Pro Tip: The Start & Finish of the Turkish Get-Up

Pro Tip: The Start & Finish of the Turkish Get-Up
Video by Fritz Nugent

The Turkish Get-Up (TGU) is a movement that most people have a love-hate relationship with. We know it’s good for us – incorporating mobility, activation, coordination, balance and shoulder stability as we stand while holding weight overhead. But a lot of people end up flopping in and out of the movement, which can not only be dangerous, but defeat a lot of the purpose of why we perform them.

We get it. It’s painful and you want to get through it as quickly as possible (AQAP), a favorite pastime of CrossFitters. But these should never be done for speed. In fact, they should be done for precision and perfection and the start is where to start! (Also the finish so it doesn’t finish you with an injury.)

Here’s how NOT to rush in and out of the Turkish Get-Up which causes loss of control in the movement. Check out these tips from Coach Fritz on how to keep yours under control from start to finish so that you don’t want to find your nearest Turk for a good talking-to.

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