Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121 (face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121 (face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps (face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 20 seconds on the rack/20 seconds off the rack x 2 sets (no rest)
For time:
60/40 calorie Assault Bike
40 Handstand Push-Up
For time:
50/30 calorie Assault Bike
40 Push-Press (95/65 lbs)
*If you are not participating in the open then please do not do kipping handstand push-ups. Instead, substitute with push-press.
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
Rest 3 minutes between sets
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Back Squats x 2 reps @ 85%
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes (7 sets of each):
Minute 1 – 5 Hang Squat Snatches + 10 Hand Release Push-Ups
Minute 2 – 10 Toes-to-Bar + 20 Double-Unders
Minute 3 – 6 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs (all athletes use a 20″ box)
115/75 lbs, 50/35 lbs DBs
50-54: 95/65 lbs, 50/35 lbs DBs
55+: 85/55 lbs, can receive in the power position and then ride it down into the bottom of the squat; 35/20 lbs DBs
Practice cycling that squat snatch with effeciency and speed. I’d also like you to practice keeping focused on the task at hand and not thinking about the next minute. Stay disciplined with your mind and only focus on what is needed to be done in the current minute. Once you’ve completed the task, use the remainder of the time to stand tall, calm your breathing down and calm your mind down.
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions. If you are not participating in the Open, then please perform the below session instead of Part C).
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets) for times:
Row 500 Meters
Hello from Perth Australia. I’ve only just started but better late than never and I have my work cut out for me. A) 40 Cal Bike + 40 Push Press w 15kg bar 6:38 B) 5 reps @ 54kg, 3 reps @ 66kg, 1 rep @ 81kg then EMOM 2 reps @ 73kg C) 1) Hang Squat Snatch 17kg, (bit of mobility to work on), 10 Incline pushups 2) 10 T2B + 10 D/U (some practice needed here) in the end I struggled to get any DU in 3) DB Burpee Step Overs, started at 10kg, dropped to 6kg Back… Read more »
been on the road so have had to do class workouts with minimum time. Today was an exception, albeit a day late!
DMA Done
11:24 don’t know what happened but shoulders were smoked – this is usually one of my better movements. Bike was 4:11.
250# on the back squats
21 minute emom – done – scaled some of the movements. used 25# BBSO.
Made up Tuesdays here. Stuck with work two Tuesdays in a row, can’t miss this again. A. Press in Receiving x 5 reps – 45/50/50# Muscle Snatch x 2 reps – 50/55/60/65# Snatch Balance x 2 reps – 75/85/90/95# B. Snatch x 1 rep – 95/95/102/102/107/107# Snatch x 1 rep – 107/107/107# Much more pushing through the legs and solid in the receiving. C. 35-54: For max reps: 30 seconds of Alternating Dumbbell Snatches – 35# – 14 45 seconds of Box-Facing Burpee Box Jump-Overs – 24” – 12 Two rounds for time of: 50/35 lb Alternating Dumbbell Snatches x… Read more »
Still sick with some kind of upper respiratory infection, but wanted to do something today. DMA – done A – did a 6 min EMOM of 4 kipping HSPUs – those are still pretty slow and challenging for me. B1 – back squats based on 1RM of 200# 5 reps @ 140# 3 reps @ 160# 1 rep @ 180# B2 – EMOM8 – 2 reps @ 170# – challenging, but all felt good C – practiced DB snatches – I took a couple of videos – they look good, but still feel pretty awkward. D – finished with 10… Read more »
Hopefully today you can prioritize some extra sleep to help get over that respiratory infection!
Will do! Working a little from home today, but will take naps and rest mostly. Was coughing my head off last night… 🙁
A. 6:54. 40 strict HSPUs in sets ranging from 7s to 4s. Bike was just under 4:00 I think.
B. 245, 280, 315, then 8×1 at 300#.
C. For Minute 1, did hang power snatches rounds 1-4 then hang squat cleans last three rounds (my legs were shot!). The rest of the workout done Rx. DBBBJOs are really nasty.
A. 6:12 AB 3:50 Push-Press 10/10/10/10
B. Skipped
C. Modified today
5 Hang squat snatches 55lb
5 T2B 20 DU
6 Burpee step ups, new standard
Rest day tomorrow!
A: 5:53
B: 365 on 2s. Rough
C: Done. Rough
A. 7:36 (noon) 3:55 – Assaut Bike (held rpm at 60 rpm throughout) 10 – 10 – 8 – 4 – 4 (tried to stick with sets of 10 but couldn’t quite hold them on the third set) (am) B1. 180 – 205 – 230 B2. 217 Took 1 minute rest rather than doing on 1 minute. C. (noon) 1. able to do all the hang squat snatches at 85 lb. and didn’t have to put the bar down but once when I missed a snatch. 2. dropped down to 5 T2B + 20 after round 4. Was only able… Read more »
A. Only had time for A today, at home. Used airdyne, so did 80 cals which was about 3 min, then 40 hspu. I agree triceps were a bit fried by end. I remember when it took 28 minutes the first time I tried 30 hspu many years ago before I knew how to kip! Yay to improvement.
