding Sandbag/Ball (heavier than last week)
Rest 2 minutes
A: ✔️
B: 200x3x2, 210x2x2, 225x1x2. These felt good
C: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, didn’t finish the last set due to a call at work
D: Doing Sunday
E: ✔️
A. Done (10 cal AAB all sets)
B. Set 1-2: 345 ✅
Set 3-4: 365 (failed the second rep )
Set 5-6: 385 failed
My back is hurt . It is my 90%
C. Up to 235 lb
D. 21:20
Better than January for 23 seconds
Scaled to 205 lb in Power clean like January
E & F. Done
A. Done
B. Up to 305#
C. Up to 225#
D. Scaled 205#, no deficit sHSPU
15:48 v 17:48 (10/01/20)
F. Done
Crushed that previous time! Great work!!
A. Done with db squat jumps and row
B. 255 265 275 280 285
C. Up to 205
D. Done with 175 and db strict press 45
E. Done with 135 safety bar and back extensions
Fun workout thanks Tino!
A. Done 37 cals total
B. 265/285/305
C. 135/165/185/205/215/225/235/245
Missed the jerk at 245, but feel Strong one those cleans
D. 16:10 scale at 185
E. Done
F. Done
Good work today Enrique!
A. Done
B. 132.5/132.5/140/140/147.5/150Kg
C. Up to 110Kg
D. 5 towel PUs and no deficit HSPU, same 10 Jan.
Today – 19:21
10 Jan – 20:13
Huge improvement across the board today in HSPU, though scaled to strict. Did UB 6 SHSPU every round, last time I only did 5 and broke 3/2. Shoulders felt strong and stable today; such a good feeling. The PC slowed me down; slow singles every round.
E. Done with reverse hypers and 40Kg BB.
F. Done
Yeah!!! So awesome to see these movements improving! I know how they’re your nemesis!! Great work!
Thanks Tino.
A. Done
B. 275/290/310
C. 265
D. Skipped
E. Done with barbell and pull throughs.
F. Done 125# bag
Doing a MF partner comp tomorrow. Forgot to mention Rx team qualifies for the MACC as well ??. Thanks for all the great programming!
Good luck dude!! Let me know how it goes!!
Did Wednesday’s yesterday
B. 85×3, 95×3, 100#x3
C. 150x2x4, 160#x2x4
D. Built to 110# for a 10RM PP. New PR! 10# heavier than on January 8th, 2020 and 5# heavier than my all-time 10RM from September 26th, 2016.
B. 225x3x2, 240x2x2, 250#x1
C. Built to 180#
D. 15:27 using 5 towel pull-ups, 155# PCs, and 6 SHSPUs to floor. Last time was 15:55
F. 2 sets done
Two good days of work Corey! Congrats on those improvements! Pretty awesome considering your crazy schedule!
A. Done
B. 63 kg/67kg/71kg
C. up to 52 Kg tried 55kg but failed
D. Done. Time: 23:35
(did the HSPU with 15 kg plate and Ab mat but strict! Clean with 40 kg)
E. Done 15, 20 KG Barbell
F. Done
A. Done
B. Up to 380 – based this cycle off 365 so I’m happy with this
C. Up to 315
D. RX 11:59 last time was 11:22 but hspu were much better last time only had to break the last round today had to break the last few. Not too concerned with this
E. Done with band pull thru
F. Done
Solid days work Bobby!
A. Done
B. Done up to 200lbs . No PR attempt today, just went to a heavy
C. Final made set 165lbs. Attempted 175 but missed the jerk!
D. 15:21 with 125lb bar. Two min slower but I also had a 15’ rope this time and decided to break up my SHSPU from the start— last time I started unbroken and blew up
E. Done with 105lbs for GMs
F. Done with band and 60lb slam ball
A. Snatches from weightlifting program
B. Enderton front squats
C. Wod – 9:17 @ 185, forget what my last time was but moved consistently the whole time. Hspu were tough today for some reason.
Solid work going sub 10!
