Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Openers – The Openers are designed to increase mobility (range of motion while maintaining torque), but also to test and see if a certain body part is ready for loading. If not, you might need to do an extra set or two.
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Mid-Thigh Clean + Front Squat + Clean
Two sets of:
150-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Rest 2-3 minutes
Followed by…
Two sets of:
100-Foot Farmer’s Carry
(turn at the 50-foot mark)
Followed by…
Two sets of:
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Left Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot Single-Arm Sled Drag with Right Hand
(Work on keeping your torso in line with the sled, try not to break at the hips or twist the body as you drag the sled)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Followed by…
One set of:
Sandbag Carry x 300 feet
(as heavy as possible, 1-2 drops allowed)
Optional Training Session
Three rounds of:
Assault Bike x 30 calories (afap)
Rest as long as needed
Lise Demetriou
rear delt w/u 3lbs y,t,w,i,
10 lbs bi/tri openers
A) 105,110,115,120,125,130x2fails
B1) 45+26kgs each
2) 90lbs
3) sandbag carry -80 couldve done a bit more weight
did have time for optional work
Did our regular class WOD today 5 rounds for time of: 15 deadlifts 12 power cleans 9 front squats 6 shoulder to overhead Did the complex at 95lbs. Focused on cycling the bar and breaking at the correct rep for best efficiency. Forgot to write my time down but think I finished around 16 min or so. Optional training session 3 sets of (Airdyne 30 cals afap) Set one: :58 seconds, tough but wasn’t too bad Set two: :52 seconds, OMG, that hurt, must have rolled around on the floor for 15 minutes. Quads so tight and sore! Set three:… Read more »
Rear Delt and openers: Done
Cleans: up to 190#
Strongman: Done
230# OH carry
100# DB farmer carries
135# plus sled weight on the one arm drag
140# sand bag (2×70# bags)
A (from Monday) – Z-Press. 45-50# DBs.
A – Mid-Thigh, FS, Clean complex: 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 210.
B1 – OH Yoke – 150# Axle bar.
B2 – Farmers Carry – One set w/150# on each farmers bar. Second set w/170.
B3 – Sled drags – 135# on sled on rubber floor (too cold outside)
B4 – Sandbag carry – two 80# slam balls.
A. Kg in vacation gym. So up to 150 lbs +/-.
B. Farmers carry only w/75 lb DBs.
30 GHD’s
30 T2B’s.
3 30-cal sprints on treadmill.
Kiping swing practice. Not sure I’d want attempt BMU’s on this equipment.
Sorry, I didn’t post yesterday but did all the DB z-press with 35’s, Barski snatch work up to 100# +/-, Single arm DB rows with 50’s, etc.
Rear Delt warm up done-5# DBs on T/Y/I’s
10# DBs on Bicep/Tricep opening
A. 125-135-145-155-165-175#
B1. 20kg barbell + 1 poor KBs on green bands both sets
B2. 70+20# KBs in each hand 1st set
70+25# KBs in ea hand 2nd set
B3. Sled + 90# plates on rubber floor both sets
B4. 110# sandbag bear hug unbroken 300′
Assault bike x 30 cals:
1:39; 2:00; 2:10
Why is this so hard? ?
You’re welcome
Wasn’t that so mental??!!
AM swim
Warmup done
A. 225/245/245/255/255/255
B. OH Yoke 265/285(turns at 50′)
FC @ 120
Sled drag @ 200
Sandbag 150# UB
3 1/2 weeks post knee surgery
Did the warm up
A. 95-105-115-125-135-145 did power cleans and a front squat to near parallel
B. I did strict muscle ups 8×3 (prob 3 rounds were legit) and GHDs 3×25 and some iso quad stuff
did the optional ASS bike with my gimp knee 1:26/1:50/2:01 – that feels awful
Great work Al!
A. 125 – 130 – 135 – 140 – 145 – 150 Did some technique work for both Power Cleans and Cleans. Trying to work on moving my feet.
B1 Wooden Dowel with bands and KB’s
B2 Used 70lb. KB’s in each hand. Heaviest that we have.
B4 100lb. sandbag. Heaviest that we have.
Rowing – 4 X 2 min with 6 min rest (26-28-30-30+ strokes/min); 4 X 1 min with 3 min rest (26-28-30-30+ spm)
Great work today Barry!
A: 175; 185; 205; 215; 225; 235(missed TnG clean forward)
B1) 185; 205
B2) 100lb DBsx2
B3) 213; 258
B4) 150lbs no drop but rested on my knees at the 150ft turn around
Extra work turned into two rds and a dizzy stupor.
1:04; 1:11. I can run 10x100m sprints with only 10-30sec rest and it does nothing like this evil contraption does.
AB- 100 Corey -0 LOL
A) 135/155/155/185/185/185
B1 235
B2 99
B3 135
Optional- 0:35/0:33/0:45
Crazy bike times Ivan! I was rolling around on the floor in pain, can’t imagine going as fast as your times!
Thanks, Edward. I’m fine, it was a bit difficult to walk down the stairs
M&A Done
A. Kept it light 135#
B1. Just figured out the yoke, first time doing it. Did just the Yoke, pretty challenging.
B2. 53# KB
B3. Done – 90# on sled
b4. No sandbags.
A. Worked up to 205#
B1. No yoke, so hung KB from barbell.
B2. Done – 135# each (FC)
B3. Done – 200#
B4. Did tire flips instead (no sandbag)
Probably hit the bike later.
Way to improvise Joe!
A. 95#, 115,135, 155, 175, 185
B1. OH Yoke:180#, 220
B2. Farmers: 100#,100
B3. Sled : 90#, 90
B4. SB Carry: 110# (military seabag w/slam balls)
-Optional- (Done after Strong Man workout)
2:35 (seat issues x2), 1:52, 1:49
B1:no yoke
1 banded Kb(20kg) each Side with 20kg Barbell
B2:40 kg Dumbells 40m
B3: prowler+30 kg
B4:85 kg buddy bear hug Carry
Strong work Andreas
Thanks Nichole?
Mobility completed.
B2)85# DB