12 Days of Christmas – Invictus Style
1 Row x 300 Meters
2 Snatches
3 Thrusters
4 Muscle-Ups (55-59
: 4 Ring-Dips; 60+: 4 Stationary Dips)
5 Burpees
6 Toes to Bar
7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (55+: Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups)
8 Kettlebell Swings
9 Box Jumps
10 Handstand Push-Ups
11 Ground to Overhead
12 Man-Makers
35-49: 135/95 lbs; 32/24 kg; 24/20″; 55/35 lbs
50-54: 115/75 lbs; 32/24 kg; 24/20″; 2″ riser allowed; 55/35 lbs
55-59: 95/65 lbs; 24/16 kg; 24/20″ step ups allowed; 2″ riser allowed; 45/25 lbs
60+: 65/45 lbs; 24/16 kg; 24/20″ step ups allowed; 4″ riser allowed; 45/25 lbs
Follow the movements to the tune of the song 12 days of Christmas. It’ll go like this . . .
1 – 1 Lap (Row 300 Meters)
2 – 2 Snatches; 1 Lap (Row 300 Meters)
3 – 3 Thrusters; 2 Snatches; 1 Lap (Row 300 Meters)
4 – 4 Muscle-Ups; 3 Thrusters; 2 Snatches; 1 Lap (Row 300 Meters)
. . . and so on.
Did this today the 24th. 53:56.
All UB except the G2OH and man makers.
Merry Christmas
Wasn’t able to finish this workout as I ran out of time. Got through 8 days in 40 min. Unfortunately that’s all the time I had yesterday . I wish I could have done it all (ok maybe not the 12th day!) bc it was awesome!
Did our box 12 days
1. Clean and jerk 185
2 happy
3 box jump 30 inch
4 t2b
5 burpees over bar
6. Db push press 45
7 goblet squats 2 good
8 abmat sit-ups
9 kettlebell swing 2 good
10 wall ball 30lbs
11 pull ups
12 front squats 185
34:11 packed gym , but fun time
Wow. This was tough!
59:21. Lots of standing under the pull-up bar telling myself to get moving! The row…wow!
Merry Christmas to everyone! Enjoy your holiday!
Yesterday’s program:
A – DM w/ 20# DBs, strict pull-ups 8/6/6/6 – that’s all my arms had today
B – 10/11/10/11/11 – Russian KBS, finished each round of 15 burpees at right around 40 secs.
1:58. used Rxd weights and most elements except. I subbed out the following: subd: KBS for RKBS ring muscle ups for Bar muscle ups My PT treated my repaired shoulder and he thinks I need an MRI for my injured shoulder because one of the anchors might’ve popped out during the last Ring Muscle up competition WOD. I am scheduled to see my Doc- unfortunately since its the holidays I cant see him until Jan 4th .. this was a good but tough challenge., Marry Christmas Everyone on this list and to all the staff at Invictus working hard for… Read more »
So happy to take a couple rest days now, merry Christmas ?
Merry Christmas Karen McCadam-great job! 🙂 Happy holidays!
Did our box “12 Days of Christmas”
1- Man maker
2- GTO 115#
3- Bar mu’s
4- Db snatches 60#
5- Burpees
6- T2b
7- CTB
8- Kbs
9- Box jumps
10- HSPU
11- Thrusters 115# both sets UB
12- AB cals
Fun day with great friends!
Wasn’t able to have free reign on the equipment at the gym I’m dropping into. So no 12 Days :/ for me.
But I could tuck away in a corner. So did a main site workout from a few weeks ago:
1 min squat cleans @95lbs
1 min push jerks
2 min squat cleans
2 min push jerks
3 min squat cleans
3 min push jerks
Omg my legs! Good stuff ?
Happy Holidays everyone. Enjoy it!
Merry Christmas to all have a safe holiday!
Merry Christmas Tom Ring to you and your family too 🙂 thank you!!