Invictus Athlete Online Competition – Day Three
Events 12-15
Perform the following events against a running clock:
Event 12
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
6 Ground to Overhead (95/65 lbs)
6 Burpees Over the Barbell
Immediately followed by…
Event 13
Before the clock reaches 9:00, establish a max effort:
Snatch + Overhead Squat
Immediately followed by…
Event 14
When the clock reaches 9:00, perform as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Standards by Division:
40-49: Strict Handstand Push-Ups
50-55: Strict Handstand Push-Ups with a 2″ riser/Abmat
60+: Strict Handstand Push-Ups with a 4″ riser/Abmat
When the clock hits 12:00, rest exactly three minutes, and then…
Event 15
When the clock hits 15:00…
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Ring Dips
40-49: 275/185 lb Deadlift
50-54: 245/155 lb Deadlift
55-59: 225/145 lb Deadlift
60+: 205/135 lb Deadlift; Stationary/Matador Dips
Rules and Standards:
Athletes must work off of a running clock – there are no rest periods except as noted between the 14th and 15th events. Athletes may use only one barbell for all phases of the day’s events.
Event 12: Event 12 is a 3-minute couplet scored by total reps completed. The ground-to-overhead may be performed in whatever style the athlete chooses so long as the barbell starts from the ground and finishes directly over fully extended knees, hips and elbows. The burpees over the barbell may be completed with the athlete laying parallel to the barbell, but the athlete must jump and land with both feet. For ease of scoring…1 round = 12 reps, 2 rounds = 24 reps, 3 rounds = 36 reps, 4 rounds = 48 reps, 5 rounds = 60 reps.
Event 13: You have exactly 6 minutes to establish a 1-RM Snatch + Overhead Squat. Build the barbell and perform a snatch – power or full – and stand to full hip and knee extension, then descend to the bottom of an overhead squat – hip crease below top of the knee – and then return to full hip and knee extension with the barbell controlled overhead. Athletes may perform as many attempts as they would like and score only their heaviest successful complex – snatch + OHS. Scores should be reported in lbs.
Event 14:
This event begins when the clock hits 9:00. Athletes have three minutes to accumulate as many reps as possible of strict handstand push-ups. The beginning and finish position of the movement must show the athlete’s heels on the wall with a straight line from the athlete’s heels, hips, shoulders and wrists. The athlete’s hands and fingers need to stay within a 36-inch wide box. Kipping is not allowed, and athletes may not bend their legs or allow their hips/butt to touch the wall. If you do not yet have strict handstand push-ups, simply wait out these three minutes and move on when the clock reaches 12:00…and don’t worry, you won’t be alone – there will be participating athletes who don’t record handstand push-ups in these three minutes.
Event 15: This event begins when the clock hits 15:00. Athletes should simply note the time on the clock when they complete their final repetition – our scoring system will do the math for you. Deadlift standards are simple, start from the floor and finish at full hip and knee extension so that you can demonstrate a straight line from shoulder, hip, knee and ankle. Ring dips must start from the top position – full elbow extension with shoulder, elbow and wrist in a vertical line. The bottom of the ring dip is achieved when the top of the shoulder passes below the top of the elbow. The hips must descend as the elbow flexes. This event will be scored on time to completion – (Time on the Running Clock – 15:00), so please note and submit the time on the running clock upon completion.
That’s it! We hope you had as much fun with this competition as our entire crew has. We will get to work tallying results and hope to announce those on Saturday. If you missed a day due to travel, hit it hard on Thursday and get your score in as quickly as possible. Finally, if you have any questions or observations, please let us know!
Sami Lamppu (40)
Had to skip this one. I feel quite slammed after events 1-10
Wasn’t able to do do this until today. Work schedule
12. 48 reps
13. 185
14. 35
15. 21:45(245) had to scale DL. My glaring weakness.
Sean Marsh Male NorCal 45-49
12 – 56 reps
13 – 185#
14 – 31 reps
15 – 20:33
12) 45
13) 90#
14) 14
15) 23:18
12. 46
13. 195#
14. 35
15. 21:35
Male 40 years ola
12. 45
13. 175
14. 0
15. 23.56
Patrick Goodwillie M/41/225
12. 39
13. 185
14. 32
15. 23:10
Very fun competition!
12: 44
13: 105
14: –
15: 22:25
carmen kassinger f-47
12. 42
13. 100
14. 18
15. 23:23
I’m so impressed with your 100 ohs!
thanks liz, unfortunately the snatch is the limiter here. working on it!
Anthony Stokes (40-49)
12. 43
13. 185#
14. 32
15. 21:47
Maureen Pace 52 years old
12. 36
13. #85
14. 6
15. 46:31
Did most ring dips as singles. Learned how to kip them finally! Great challenge!
40 Male
12: 4
13: 80kg
14: 32
15: 18.37
was wrecked before starting, mentally no drive.
Was fun, thank you
44 M
12. 51
13. 175
14. 16
15. 21:41
Great comp everyone it was a good push for me-Some serious numbers in this experienced crowd. And the aftermath below!
Like the pic. nice home gym!
We may have to pitch in and get you a sump pump or at least a mop for your floor! ha
jrapp 43 (women 40-44)
**Chose to do the youngins’ weight of 215# on the DL’s
12. 51
13. 120#
14. 42
15. 20:31 (215#)
YEAAHHH JRapp! Stompin with the Big Dawgs on that DL. Wow! I see you homie!
LOL! Thanks!
12. 48
13. 195
14. 23
15. 20:24
12: 44
13: 170
14: 15
15: 22:31
40 F
12. 49
13. 135#
14. 0 say Hello to my glaring weakness. I was livid here which probably didn’t help me.
15. 21:53
My score today says it all….so fatigued. TY for a fun few days. Going for a beer. : )
Have one for me, too! 🙂
Kelly Moore (50 male)
Event 12-32 reps
Event 13- 155 lbs
Event 14 – 29 reps ( no riser )
Event 15- 22:15
Lots of fun! I’ll need that day of rest.
Solid work Kelly!
Hey Kelly. Nice job this week. In fact, so nice that I felt compelled to do a little research. I see that you just missed making it to the Games this year. Are you following this site and posting regularly? It might be fun to keep tabs on each other. I just did make it to the Games and ended up finishing 7th in our age group. I was very fortunate that some of my strengths came up in both the MQ and finals. Best of luck to you. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Al, great job on making the games this year! Some day maybe I’ll make it? I don’t post regularly, just wanted to post the scores for the comp. I have a box here in Utah that keeps me busy ( Ben Lomond Crossfit ) but I do follow invictus as much as I can I love the programming, but I’ll try and post more often. Thanks again and maybe some day we can throw down, hopefully at the games!
I hope that you are having a nice Christmas. Best of luck in the New Year. It would be great to throw down with you next July. See you in Carson.
12: 44
13: 155
14: 24
15: 21:26
Thanks again coaches, great job everyone.
E12. 54
E13. 215# (Failed @225#)
E14. 17 (Dear Strict Headstand PU, I hate you)
E15. 19:24