How to Set Up for Posted Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts

How to Set Up for Posted Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts
Video by Kim McLaughlin

If you’ve been following the Performance or Fitness Programs lately, you’ve already become familiar with the Posted Single-Leg Deadlift. We’ve heard that some of you are feeling these in your lower back and want to make sure you are set up correctly and are properly performing the movement to avoid any pain or discomfort (other than that felt from the pure difficulty of this lift).

This version of the Romanian Deadlift is performed with the back leg posted on a wall or the upright portion of a squat rack. The posted single-leg deadlift encourages both glute and hamstring engagement and development.

The first thing you need to check is your set-up position. Making sure you are in the proper position will ensure that you are well balanced on your standing leg and that your glutes and hamstrings are engaged. Line yourself up so you can bring your foot to the wall behind you. The foot on the wall should be flat against the wall and below the crease of the knee. Squeeze your butt cheek and drive your foot into the wall so your leg stays engaged. This will also help you maintain balance so that you aren’t twisting around when you hinge.

Dial in on the hamstring and glute of the leg on the floor. To do this, play with shifting your weight around in your foot (front to back) to see where you feel it (your glute or hamstring). Then decide where you are getting the most benefit and least amount of pain in the lower back. Also, consider the intent of the current cycle and day’s workout.

Just like any other form of the deadlift, hinge just to the point before your back starts to bend (probably around 90 degrees for most people). You still need to push your hips back and keep a big chest by squeezing your shoulder blades together, just like you would with the traditional deadlift. If you need to, have a coach or friend cue you when you start to round (or shoot a video if you don’t have a training buddy). Then train yourself on what that position feels like and how to stop just short of that point.

Onward to enjoying posterior chain gains!

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