Overcoming Any Obstacle – An Interview with Amy Riback


Overcoming Any Obstacle – An Interview with Amy Riback
Written by Kim McLaughlin

I have had the pleasure of working with Invictus member, Amy Riback, for the last seven months as a semi-private client and I have yet to meet a more positive, spunky, fun and driven individual. The things that Amy has accomplished both inside and outside of the gym in the short period of time I have known her are inspiring. I had the chance to ask Amy a few questions about her life and her time at the gym before she took off for her new adventure in Dallas, Texas.

Q: Tell me about your life before Invictus. Who IS AMY RIBACK?

A: I was born here in San Diego. I lived in Mira Mesa until after high school with my Mom, Dad and older brother. My brother and I are only 20 months apart and are best friends.

My Dad was very ill growing up. He had a chronic debilitating disease that progressed slowly until his death in 2000, when I was 17. My job as a kid was to care for him. Throughout my 17 years with him, I watched his eyesight deteriorate (he ended up half blind in his right eye and legally blind in his left eye), he had both legs amputated (slowly starting with just toes trying to save the legs as long as possible). He was in kidney failure and went into dialysis three to four times a week and heart arrhythmias leading to a full cardiac arrest prompting doctors to implant a permanent defibrillator/pacemaker.

My Dad died in January of 2000, which was the first of several life-altering events I would go through that year including my best friend being struck by a drunk driver days before my high school graduation.

Needless to say, my 17-year-old coping skills were not adequate to deal with such intense life-altering events and I sunk into depression and made some poor choices. At 21 years old I chose to relocate to Utah for a treatment program that would help me with my overwhelming grief, depression, and the other poor choices I was making at the time.

Once I completed the treatment program, I stayed in Utah and decided I was going to put myself through nursing school. I started as a carhop on roller skates at Sonic Drive-in, then worked in a grocery store, a call center, a temp agency and finally a doctor’s office as I took night classes for nursing pre-requisites. I graduated nursing school in 2012 and got a few years experience working as a nurse before pursuing my dream of becoming a travel nurse. I took my first travel assignment in August of 2015, and I am headed off to my 4th assignment in Dallas now.

Q: What got you interested in CrossFit and, specifically, why Invictus?

A: During my first travel assignment I ended an unhealthy two-year relationship. I made the boy pack up and move back to Utah while I stayed with my new travel nurse friend, who just happened to be a CrossFit addict! I had been telling her I wanted to go with her for about a month and a half but I kept putting it off. I missed my teen athletic days and I was itching to finally get healthy again. I had worked through so much emotionally in the previous years and it was time to focus on my physical health.

Right after I broke the news to my, now, ex-boyfriend, I walked to my friend’s apartment (we lived in the same complex) and cried on the couch until she got home. She told me we were going to CrossFit at noon so needed to pull myself together and get ready. I told her I couldn’t go because I didn’t have any workout clothes with me. She marched straight down to my apartment and faced the ex to get me workout clothes. I was a mess, but we went my first CrossFit class anyway.

I loved it! Everyone was so welcoming and supportive and I felt complete again as I pushed my body to new levels. The owner of SunDown CrossFit in San Jose told me that since I only had a week before I moved to San Diego that I should just come in as many times as I could at no charge and he would help me out. He could tell I was going through something and he wanted to help. He told me once I got to San Diego I should join Invictus. He had dropped in there a few times and said that the coaches and the Sea of Green are such a welcoming and supportive group of people that he knew I would love it there and I would fit right in. The day after moving to San Diego, I walked into Invictus Downtown and signed up for Fundies.

Q: When you got to Invictus, I had the pleasure of coaching you for some of your private Fundies classes -. What made you sign up for semi-privates?

A: I had very specific nutrition and gym goals. After finishing Fundies I had a class with you. After the class I asked you a question about the semi-privates and nutrition help. You seemed so supportive and not judgmental at all about how much I had let myself go and how out of shape I was (which I had run into before and it had scared me right out of the gym) so I signed up for semi-privates with you that day. I knew I wanted to do group classes but I also knew my goals and I knew I needed help achieving them. Nothing was going to stop me.

Q: What were your initial goals and, now that we’ve been working together for six months or so…have you accomplished them?

