Workout of the Day
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Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
Loading per set (by %): 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 80, 80, 80
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets):
Row 500 Meters
6 Power Cleans
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
40-44: 225/145 lbs
45-49: 205/135 lbs
50-54: 185/125 lbs
55-59: 165/115 lbs
60+: 155/105 lbs
Note times for each set. If the prescribed loads are above 75% of your 1-RM, please scale down to approximately 75%. The goal of this week is to work on mechanics and rhythm with your gymnastics movements.
Three sets of:
Glute-Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Weighted Hip Bridges x 8-10 reps @ 2112
Rest as needed
L-Sit x 30-45 second hold
(accumulate time)
Rest as needed
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A. Up to 190#
B. Finished 4 rounds at 185#. Not physically able to finish last 2 rounds due to 4hrs sleep last two nights and stomach issues. Slept almost the rest of the day and night.
C. WHB’s @ 185#,
A: up to 245# B: 3:22/3:41/3:42/3:50 Rx at 205#/c2b, ripped my hand a little in 4th round and had to modify to 12 x deadlift at 205# and 24 x hand release push ups for rounds 5 and 6 – 3:14/3:07. Those last two rounds were quicker due to the mods, but still physically taxing. Went for max reps hrpu for the remainder of the 5 minutes in rd 6, able to squeak out 52 reps. C: no time, working night shift, will try to fit in some hanging L-sits at work. It was tempting to shut it down after… Read more »
A. 135,140,155,165,180,190,205,205,205,205
B. 205lb on cleans 12 chest to bar each round. 3:36, 4:00, 4:02, 4:09, 4:27, 4:05
C. no time today
A. Up to 210(which is about 90%)
B. 3:48,3:53,3:48,3:58,3:56,4:15(Rx @185) rows about 2:10, ctb UB
C. No time, hopefully later
A Up to 92kg
B(95kg) 3:26-3:48-4:06
(86kg) 3:50-3:40-3:44
86kg is 75% of my 1rm, dont know why I started on 95kg…
C Done
A. Up to 225
B. 3.33, 3:55,3.55,4:08,4.28,4:44 @225#
C. Ghr
A. Up to 200#. No fails
B. Done. Was able to get about 30 sec. rest per round.
C. No time
Felt good after after two days of rest.
A. Finished @ 280#
B. 1. 2:48, 2. 2:56, 3:02, 3:13, 3:08, 3:12 (Pull ups got crappy @ the end)
C. GHR’s Needed this!!
A: Up to 185
B: Done RX: 225#
C: Done
A. worked up to 195
B. 3:30/3:30/3:35/3:40/4:00/3:40 PC done @ 215#
C. Done
A: 80kg/80kg/90kg/90kg/95kg/95kg – last 4x 100kg B: @90kg 4:33 9:59 16:07 22:10 28:58 C: BOX closed during the workout. I missed the Chrismas holiday times. CTB are a game changer for me! I bleed too much energy and quickly end up on singles, plus it effects any WOD due to latic build up. My range of movement is impacted by previous shoulder dislocations, so I (my body) limit the range of movement, and am always under muscle load. I struggle with most kipping (open shoulder) movements, but CTB destroy any WOD. I feel I know what I should be doing,… Read more »
40, 42, 45, 48, 52, 56, 60, 60, 60, 60kg
(No rower) Sumo deadlift high pull Kettlebell 24kg * 50/50/50/44reps
Power clean 60kg*6reps/50kg*6reps/50kg*6reps/50kg*6reps
Chest to bar 12/7/3/4reps
4rounds (lack of energy)
L-sit 30/30/30sec ackumulated