Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
One set of:
Twisted Cross Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
and then …
Bicep Curls x 5 reps
Bicep Curls with nuetral grip x 5 reps
Overhead Lateral Raise x 5 reps
Overhead Nuetral Grip Raise x 5 reps
Stric Press
x 5 reps
x 3 reps
x 1 rep
x 5 reps
x 3 reps
x 1 rep
Use this format to build to a heavy single
“Captain America”
Row 1,000 Meters
Wall Balls x 50 reps (20 lbs to 10′ target; 14 lbs to 9′ target)
Rope Climbs x 10 reps
Wall Balls x 50 reps
Row 1,000 Meters
“Captain America”
Row 1,000 Meters
Wall Balls x 40 reps (20 lbs to 9′ target; 10 lbs to 9′ target)
Rope Climbs x 8 reps
Wall Balls x 40 reps
Row 1,000 Meters
Time Cap: 25 minutes
Please compare to April 28, 2018
This is a workout to honor the amazing Matt Beals who is competing at the CrossFit Games! These movements are some of Matts favorite movements so you can thank him for this incredible workout. 🙂 Please make a note of how many reps you still had left if you don’t make the time cap as we will be re-testing this one at the end of the cycle.
Three sets of:
GHD Sit-Ups x 10-12 reps
Rest as needed
Warm-up done. Find the cross stretch a hard one to figure out. A. 95 / 115 / 135 then 105 / 125 / 135 and then I thought why not try a PR. And I went for 145 (previous best 143). That bar went up half way. Stalled and moved about a millimetre at a time and then PR! A happy man. B. I did this but instead of rope climbs I did rope pull-ups? from the floor. I had only my hybrid lifting shoes and have issues coming down ropes which I will ask about on the FB page.… Read more »
A)Got up to 145#
B) 23:02, shared ropes again, a min slower than last time, womp womp
C) Done
Couple days behind
A. Up through 205. Stopped there
B. 16:54
Row 1-3:31.1
50 WB- 30/20
50 WB -20/20/10
Row 2-3:43.7
B. 19.28 subbed 150 ft sled pull and 150 ft sled push for rope climbs
That was tough
Shoulder PT exercises
30 min amrap:
Run 200m
20 box jumps
20 Russian KBs 35#
50’ OH DB Carry 35#
1 min plank on elbows
7 rounds + 7 KBS
A. 176# PR… Last Time 165#
B. 21:51 First time doing this WOD
C. Skipped
Have a great weekend!
Delayed entry: Yesterday, I introduced a friend to Crossfit, so I did the class WOD with her: 4RFT – 400m run – 20 pull-ups (I did ring rows) – 30 push-ups – 40 abmat sit-ups – 50 air squats 33:24 Today, couldn’t really do any of today’s program, so I did: A – Back exercises B – 5 x 10 front squats @ 85# (this is the most I could do w/out my rib hurting from weight pressing on it). C – played around w/ cleans at low weight focusing on technique D – WOD from last Saturday: – 1… Read more »
How fun!
Our class thx a.m. was pretty tough so I skipped the strict press. Did “Captain America” 23:27. Did the GHD too.
DMA – done
A. 75 – 90 – 105 – 85 – 97 – 117 PR (2 lb.)
B. Workout with class
6 Rounds (2 min. @ each station – 36 min.)
Interval 1 – 2 min. AMRAP of:
8 Db snatches (35 lb.)
10 WBS (20 lb./9′)
12 Box step-overs (24″)
Interval 2 – 2 min. row for Calories
Interval 3 – 2 min. rest/hold 16 kg. KB in front rack position
A. Up to 145
B. 18:22 vs. 18:47 on 4/28
C. Done
Nice improvement Perry!
Thanks Nichole!
135 Strict Press
21:43 Captain Canada!
GHD done
Warm up and mobility – done.
A. Up to 100 (PR).
B. 21:39 on Captain America
C. 3 x 10 GHD
52, Male 6’2”, 200lb,
155 strict press
21:32 Captain America
GHD Done 3×12
Great work Cyril!!
Thanks Nichole! Can you recommend any program for me if I wanted to work on my kipping bar and muscle ups almost everyday as accessory work?
Our Gymnastics Program!!!!
A. 70kg.
B. 3 x 3 Hspu Negatives on paralettes 6sec eccentric.
C. Done Competitors class.
10-1 Stoh 60kg.
1-10 Burpee box jump 30″.
25 DU after each rd.
D. 3 x 10 Strict T2B.
A. A solid 155# today!
B. 22:52 partner WOD with wife 1400m, 70 wb 12 rope climbs
C. 12/12/12
Good choice with the Partner-WOD! 😉
A. Up to 165, fail 175
B. 17:49
C. Done
BW Press? Good job!
Thanks Markus!
A. Did split jerk triples to 110kg
B. 17:40
I don’t remember doing this before. Different workout on that day. Was this when Masters qualifiers were going on?
I believe so!
A. Press:
60/65/70 / 60/67,5/75 (2 kg PR)
0. MU-Density-Test:
11-12 / 5 / 3 = 19-20
B. Captain America (as Team-WOD:
– 1.500,
– 75,
– 15,
– 75 and
– 1.500.
21:16 min
C. Core: