Workout of the Day
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Front Squat
* Set 1 – 3 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
* Set 2 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
* Set 4 – 3 reps @ 90%
* Set 5 – 5 reps @ 85%
* Set 6 – 5 reps @ 80%
* Set 7 – 5 reps @ 75%
* Set 8 – 5 reps @ 70%
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 2-3 reps
(Go up in weight from last week – a good goal would be a 5% increase.)
Rest 90 seconds
Single Arm DB Rows x 6-8 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
MEN – 40-49
For time:
Run 400 Meters
15 Muscle-Ups
Run 400 Meters
12 Muscle-Ups
Run 400 Meters
9 Muscle-Ups
MEN – 50-54 & WOMEN 40-44
For time:
Run 400 Meters
12 Muscle-Ups
Run 400 Meters
9 Muscle-Ups
Run 400 Meters
6 Muscle-Ups
MEN – 55-59 & WOMEN 45-49
For time:
Run 400 Meters
9 Muscle-Ups
Run 400 Meters
6 Muscle-Ups
Run 400 Meters
3 Muscle-Ups
WOMEN – 50-54
For time:
Run 400 Meters
6 Muscle-Ups
Run 400 Meters
4 Muscle-Ups
Run 400 Meters
2 Muscle-Ups
MEN – 60+ & WOMEN 55-59
For time:
Run 400 Meters
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Run 400 Meters
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Run 400 Meters
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
WOMEN – 60+
For time:
Run 400 Meters
21 Pull-Ups
Run 400 Meters
15 Pull-Ups
Run 400 Meters
9 Pull-Ups
Three sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 5-7 reps
Rest as needed
Feet Elevated Supine Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
Forgot to enter this morning A. 250/275/295/285/270/250/235/220 all went well. Set 4 at 285 felt hard but good. B. 125 – 50lbs for rows (never done before so I went easy on it) ———FRUSTRATION ALERT!———- C. This was the worst for me. Couldn’t get one MU so switched to bar MUs, and still no go. Not sure what happened? First time this has happened. For me bar MUs are even easier than ring. Normally if I fail at ring, I can still get bar MUs. So switched up to chest to bars 21,15,9. So so so frustrated with my MU… Read more »
Don’t worry a bit, current schedule is so heavy and builds overall capacity that they will fly before Open. We all have those weak days in this off-season program but it tells that you did heavy on previous days and that’s gona give progresss 🙂
A. 245,260,275,290,275,260,245,230,215
B. 140 press
2 pood for rows
C. 18:53 rx. Was a hot mess during the muscle ups from the get go…..
D. Done
A. 135/145/150/145/140/135/125/120 B. 3 reps of 75/85/95, 2 reps at 105, 1 rep at 107, yes! better than last week! Rows all at 40#. C. I had to scale this because I’m having a wrist issue. Not sure what’s going on but when I turn it a certain direction I get a horrible sharp shooting pain! I was scared to be dynamic on the rings and kipp so I pretty much did these strict. Run 400m, 5 MU’s/10 burpee C2B, Run 400m, 3MU’s/9 burpee C2B, Run 400m 2 MU’s/7 burpee C2B. 13:57. Runs felt good, it’s been frickin cold here… Read more »
Take care of your wrist. I would check out upstream and make sure your shoulders aren’t too tight, possibly causing some pain downstream.
Nice push with your wrist….take care of it, don’t over do 🙂
So this week has been a rough one…couldn’t complete Wed programming due to feeling super worn down, fatigued, burned out, etc etc 🙁 Came back at it today, but still not feeling 100%. Also, right shoulder is really aggravated this week…front rack was feeling it today even during FS. Think I may take an extra day off tomorrow!! A. 155/170/180/175 (missed #3)/165/155/145/135 B. sets of 3: 55/60/65/70/75 Better than last week, so happy here! C. 7:30. Shoulder bugging, so subbed med ball slams(for 21, 15, 9) instead of MU or CTB. Thank goodness I love to run… D. Done. First… Read more »
Sounds like you got a good plan, 2 days rest will do you wonders:)
A) 245/255/285/275/255/245/225/215 – these felt really heavy
B) 175×2 for all, rows were 70# kb and a 25# plate held with finger-tips..haha.
C) 15:21 – MU’s were 5/5/4/1, 5/4/3, 5/3/1
D) skipped
A. Done off 280
B.125 x 3/ 60×6
C. 9:23 (Rx 50-54) runs really slow but MU unbroken
D. Done
You are one crazy MU man! Excellent!
Thanks Christine. I wish I were a little more well rounded like yourself but it is fun for me when Wods like this come up. Nice work on your met con also. I hope your wrist feels better. I was dealing with something like that for about two months after the Games. I really had to back off on movements that aggravated it but it eventually healed.
Great work!
C. Stopped at 20 min, even scaled to 3/2/1 MU and couldn’t get last one. Kept losing grip, still adjusting to jumping to rings. Too many fails and had to shut it down so I wasn’t completely worthless for oly session with coach after.
