We will be doing some testing this week, and then starting our new Invictus Athlete cycle on August 13, 2018! Training is always more fun with friends, so please encourage your friends and training partners to get on the program to kick off the first post-Games training cycle of the 2019 season.
Primary Strength Session
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 3 reps @ 2111
Built over the course of the five sets.
Followed by…
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps
Build in weight over the course of the 4 sets.
In 25 minutes, build to a 1-RM Snatch
(Limit yourself to 2 misses today before moving on.)
Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 55%
*Set 2 – 5 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 90%
Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Back Squat x 5 reps @ 80%
Primary Conditioning Session
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
20/15 Calorie Row
15 Dumbbell “Clusters” (50/35 lbs)
10 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50/35 lbs, 20″ box)
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Med Ball Side Toss to Right x 10 reps
Pallof Press Right Side x 10 reps (band tension to left)
Rest 60 seconds
Med Ball Side Toss to Left x 10 reps
Pallof Press x 10 reps (band tension to right)
Rest 60 seconds
Three sets of:
Partnered Leg Curls x 15 reps @ 4020
Rest as needed
Banded Glute Bridges x 30 reps @ 10X0
Rest as needed
Partnered Side Lying Leg Raises x 15 reps @ 2020
Rest as needed
If you don’t have a partner, you can use band resistance…but you’ll get more out of this with a good partner changing the resistance as you fatigue.
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets) for times:
15/9 Calories of Assault Bike
9 Burpees
15/9 Calories of Assault Bike
Note times for all four sets. Allow bike monitor to roll while you do burpees, but don’t pedal for longer than the initial 15/9…you’re finished when you hit 30/18 calories.
Compare results to March 21, 2018.
Running Endurance Option
Six sets of:
Run 800 Meters @ 90% of 1-Mile Pace
Rest 2 minutes
C) Back Squat, single up to 385 no belt. Then E2MOM x 6 sets, 6 BackSquats @305lbs, no belt
4 rounds. 900-1100 Row. 5-5-5 Cluster, 5-5 Box, UB Bar MU
A)Built to 155
And built to 210
B)make 220 miss 225 make 230 miss 235xx
D)all @305 done
Conditioning) clusters are turrrrible 3 rounds + 4 step ups.
Accessory work) nope
A. 30-40-40-50-50 SP
50-60-60-65 kg snatch balance
B. New PR 100 KG
C. Ended with 160kg
Emom x5 back squat 140kg
a- to 65, 125
b- 185
c- 185/200/230/260/280, 3×5 at 250
Conditioning: 4 rd + 20 reps
Strength Accessory: A/B done
AB: 1:45/1:48/1:45/1:40
Primary strength:
A. Snatch press from rec @35/45/55/60/65
Snatch balances @55/65/75/85
B. Snatch @105
C. Backsquats @85/100/115/130/140
3×5 @125
Am session- Running endurance.
All rds between 4:01-4:20.
PM session
B-up to 225.
3rds. DB clusters…yuck!!
Is there a good technique video to DB clusters I felt awkward.
Play with different techniques using lighter dumbbells. Personally I like a wider stance with the dumbbells starting inside of my feet.
Ahh inside my feet!! That might work as I have a wider squat stance. Thanks
A)#55/65/75/85 SN press from rec
#105/115/125/135 SN balance
B)#worked up to 160. Missed 165 ?x2
C)#150/175/205/230/250 BS
3×5 #215
Stopped after 3rds. Physically exhausted. Worked all night and again tonight. I usually try to take rest days btw night shifts but thought I could do it today. Lifting felt okay but drained by the metcon time.
Lessoned learned. Keep those rest days!
Am session
A. 95/105/115/135
S. Bal. 155/185/205
B. Worked up to 235lbs. Felt a little sluggish. No biggie, just a lot of gym owner stuff going on.
C. 225/265/295/325/350/360. 3×5 @ 305
Strength accessory
A. Done
B. Done
Pm session
Assault bike conditioning
* half of my burpees were probably no reps for not fully extending but I wanted to really test myself and go as hard as i possibly could. It hurt…bad. Lol
Solid push on the bike work dude! Still see that damn job getting in the way
It never fails. Haha Im in the process of finishing up my opex cert, moving, and running the gym. All good things though so im not sad about it. ??
A. 45/75/95/125/135
B. 240
C. Done Off 450
Primary conditioning
Last 2 had some major cramping. So outta shape.
