Butterfly 4-Step

Butterfly 4-Step
Video by Travis Ewart

As smooth and amazing as butterfly pull-ups can look, it can be really frustrating trying to figure out the rhythm that places your moving body in harmony with the pull-up to create a smooth and effective set of butterfly pull-ups. If you are like many athletes, you have experienced the “Evil Three” when attempting butterfly pull-ups. The Evil Three is when you mount the bar for a set of butterfly pull-ups and, due to poor timing, rhythm and weight distribution below the bar, you can only perform three reps without having to drop and start from the ground again. This phenomenon occurs on butterfly pull-ups as well as toes-to-bar and can be very frustrating!

With a little assistance from Invictus Gymnastics, you can learn the butterfly technique via the Butterfly 4-Step! The Butterfly 4-Step is a way to disassemble the butterfly pull-up into four main parts to more easily understand the timing and movement pattern of the butterfly pull-up. Please take a look at our video and compare the described movements to your own butterfly movements and see where you can make improvements!

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Fernando Villasenor
Fernando Villasenor
September 29, 2017 1:35 pm

Thanks Travis! Looking forward to trying these techniques out tomorrow.

Thanks again for your previous videos! Your BMU video was tremendously helpful.

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