Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Start the clock and:
Spend 5 minutes rolling out your IT Bands, Glutes and Hamstrings
At the 5:00 mark:
Front Rack Assisted Stretch x 3 pulses per side
At the 10:00 mark:
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 30 seconds on the rack/30 seconds off the rack x 2 sets (no rest)
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Mid-Thigh Clean + Front Squat + Clean
Every 2 minutes and 30 seconds, for 20 minutes (8 sets):
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
Every 2 minutes and 30 seconds, for 20 minutes (8 sets):
15/10 Calories of Assault Bike
Three sets of:
Single-Arm DB Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
Reverse Snow Angels
x 15-20 reps
Rest as needed
Optional Session
(Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets of:
Sloth Press x 10 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Form is everything. The point here is to keep tension throughout the body. Pressing is internal torque, so engage the lats and pecs as hard as possible and you can NOT shrug during this movement at any time. Shoulders should be down, lats and pecs engaged.
Three rounds of:
Sled Drag: Max weight x 50 meters
DO NOT PACE this. I want you to go as heavy and fast as you can. Keep the weight on the ball of your feet and move FAST
Straight into…
Max reps unbroken Wall-Balls
Rest 60 seconds
Three sets for max weight:
Harness Bear-Crawl Sled Sprints x 50 meters
Rest 60 seconds
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Side-Delt Raises & Biceps Curls x 5 reps
Side-Delt raises
Go heavy, 5 reps should be the max you can do. Make sure you stay in External Torque.
Biceps Curls
You can use a barbell, in which case you want a wide grip, or dumbbells. I like kettlebells. Just make sure you crank in ET. If your wrists bend it is absolutely normal. Use your lumbar spine as well (within reason).
A: did hang muscle clean + strict press + muscle clean instead to modify for my calf tear. And guess what??? I Pr’d my strict press!!! 107# (105# previous) B: Done on airdyne (i have to count pumps/no monitor 150 pumps is my guestimate for 15 cals) Fastest 1:00, slowest 1:04 C: Db row with 40# D: side delt raises with 15#’s Biceps curl used ez curl bar with wide grip for something different. 65#’s Couldn’t do the sled work with the calf so did some things from the comp side A: squatted db shoulder press (vs sloth) could only… Read more »
Congrats on the PR – wahoo!!!
A.106/105/115/115/120/120– seemed a bit rusty
B. 54 s/1:06/1:02/1:06/had to take a minute or 2 to finish this one/1:10/1:08/1:16 yikes
C. Not done
Well, I think that is the fastest I have done for 15 cals, unfortunately there were still 7 more sets to go after!
Then did box wod teams of three
7min amrap
50 back squat 135#
50 BS at 185
Amrap at 225. Rest 3 min
7 min amrap
50 bench press 135#
50 BP at 155
Amrap at 185 rest 3 min
50 deadlift 185#
50 DL at 225
Amrap at275. Back after work
B: finished all 8 between 43-47 sec
C: 1 set at 55#other 2 with70# angels done
3 sets 40-30-30 ghd sit ups with 14# med ball
Mob done.
A. 40/45/50/55/60/65kg
B. Subbed Rower. 1:00/53/53/52/52/53/53/52
C. Done @ 22.5kg DB.
D. 3 sets of 5 x scap pull-ups
A. 85,90,95,100,105,105
B. 0:38-0:50
C. Done
Also picked up the barbell curls and delt raises from second session.
Did hs hold’s and taps before I realized I was in wrong spot
A 170
B did everything at 53 seconds as my comp does not work so went hard for that long
C done
Mobility/pt exercises done
A. Mid thigh Power Clean + Power Clean:
B. :54, :53, :52, :54, :55, :57, :57, 1:00 (legs and lungs felt heavy?)
C. 40# DB
Good job Cheryl!
Worked up to 165
:48,:47,:43,:42,:39,:40,:43,47 OUCH
Did a run through of the Fort Vancouver Invitational workout before.
Oh FUN!!
A. Built up to 165#
B. :59,:54, 1:04, 1:22, 1:29, 1:30, 1:26, 1:24 – wanted to quit, I am not a fan of the ASS bike.
C. forgot to do
Good job not quitting!
A. Built to 70kg
B. Maintained 70-75 rpm across all sets, around 1min efforts
C. Rows @ 25kg DB with 20 snow angels.
Mobility done
A. 195/205/215/225/235/240 (failed the clean). Didn’t know what my 1rm hang clean was when doing the complex – turned out to be a 10# PR!
B. Done – all at :53-57
C. Done
D. 5 min emom curls/delt raises
Heck yeah, it has just been raining pr’s for you!
Thanks Nichole! Aside from the great programming I really increased my food consumption lately (good food) – have put on about 5 pounds. I think that’s really helping my strength.
A. Up to 130 for a couple
B. 51,52,53,53,52,51,52,51 That got me. Omg. Too much wine the past few days.
C. Done
DMA – done
A – 85/95/105/110/110/115 (failed a few cleans, but tried to do at least one complex at each weight; didn’t pay attention to the every 2 minutes when I got to 110#)
B – all between 0:45 and 0:52; tried to keep RPMs at above 70; I’m probably one of the few who actually likes the assault bike… 🙂 The stimulus reminds me of running track (I was a 400/800m runner in my younger years).
C – done, DB Rows sets of 8 w/ 25#
A. 135/165/185/205/225/245
B. Think I had beer, pie and sweets in my legs
Mobility completed
Felt good to be back training today.
B)From :45-1:08
C)Completed with 55# DB
A) 95/105/115/125/135/140
B) done towards the end it was taking me 1:30 to do 15 cals. Ugh!
C) done DB Row (25lbs)
A. 20/30/40/50/60/70 kg (kept it light)
B. 1:11-1:16
C. forgot (mental deload)
A. 115,135,155,175,195,215 hangs felt really good.
B. Ranged from :40 to 1:10 legs felt heavy
C. 55#
I’ve Tom!
Too much celebrating yesterday made today sub par!
A. 110kg
B. A rather lacklustre DT at 7:59
Haha feel your pain.
Man, I felt good going on to round 3. 2 roundsnin 1:50. Then just died haha
Sounds like you enjoyed yourself yesterday!
Yeah, had a few drinks 😉 however, our dogs had so much fun, they wouldn’t sleep! That hurts me more than any hangover!
Yes!!! I had a terrible sleep last night and I feel like I am jet lagged today lol!