Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Hour at the Gym
Written by Heather Hippensteel
For most of you, your daily one-hour workouts are the kick start to your morning, a bright spot in the middle of your day, or a well deserved release at the end of a long day. Here at Invictus, it is our job to make that one hour be the best part of your day and help you take steps to achieve your goals to a happier, healthier you! Here are some ways for you to help us make that happen and for you to get the most out of your class!
1. Be on time and stay until everyone is finished. Being here when class starts, or better yet, a few minutes before, ensures that you don’t miss any of what we have planned for you when you step through the doors. While we understand that there will be times when you get stuck at home or at work and the best you can do is get here five minutes late, try to be in the habit of arriving on time. Those few extra minutes of mobility on a daily basis might just help you get deeper into your squat or a little bit faster on your run. Also, always stay until the last person is finished! Support and encouragement from everyone in the class is what makes a community great, and packing up if you finish before everyone else takes away from the camaraderie built from cheering on your friends.
2. Pay attention. Don’t be the person that asks “what are we doing again?” after the coach has just explained the workout. When your coach is briefing you on the workout, make sure you are paying attention to what they are saying. Don’t worry; there will be time to chat with your buddies during the strength portion, so save the chit chat for later. In addition to giving you the specifics of the workout, your coach may give you strategy to implement during the conditioning, or explain why you are squatting at a 30X1 tempo, so give them your attention and try to learn something new every day!
3. Watch other people move. Not in a creepy way, but watching how others squat, push, pull, run, and jump, might just help you move a little better yourself. When you are partnered up with someone else in class, helping each other and giving tips here and there might just help improve your own technique. Obviously your coaches watch everyone as much as possible and give corrections, but being aware of others’ movement and paying attention to how they move, can benefit you and your fellow movers.
4. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask your coaches questions about what you’re doing or how to make something better. If you have questions about modifying an exercise, or steps you can take to improve your shoulder mobility, ask your coaches. We are here for you! If you are concerned about something, we will do our best to resolve it and give you the best advice we can.
5. Most importantly, have fun and embrace the community! You are a part of this community, whether you’ve been here for three weeks or three years! This should be one of the highlights of your day, so come in, have fun, make friends, and give your best – for yourself, your coaches, and for everyone around you. Enjoy engaging with the other members while taking a break from responsibilities at home, work, and from your phone. Welcome the new member who just completed fundamentals, find out something new about the person you always partner with, or partner with somebody different! If we all do our best to make somebody else smile, our community becomes happier, healthier, and the one hour we spend together will be the best part of your day!