December 22, 2023 – Masters Program

Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Spend 3-5 minutes in the Medball Thoracic Opener

followed by …

Two sets of:
Row x 300 meters
PVC Pipe Pass Thrus
Side Plank x 30 seconds per side

followed by …

Two sets of:
Alternating Kettlebell Snatch x 6 reps
Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunge x 12 reps

Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
1 Tall Box Jump + 3 High Hang Power Snatches (50-55%)

Followed by…

Every 75 seconds, for 6:15 (5 sets of):
1 Tall Box Jump + 2 Hang Power Snatches (60-65%)

Followed by…

Every 90 seconds, for 7:30 (5 sets of):
1 Tall Box Jump + 1 Power Snatch (70-75%)

Four sets of:
5 Sumo Deadlifts @ 65-70%
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Station 1: 10 Stationary Dips
Station 2: 10 Barbell Curls

Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1 – 45-second Wall Sit
Station 2 – 15 Wall Ball Shots
Station 3 – 45 seconds of Flutter Kicks
Station 4 – 25 Seated Band-Resisted Rows

General Training Notes:
Strength day! You have plenty of conditioning coming up tomorrow. 😉
You are starting with some power snatches and tall box jumps. Why tall box jumps? Because we want you to be explosive and extend – both needed when doing tall box jumps. Please be safe with these and step off onto a smaller box, then onto the floor.
Then you’ll set up for sumo deadlifts to focus on posterior strength. Set up with a wide stance and toes turned out. The goal is to keep the shins as vertical as possible in the set up. You’ll follow that with a little pump session. You can break up the bodyweight stationary dips if needed. For the curls focus on being mindful of contracting your biceps as you curl and then fully extending at the end range of motion. The last piece for today is a short 16 minute emom. Feel free to add weight to the wall sit if you’d like to make this spicier. The wall ball shot weight and height is up to the athlete. Want to work on heavier wall ball shots? Then go heavier today. Want to work on staying unbroken? Then go with a lighter weight – totally up to the athlete.

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