Food Cravings – What Do They Mean?
Written by Fritz Nugent I read a similar headline recently from my healthcare provider and clicked on the

Maximize Your Potential as a CrossFit Masters Athlete
Written by Nichole Kribs As many of you who have been born before 1987 know, your body

Whiteboard Coaching Briefs Should Boost the Value of Your Group Classes
Written by Kirsten Ahrendt One of the critical concepts we cover in the Invictus

Exogenous Ketones Over Coffee?
Individuals with a lower tolerance and and higher sensitivity to caffeine may experience jitters, increased heart rate, or anxiety with high

How to Fix the Dreaded Elbow Rebend in Your Jerk
Written by Fritz Nugent Are you frequently red-lighted for an elbow bend on your jerk?

The Right Stuff: Programming for the Masters Athlete
Written by Jean Thorson Have you ever taken on more than you can chew and your body

The Invictus Masters Social Support Network
The Social Support Network Within the Invictus Masters Program Written by Nichole Kribs A social support network has been touted for years by athletes as

Poison or Medicine? The difference is DOSE
Written by TJ O’Brien So I’m addicted to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu now, just in case you didn’t hear

Excellent Coaches Make Decisions that Pull ‘Double Duty’
Written by Kirsten Ahrendt The best coaches make things look effortless – their classes somehow accomplish learning

The Art of Being an Adaptable Coach
Written by Nichole Kribs Everyone appreciates an adaptable person; someone who isn’t stuck in their way and who

Hacking Ketosis for Mental Clarity Using Exogenous Ketones
Written by Michele Vieux Do you want to enjoy the mental clarity benefits of ketosis without the

‘Reps in Reserve’ StrategyÂ
Written by TJ O’Brien Percentage work can be great for more seasoned athletes, those who have an established 1 rep max

Weightlifting in the CrossFit Open – Athletes Exposed
Video by Jared Enderton As we saw in 2023, weightlifting in the CrossFit Open can expose an

What is Customizing?
Written by Kirsten Ahrendt A big part of Invictus-style of coaching and programming is the level of agency and freedom to

Quick Facts About Ketones
Written by Fritz Nugent Into nutrition or not, you’ve surely heard lots of talk about ketones over the past few years,