Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Spend 2-4 minutes working on your pecs
and then …
Three sets of:
90 Second Assault/Echo Bike, increasing pace every :30 Seconds
5 Dive-bomber Push-Ups
10 Alternating Unweighted Cossack Squats
Followed by…
Two sets of (keep the weight light):
5 DB Floor Press
5 DB Skull Crushers
5 DB Tate Press
5 DB Push-Ups
Three sets for max reps:
Bodyweight Bench Press
Rest 20 seconds
Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:
Minute 1 – Straight Body Ceiling Crunches x 60 seconds
Minute 2 – 60-Meter Suitcase Carry + Waiter’s Carry (Left Arm Overhead)
(hold a heavy DB or KB at side in suitcase carry, and a lighter DB/KB overhead in waiter’s carry)
Minute 3 – 60-Meter Suitcase Carry + Waiter’s Carry (Right Arm Overhead)
Minute 4 – Kettlebell Goat Bag Swings x 10 reps @ 3011
Every 9 minutes, for 18 minutes (2 sets) for times:
750/650 Meter Row
20 Kettlebell Deadlifts
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
35-54: 32/24 kg KBs
55+: 24/16 kg KBs
General Training Notes:
Upper Body blast to start! For the bench press and pull-ups session, if you are currently unable to complete at least 10 reps of either movement in your first set, please customize the loading or add assistance to ensure at least 10-12 reps of each in the first set. You’ll then transition into three sets of core work + posterior chain work. All movements in this section require a strong core. Please complete the crunches slow so you feel contraction throughout the ‘crunch’ portion. You’ll finish with a fun two sets conditioning piece. Try to keep the times within 10 seconds of each other.