December 8, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Swimming Technique and Active Recovery Session Swimming workouts designed by Heidi Fearon A. I. 4 Minutes of Hip Flexor Mobility of Your Choice 4 Minutes…
December 7, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session A. Deadlift *Set 1 – 8 reps @ 55% *Set 2 – 6 reps @ 65% *Set 3 – 4 reps @…
December 6, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session A. Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets): Muscle Snatch x 1 rep (build over the 6 sets to something heavy…
December 5, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Hit a big lift or impressive feat in training? Let us give you some social media love. Be sure to hashtag #InvictusAthlete or #InvictusTrained and…
December 3, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session A. Take 20 minutes to build to 90-95% of your 1-RM Back Squat B. Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:…
December 2, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session A. Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets): Jerk x 1 rep (pause 2-3 seconds in receiving position on every rep)…
December 1, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Swimming Technique and Active Recovery Session Swimming workouts designed by Heidi Fearon A. I. 4 Minutes of Hip Flexor Mobility of Your Choice 4 Minutes…
November 30, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session A. Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Paused Clean from Mid-Patella (pause for 3 seconds with the barbell at mid-patella,…
November 29, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session A. Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets): Muscle Snatch x 1 rep (build over the 4 sets) and then… Every…
November 28, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session A. Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets): Back Squat *Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65% *Set 2 – 4…
November 27, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Recovery Day A. Mobility and Maintenance * Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose…
November 26, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session A. Take 20 minutes to build to 90-95% of your 1-RM Back Squat B. Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:…
November 25, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session online pharmacy purchase zetia online no prescription A. Every two minutes, for 20 minutes: Clean & Jerk x 1 rep Loads per…
November 24, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
THANKSGIVING DAY online pharmacy albuterol online with best prices today in the USA A. Eat big and enjoy the company of friends and family. Give…
November 23, 2016 – Invictus Athlete
Primary Strength Session A. Deadlift *Set 1 – 8 reps @ 55% *Set 2 – 6 reps @ 65% *Set 3 – 4 reps @…