Why do you think you’re out of shape? You’re training has been pretty consistent
I just don’t have that extra push right now. I die out at the must important part of the workout. I’ll get there.
A. 35/35/35/55/55
B. Worked some singles and slow pulls with 105# felt good!!!
C. 4 x 5 3/2/1 tempo back Squat
Assault Bike Condo
PM AB Conditoning: 1:50, 1:39, 1:32, 1:25
Med Ball Throws & Pallof Press Done
Primary Strength Session
A. SP – 95, 105, 115, 125, 135# / SB – 155, 165, 175, 185#
B. Up to 230#. 5# under my PR. Missed 240# twice.
C. 265, 315, 365, 415, 435, 385#. We haven’t done heavy back squats since I joined the program. This was my first time hitting over 400# since my injury last October.
Primary Conditioning Option
Haven’t done a conditioning session in a while. This was mentally challenging to just keep moving.
Solid start to the week Steve! Are you planning on starting up conditioning again the next cycle?
I would like to at least do conditioning 2-3 times per week. It’s just hard when all the strength work is so damn fun so I put all my time towards that
A. Sn press: 25-20-34KG
Sn Bal: 34KG- 125-145#
B. 155 for today, missed 160, 4 times..
C. 165-195-225-250-265 then 3×5 @ 240#
PC: 3 rounds 15 cal + 13 Clusters.
wish I would have paced/pushed a little harder for 4 rounds. (dem clusters doe)!
Ass bike cond.
1:18-1:22- 1:26- 1:28
Dem clusters be good for you doe 🙂
for sure!! next time I’ll try my feet wide and DB’s btwn them.
Assault Bike
Back Squat
255 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 3
405 x 2
415 x 2
3 sets
375 x 5
4 + 15
This was tough. Those clusters were nasty
Primary strength
A) 45/65/75/85/95 heaviest I’ve done on these for 3 then 135/155/175/195 snatch balance
B) worked to 205 got under 215 a couple of times but couldn’t stand it up
C) 195/230/265/300/320 then 285 for e2mom happy to hit 90% for a double and it felt good. Really cool to do that since we haven’t touched that heavy of weight on a backsquat in a while but it still feels smooth.
Strength accessory
A) done with 15lb ball
B) done!
Fun day today!
Primary strength session A. 45/65/95/115/120 lb 135/185/185/205 B. 225. Nothing consistent today. One miss and one lift on most of attempts. C. 200/235/275/310/330 then 5×295 Strength accessory option A. 20 lb medball and light band with narrow stance on the pallof press B. I’m always alone in my training sessions, reading this almost make me cry hahaha Lying banded hamstrings curls (medium band) Glute Bridges ok Banded lying raising legs (light band) Primary conditioning session 4 rounds + 35 reps ~20 s/m and ~1:10 rower 10-5/6-5-4/6-5-4/7-5-3 clusters 6-4 always on the db step box over Unbroken muscle ups * Is… Read more »
Ok this is funny cuz I found myself doing that too! I actually realized I was moving towards one side so then I decided to switch and try and jump the other foot out! ??
Haha yes I’ve seen that many times too! Its pretty funny to watch but if it works it works!
Openers and activation done
A. 30-40-50-55-60kg
B. Up to 100kg (missed 105kg twice)
C. 97.5-110-127.5-145-155kg
135kg x 5
Strength accessory
A. Done
B. Done with bands
Pm session
Primary conditioning
3+20+15+10+1 (was aiming for 4 rounds)
A. 57.5kg SP / 100kg SB
B. 105kg
C. Done off of 190kg.
3 rounds + 45 – hot and humid in the lair today
Solid start to the week Tom!
B.185 my pr 190
C. Start 225 end 328
Rest 20 min eat meal
Primary conditioning
Ifeel energy and greatness i did 3 round and 45 time end before i do bar mu
Notice:i get better in bar mu i fly on it no dip direct reach dip postion
-the hardest thing cluster after heavy squat some rep its deep squat not full
3weaks done ✅ istart my 4th weak in program feel getting better but still need work in weakness snatch and ring mu thanx for making us stronger
Great to hear! I’m excited for that progress to continue into the next cycle!
AB Conditioning
1:30 / 1:40 / 1:40 / 1:34
C. % off 160 ✔
A. ✔
B. 105 – No Snatch PR today ☹
Primary Conditioning
Some serious heat today 32° ???
Ice packs in the shorts tomorrow
Stay safe in the heat dude! Plenty salt and electrolytes!