A) done with 24”box
B) 150/155
170/175. That’s the number I’m using for my 1RM right now post injury so happy to hit that.
C) 105/115/125/130/135/140/145/155 missed the jerk rushed it
D) used same weight as last time 115# and 1 abmat for shspu all sets UB and this is only 2nd time doing rope climbs in a year
10:22 today. 12:01 1-7-20
E) 85#
F) 75# sandbag
Crushed your previous PR! Great work Elena!
? thanks tino!!
A. Done
C. Up to 115kg
D. 11:27 scaled to 85kg no deficit HSPU (previous time with pike push ups 12:54)
Shoulders ???
E. Done
F. Done modified
Huge PR today! Great to see you hit all those strict HSPU!
A) Done
B) 60 – 63 – 67kg
C) Up to 50kg
D) Valentine’s Day Partner Wod from my Gym – with my Valentine and partner of crime Peter ❤️
In teams of 2:
100 Box Jumps (24”/20”)
100 PU
100 KBs (53/35)
100 Alternating Lunges
100 T2B
100 Hang Power Snatches (75/55lb)
100 Abmat Sit ups
100 Wall balls (20/14)
100 Burpees
100 DU
RX for me/ scaled for Peter – 31:12
E) Done @ 65lb , 50lb and 20lb Medball ( Belt squat machine)
Happy Valentine’s Day!! ❤️
A. Done. B. 298-315-332 lbs. C. Cleared to strict press with no pain. Did the complex with strict press up to 70 kg, then did only clean + front squat up to 125 kg (my current PR, and I feel I could have gotten a new PR… next week!) D. Did a scaled version of our gym Valentines Partner WOD. Original: In partners: 100 Box Jumps 24”/20” 100 Pull Ups 100 KBS 53/35 100 Alternating Lunges 100 T2B 100 Hang Power Snatches 75/55 100 AbMat Sit Ups 100 Wall Balls 20/14 100 Burpees 100 Double Unders It’s a chipper, but… Read more »
Awesome to see that your shoulder is feeling better! Good to see you’ve continued to progress in other areas. Now you’re healthy time to get that overhead back up while keeping you healthy!
A. Done
B. Every 3 for 18 2×8@225 2×6@255 2×4@275
C. Up to 255-niiiice n easy
D. 15:29. 12:43 last time so much slower today. Hspu were the difference, wasn’t able to stay unbroken like last time
E and F. Done
Take the weekend off. Intensity will drop back for the first few weeks of phase two so that should help.
A) Done
B) 285/300×1/320 (97%) fail. Bad lifting day.
C) Skipped cause of shoulder
D) 2 rounds for time:
400m run
25 DB OHS (good arm only)
25 DB box step ups (open style)
E) Done
F) Skipped no time
May be time for a deload week for me
Take it easy this weekend and get ready to start the next phase on Monday!
I second the deload week!
“deload weekend” 🙂
A. Done
B. 57/ 57/ 60/ 60/ 64/64 (85-95%)
C. 35/ 40/ 42/ 44/ 46/ 47/ 48/ 50 kg
D. Done with 45 kg barbell and 1 abmat (same modifications as January 10th)
January 10th: 13:37
Today: 11:24
E. Done with 30 kg barbell and banded pull-throughs
F. Done with 50 lb D-ball
Awesome to see you take over 2 minutes off of your previous time!!
Unilateral leg work Jared’s Snatches (Clean complexes tomorrow) B. Front squats with one 10# plate under the leg in the direction of the lean (saw a squat university video where they recommend this if you have a hip shift because it forces the weak leg to work a little harder – love it!! D. Scaled to 135# rope is about 13’ so didn’t let myself jump up to the rope : 9:17…. could have been under 9 ? unbroken HSPUs until the round and then I hit a walk out of no where!!! Literally had to do 3 + 3… Read more »
Reverse Hyper???
Yes lol I can’t figure out how to post a picture but I googled “reverse hyper without a machine” and there is a video called “Just a moment with the coach” and he shows you how to do it with a band and GHD!
Good mornings are sufficient