A: I only had two initial goals. The first one was to be able to tie my shoes without becoming winded and the second one was to fit into my bridesmaids dress for my brother’s wedding. I’m pretty sure I accomplished both within the first three to four weeks! Then I moved on to pull-ups, running and lifting goals. Now my goals have evolved with my progress. I used to need a PVC pipe to do lunges and, today, I not only can do lunges with weight but I can also actually do a 20” box jump!

Q: Has your mindset changed regarding food, diet, working out, stress, or anything else as a result of your time at Invictus?

A: All of my goals initially revolved around losing weight and looking good. I found a couple weeks ago that I became way more excited about my PRs than my numbers on the scale. All the talking with you, Kim, during my semi-privates and the 100% unconditional support of every staff member and every person who set foot inside that gym, has helped me shift my focus and internal dialogue to a more positive one.

Q: What’s your favorite CrossFit movement?

A: I know I’ve been doing them for a while now, but I’m still so excited that I can actually do a box jump that I love those! I like push press, cleans, pull-ups and, surprisingly, running. I love discovering every day, in and out of the gym, that I truly am stronger than I think!

Q: If you could give advice to anyone just starting out at Invictus, what would it be?

A: No matter your fitness level, your weight, anything, just show up and the community will help remove your fear. I know how scary it is to walk into a gym full of fit people knowing that I struggle with just getting in and out of a car. At Invictus, I learned from my coaches and every member there that not a single person is in there judging you except for yourself. They know you can do every workout, with modifications and then eventually without. Every person in there knows you can do it and they can’t wait for the day when you realize it too.

Q: What are you most looking forward to in your new nursing assignment in Dallas?

A: I don’t have air conditioning here so I’m really looking forward to that. Also, I am ready to grow more in my nursing skills and discover a whole new culture I have never experienced before.

Q: How are you able to balance, life, work, diet, exercise, family, nursing, and still manage to have one of the most positive outlooks on everything that I have ever come across? What’s the secret?

A: A positive outlook was one of the major things my dad taught me. He went through so much pain and suffering and still smiled and cared about every person he met. His philosophy was that you never know what someone else is going through so you just need to make every person you pass in life smile. He dedicated his life to making sure I knew I was loved more than anything and I try to make sure that each person I meet smiles and knows that they are important. I figure I have a choice. I can dwell on all the crap I have been through or I can choose to be amazed at all the beauty in this world and I can be inspired by the good in each person I meet.
As far as food is concerned, I meal prep and keep some pretty easy, healthy meals on hand for when I’m busy. But, I’m not perfect all the time. An easier balance came when I realized that life is going to happen and I am going to take care of myself by making the best choices I can at the time. Some days are better than others but mostly I am doing the best I can and now I know that is enough.

Q: Anything else you would like people to know about your or your time at Invictus?

A: I have never felt so loved and accepted into a community in my entire life. I am so thankful for every person I have met along my journey and I couldn’t have come this far without the unconditional support that each Invictus member so freely gives. Thank you.

Kim, There are no words to explain my connection with you. I feel so safe and supported during all of our sessions. I admire you as an athlete, friend and human. You are one of the most amazing people I have ever crossed paths with. Thank you for helping me see the strength and athlete I had locked inside.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I hope you all had the pleasure of getting to know Amy when she was here because she is truly an embodiment of everything that we coach at Invictus. Over her time here and in our semi-private sessions, she truly became the master of her fate and the captain of her soul.

Amy left for her Dallas nursing assignment on Tuesday, July 5th, (after getting in a final coaching session with me, of course) and she will certainly be missed. But I made her promise to come back and visit whenever she can. Please feel free to leave her a good luck or congratulations note below and let her know how much she is missed.

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Melissa Hurley
Melissa Hurley
August 25, 2016 10:25 am

Thanks for sharing your story Amy. Congratulations on all your changes and successes. Good luck in Texas.

Bill Fahy
Bill Fahy
August 25, 2016 9:56 am

I never met Amy but that is a great story of personal triumph over some very tough situations. Keep it up Amy ! Inspiring 🙂 oh, and let’s not forget that the coaches at Invictus do rock…

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