At least you got a few, they will come back around:)
A. 195/215/230/220/210/195/185/170. 230 felt really easy and I was tempted to just go for a 1rm!!
B. 125X3/135X3/135X3/130X3/130X3
DB: 45X8
C. skipped. Still nursing pec injury and not able to do MU’s. Rainy and 30F outside as well.
D. RDL 75X7/95X7/95X7 with ring rows to nipples
Nice work on the squat!
A: Done- Based off 255#
B: Strict Press: 135#
DB Row: 75 # (don’t have heavier DBs)
C: 13:58 RX’D (15-12-9 MU’s)
D: Oops just saw this
Nice work!
Sickness bug got me Monday afternoon , just getting over nasty head cold but figured I would get some strength in.
A-Up to 2 sets 5 at 225.
B-Snatch practice, high, mid, below knee up to 125.
C. 20 Squat Snatch at 135 in 9 min. I know this is slow for some but for me a major hurrdle. I have a goal of Amanda in under 12 min before I turn 48 which gives me a half a year or so.
Totally doable!
A. 85, 90, 95, 95, 90, 85, 78, 73 kg
B. Seated press 50 kg* 2,2,2,2,2
Single arm DB row 35 kg * 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8, 8/8
C. Cannot do muscle ups. Scaled with rubber band 15.59
D.RDL 80 kg * 6, 6, 6;
RR 10, 10, 8
Geared down a bit today, Garage Games comp tomorrow.
A. FS 210/220/235/225/205(3)/195(3)/185(3)/185(3), felt strong
B. Seated Press 95(5)/105(3)/115(3)/120(3)/125(3), felt good
C. 12:55 scaled: 500m row x 3, 5MU/8C2B, 5 MU/2C2B, 2MU/2C2B
D. Skipped, did extra mobility instead
A. Well I did back squat on accident. Meh…
B. 55×3/65×3/75×3/85×3/95×2
DB rows @25#x8
C. Scaled a lot here sort of have a little to prove to myself.
400m run 5 MUs, 400m run 4 MUs, 400m run 3 MUs. 9:04
Have never done this many ring muscle ups in a wod or probably ever. Runs felt good today. Small win here.
Rows x 10
Yay Mel for getting back on those MU!! 🙂 That’s awesome girl!!
Nice girl!
Solid work! Wahoo!!!!!
Nice job Mel on those MU…confidence builder:)
A (125kg) first 5 reps on 106kg was really hard but I survived.
B Up to 2x66kg.
6 reps with 32kg all sets.
C 40-49, 16:41. Time flies when I start to struggle with the MU.
D skipped this one.
A. Did not do. Spent 20-25 min warming up/stretching, did a couple rounds of light weight squats to get ready and then aggravated the muscle in my back again just picking a bumper up off the floor. Its not so bad I’m down and out, but it’s limiting my movement – frustrating. B. Skipped C. (50-54) 11:26 MU 9/4, 3/3/2/1, 3/2/1 don’t know what I was thinking the first round and did an extra one. Think I could have gone unbroken the first round but didn’t want to burn out, felt like I did any way the second and third… Read more »
Take care of that back!
A. 150/170/180/170/160/150/145/135
B. 55/67/75/85×3, 90×2, DB rows 8X25#
C. 11:20 C2B’s, still can’t find M.U.
D. 55/75/95×8, elevated RR 3×8
The deadlifts and the DB rows are new for me so I didn’t really know where to start with weight and the elevated ring rows were much more difficult than I anticipated.
A. 255/280/305/290/270/255/240/225 When I started warming up for FS today I thought there was no way I was going to hit my numbers but ended up feeling really strong.
B. skipped today
C. DNF, Got 9 MUs in first round but couldn’t get past 3 in the second as my shoulder was trashed. On a positive note, 12 is the most MUs I’ve gotten during a WOD. I was able to get the first reps in quickly after returning from the run.
Nice push with a wounded wing:)
Thanks Christine. I’m paying for it now.
What the issue with it?
Old age 😉
impingement, lack of scapular stabilization.
Do you have access to a Crossover Symmetry system? That can be a deal breaker.
No, but I seeing an Airrosti provider. The exercises he’s having me do are similar. I’ll keep you updated on my progress.
A. 240,255,270,270,255,240,225,225
B.140×3,145×3,150×1,145×2,150×2–DB rows 70×8
C. 18:17
A. 108-115-122-122-115-108-101-95
B. 55-60-65-68-70; 3 reps for all sets
C. 12:37 (women 55-59 C2B since I don’t have MUs)
D. 55 # RDL and completed all elevated RR
E. suck bucket: HSPU progression 5 sets slow negatives
A. 120-128-137-135-128-120-112-105
B. 57-63-68-73-75 Each set was 5% increase
C. 9:43 C2B
D. 55-65-70 & E. RR