This week you can compare your 45 second sprint workout distances to week ones effort. Be sure to check out the IT Band and Hip Stretches in the ‘cool down’ for this week.
Next week we will re-test the 2 Mile Time Trial, followed by a transition week and then we’ll start the new cycle on March 5th.
If you are just starting the program this week then go back to the first week of the cycle (Jan 2nd) and start there so as to properly build in running volume.
Please continue to use #InvictusEndurance when you post photos/videos to social media.
Run for 5 minutes at moderate pace (50%)
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Samson Stretch x 10 reps (each leg)
Reverse Lunges x 10 meters
High Knees x 20 meters
One Leg Jumps x 10 reps (each leg)
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Ball of foot hopping drills
Pulling with forward movement
Followed by…
Sprint 50 meters @ 60% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 meters @ 70% effort
Rest as needed
Sprint 50 meters @ 80% effort
Rest as neeed
Sprint 50 meters @ 90% effort
Cool Down
10 Minute Jog
IT Band Stretch
Couch and Double Pigeon Stretch
Session One
VO2 Max
Complete as many rounds as possible in 24 minutes:
45 second sprint
Rest as needed in between efforts
Complete as many rounds as possible in 28 minutes:
45 second sprint
Rest as needed in between efforts
Complete as many rounds as possible in 32 minutes:
45 second sprint
Rest as needed in between efforts
You can compare distances covered to the first week of this cycle
Session Two
Aerobic Threshold
Two sets of:
Mile Hill
Easy walk back down to restart
If you are doing this on a treadmill you can do a 5 minute jog at a moderate pace in between
Session Three
Lactate Threshold
Run x 5 minutes
Rest x 2 minutes
Run x 6 minutes
Rest x 90 seconds
Run x 7 minutes
Rest x 1 minute
Run x 8 minutes
Run x 6 minutes
Rest x 2 minutes
Run x 7 minutes
Rest x 90 seconds
Run x 8 minutes
Rest x 1 minute
Run x 9 minutes