Q&A: I Tried Pull-Up Negatives and Dropped Like a Rock!

Q&A: I Tried Pull-Up Negatives and Dropped Like a Rock!
Written by Michele Vieux

This question came to us recently: “I Tried Pull-Up Negatives and Dropped Like a Rock! What did I do wrong?” We thought a lot of folks could benefit from seeing the answer so we are making it public for you so here was our response. 

Thanks for reaching out about this. You are not alone!! Most people who are working toward their first pull-up face this same issue due to their strength-to-bodyweight ratio. With that being said, there are 1-3 things you can do so this doesn’t happen. 

1) Get stronger! 

2) Get lighter.

3) Get stronger & lighter! 

Those all sound easy enough…but as we know, each poses their challenges. Since this is the pull-up program you are talking about, let’s focus on getting stronger.

How to Get Stronger for Pull-Ups

To do this with the pull-ups, following the program as closely as possible will certainly help. Of course there will be movements that you are unable to do “Rx” in the beginning but just like with any exercise, they can be modified. There are a few ways you can modify the negatives (by giving yourself assistance) until you are able to perform them without assistance and as Rx in the program. 

#1 – Use a band like you would for pull-ups.

#2 – Use a taller box where your feet touch throughout the entire movement. You can adjust the amount of help you use from your legs with each rep but they never come off the box.

#3 – Lower the bar so you are sitting or standing under it (with full contact on the floor). 

Here’s a blog article that you might also find helpful in your journey: Pull-Ups 101 Guide: Everything You Need to Know

So that’s the short answer we gave but there are many other principles to take into consideration when building a program that includes pull-ups (or anything for that matter). Don’t worry – we take care of all that for you in this 3-week training guide to help you get your first pull up! Just a side note, many people will need to go through the 3-Week Pull-Up program more than once to get there. But consistency is key so don’t give up!

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