Major improvement!
A. 4:23
(revved RPM to 70, then dropped to 65 for a bit, settled in at 62-59; 15/15/10 kipping Hspu)
B. Skipped
C. Done (did DB Burpee Box Step Ups to full standing position instead of step overs…less irritation on my knee, interesting enough it took me the exact same amount of time as the step over version, all stations completed in :28-:32)
Fast! – you need more calories on the bike haha
I’m good with 40 cals, thanks though! ? I figure at 5’2” and 128#, It’s only fair!
A) 3:02 AB, 6:00 to complete. 10/10/10/10 HSPU
B) 140/160/180, then 8 sets at 170
C) modified to:
5 HSquat snatch+8 BF burpees(65#)
10 t2b+ 20DU
12 DB walking lunge(35#)
My back doesn’t like the db step over so much, this was perfect!
Thanks for a great day. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Nichole when are you going come visit us in the Hood!!
I am coming on Friday of next week for the first Open workout!!!
Heck yah! That will be awesome!!!!!
A. 5:36 40 cal/40 push press 10/10/10/3/7 broke down at the end. Couldn’t get that last 10
B. Done. %s felt light.
Optional session conditioning done. I’m not sure why it was so mentally challenging. All 6 rounds consistent at 2minutes. Tried to work on my slow steady pull on rower. I came out slightly spastic and too fast on round 1 so I tried to keep an even pace the last 5 rounds.
A) Same as Dean – goal here was to see if shoulder could hold up on HSPU. Felt OK after yesterday’s snatches and C2B. Bike took 3:30, did 20 broken HSPU with no pain (but shoulders fatigued quick). Did 20 PP at 95# to finish. Good to get some HSPU in again! B) Done as RX – wow that 8 min EMOM was no joke! C) Started as RX, but after 2 rounds decided I was pushing the shoulder a bit more than I should. Wanted to stick with T2B since I haven’t done those in a while, so switched… Read more »
Yay for no pain!!!!!
A. Rx5:32 bike in 3:12 68 rpm ave
A) 5:57/ bike was 2:58,10,10,5,3,7,5 felt good to be able to kip! Hspu were smooth
B) 265,300,340, 8min emom @ 320
C) done. Went really smooth for the most part! Had one fail on the snatch and onectrip on the dubs, everything else went smooth. Had anywhere from 35-20 rest each time.
Mobility completed
A)Completed not for time. This was the first time doing hspu since my shoulder issues. Completed the bike around 3:30 and happy to report no pain in my shoulder from the hspu. Was able to complete 10/10/5/5/5/5
B2)242.5(8) This was spicy
C)Completed. Interval one only did x5 HSS @ 95# and the rest was completed as written
This afternoon I will get some bodywork done on my shoulder to see if we can help the recovery process.
A. 4:58 M40Rx (2:50 60 cals average 72 rpm). HSPU mostly strict – 17+7+5+5+4+2
B. 140kg, 160kg, 180kg then 170kg
C. Later
So fast Rob!
A. 6:28 (3:00 60 cals and then kipping Hspus very broken up. Done on 45’s to an abmat) haven’t done these in a very long time and my shoulder endurance was pretty brutal on them. Not sure if I went too hard on the bike or if I just need a lot more work here. Probably the latter. B1 235×5/265×3/315×1 (by accident, I thought i was doing 305, it’s been so long I’ve forgotten how to count anything above 300 lol) nice to squat heavier again. B2 265×2 x 4 sets scaled down on percentages and stopped after 4 mins.… Read more »
A. 7:03. Bike was 3:30. HSPU 10/8/5/4/4/5/4
Triceps were the issue. They blew up.
B. Still front squatting only. This was super tough but made all reps.
C. Done as Rx. Those Push-ups though! Front squats probably added to shoulder/arm fatigue. T2B and DU unbroken.
Hopefully have the energy to practice some MUs later.
A. 7:06. Not sure why but shoulders were blown up from get go. Maybe the snatches from yesterday?
B. Skipped. Knee a little stiff and wanted to be able to do part C
C. All completed UB.
Snatched :15-:20
T2B/Dubs about:30
Burpee Step overs got rough. :30-:40
Hopefully your shoulders get some good rest tomorrow!
Yeah a little rest will do it. I was just disappointed as typically my HSPU are decent. Only did 10/10/5/5/5/5.
Mine were atrocious today as well!
Yeah I noticed my shoulders yesterday during the snatches… I had a massage this morning and my pecs I think were a majority of the issue …it was like concrete cables in there!