**Skills & Conditioning Transition Week – The official Open-Prep Cycle begins January 5th, please let your friends know and create a training group that will support and push each other from January through March!
Workout of the Day
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – 3-6 Muscle-Ups OR 6-10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Minute 2 – 20 Double-Unders + 10 Overhead Squats (40-49 – 135/95; 50-59 = 115/75; 60+ = 95/65 lbs)
Minute 3 – 20 Double-Unders + 10 Toes to Bar
Minute 4 – 6-8 Roll to Candlestick
Four sets of:
Ground to Overhead x *6-8 reps
Rest 2 minutes
*40-44: 135/95 lbs x 8 reps; 45-49: 135/95 lbs x 6 reps
*50-54: 115/75 lbs x 8 reps; 55-59: 115/75 lbs x 6 reps
*60+: 95/65 lbs x 6-8 reps
**Sets 1&3 – Snatch Technique
**Sets 2&4 – Power Clean & Press Technique
For those of you who have not been to an Invictus Athletes’ Camp, barbell cycling is all about establishing rhythm and strategies that work best for you based on your unique attributes as an athlete. You need to practice and experiment with different techniques. Note times for each set, the goal being to establish the most efficient technique – not just the fastest.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 Meters
20 Unbroken Wall Ball Shots
*If the ball hits the ground between the first and 20th wall ball shot, you must begin the set over again. If you know that you cannot complete 20 unbroken, either alter the reps down (15 or 12 unbroken) or use a lighter ball. Note in comments what weight and rep scheme you followed.
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extension x 8 reps @ 2013
Rest as needed
Trap-3 Raises x 10 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest as needed
A. 2 MU’s each round. Normally not a problem, don’t think I warmed up enough. OHS @ 95# to get all 10.
B. 115# – Most Efficient w/ C & J press.
C. 5 rounds + 200m
A. 5 MU, 5 OHS @ 105 (slow with this movement)
B. Singles first round, TNG second round. Felt easier doing TNG and obviously quicker with no reset time
C. 5 + 200M run
D. No time tonight
A. Done 6 MU,and 6 candle stick, OHS were tough but got through them
B. 40,37,37,24 (only tried TNG on last set) done with 135
C. 6 rounds plus run, 15 WB each round
D. Got kicked out of gym, squeezed in 1000 row instead
A: MU 5-3-2
OHS 10-8-4
B: Snatch :40-:35
C&J :39-:40
C: Did our Box WOD
D: Did Reverse Hyper & Trap Raises
Felt like I just had a week off with lots of turkey
A. Done.
B. Done @135
C. 6 plus a little run
D. Done
A.done 3 MU’s 115 OHS 6 candlestick
C.5 rounds 30lb wb+ 400 row (row instead of run lots of snow in Utah)
A. Complete with 4,3,3 muscle ups
B. :17 :19 :17 :20 efficiency would be clean and jerk/press. did six reps unbroken for all
C. 6 rounds of wall balls + 200m before time was up (during first 400m run both calves cramped up semi fast walked it. after that they were fine ??)
D. No time
Make sure you are drinking enough water and getting magnesium in!
A. done..struggled a bit with OHS, 8 per round
B. all sets done in :30
A. 2 MUs per round. Scaled to 95# due to wrist. Actually forgot to do candlesticks until last round. They would have made recovery a little easier if. Did them! B. Started and then just stopped. Pretty wiped out C. Started and during first set of wall balls,just up and stopped. D. Not a chance I think the bacteria infection and medicine has drained me of everything. I basically sleep most of day and night. I have never just up and quit so many WODs in my CF life. In fact I usually can push to the extreme end of… Read more »
Absolutely take it easy! That is a ton on your plate as well as a ton that your body has been put through! Your body is currently in recovery mode so let it recover and be smart with training. Don’t overdue it – we want you feeling great by the time Jan 5th rolls around!
I will. Never have I had to scale back like this. Not sure if I can, but I will. I will be happy to not have to take any pain meds and only antibiotics. Hopefully tonight will be the first night not needing them! Fingers crossed!
A. Done. Scaled OHS to 95#, mixed MUs & C2Bs. Candlesticks fun.
B. Skipped.
C. 6 rounds. Confidence builder for future workouts like Karen.
D. Done.
A. Done Muscle ups were a struggle everything else felt good.
B. Done
C. 6 full rounds + 20 wall balls (19:48) (30 pound ball) finished Run on the 7th round (21:23)
D. Done
Sort of Piecing together workouts since I was out sick!
Completed parts A. and B. from another day earlier this week.
C. 5+400m+13 Wallballs Really liked this. Shows me that I can stay unbroken on bigger sets of wallballs when I am a little winded.
A. All Rx except OH squats- 5/6 reps @ 45#
B. Done. All sets were within a few seconds of each other
C. 5 complete rounds. Accidentally dropped ball @ rep #18 on the second set and had to start over. Used 10# wall ball and kept rep scheme at 20
D. Done
A (40-44) 5-4-5 MU, unbroken. 10-7-6 OHS.
B Snatch 25s-37s. Second set paused 1s at high hang.
PC+Press 26s-36s. Second set push jerk with pause at high hang.
A: MU – 4&3’s / OHS @ 50 kg (weak area) / rest RX
*Snatch – 25sec’s / 24sec’s
** PC & Press – 30sec’s / 27sec’s
Bar movement was much better for me in efficiency and energy using PC & Press; albeit, 4-5sec’s slower.
C: 5Rds + 400m + 11 WB’s
D: Done
Not bad view for evening dirt slope
Masters wont open anymore, three months period came full maybe
A. Done-C2B, unable to do consistent muscle ups-technical issue
B. Done
C. Done
D. Done
Everything done at rx except muscle ups. Great workout. Feel awesome