Primary Training Session
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Hang Clean + Jerk
Build over the course of the 10 sets to something heavy for the day.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 90% of today’s heavy complex weight
Two sets of:
Barbell Loaded Bulgarian Split Squat x 20 reps @ 1010
(back rack a barbell, raise your rear foot, and then perform 20 reps at a metronomic tempo – don’t pause at the top or bottom, just constant movement)
Rest 60 seconds, then switch legs
Seven rounds for time of:
8 Burpee Dumbbell Thruster (35/25 lbs)
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Pull-Ups
Same movements as last week, goal is to finish this sub 21 minutes.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Four sets of:
Bent-Over Double Kettlebell Row x 10 reps @ 2011
rest as needed
Three Sets of:
Half Kneeling Landmine Rotations (right side) x 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Right Side Plank x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Half Kneeling Landmine Rotations (left side) x 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Reft Side Plank x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Running Endurance Option
For time:
Run 5 Miles
This is for time, and a good test of the work you’ve put in over the past 8 weeks. Go hard, but be smart with your pacing. If you have been following the program and tracking your efforts, you should have a decent understanding of what pace is sustainable for this effort.
Rowing Endurance Option
For time:
Row 10,000 Meters
A: 185-305 (happy to be hitting 300+ consistently)
B. 275×4
C. Done with 75 lbs ??
D. 19:09 Rx
A. 315
B. 285
D. 21:52
Primary strength
A) worked to 275
B) done at 250
C) done with 70lbs
Strength accessory
A) done with 45s
B) done with 20on the landmine
A)#105/105/125/125/145/145/160/170/177/185/ 190(failed jerk)
B)#167 CJ
C)#55 Bulgarian SS ??
*our gym is doing this pretend open for 4 weeks and we are split on teams. I’m a team captain so I did that. It was 14.3 alll the DLs.
How fun!! Hope you guys crushed it!
Have the whole GG team up this weekend so practicing today and tomorrow. Rest day Monday. Back on track Tuesday ??
Have fun and don’t do anything stupid!
A) built to 70kg
B) 68kg
C) 40kg
D) 16:40; last time I did the emom with 35 instead of 25# dbs, no wonder it killed me, lol
10lb is just a little difference 🙂
Enjoy testing next week!
A. 132.5kg (2.5kg PR)
B. 120kg
C. 30kg
D. Did 6 burpees thrusters same as last week. 19:51
Yeah! Congrats on the hang clean + jerk PR!!
Still on the mend – about 3 days until I can even try to Oly Lift Yesterday – worked 13 hours A. Worked up to FS x 2 at 165# with no pain B. Power Hungry – 52 cal on assault This morning A. Work up to heavy Strict press with good form – 105# C. Done w/ 65# D. 5 rounds at around 12 min Subbed to just thrusters I did Burpees the first round and it didn’t feel too hot. Sub 5 rounds bc this is my first time doing kipping pull-ups again and didn’t want to do… Read more »
Good to see you in the mend and back posting consistently. Be smart and keep up the good work!
Primary training session D. 19:08 legs are smoked from yesterday’s AB20 A. 285 lb (97% of C&J) I’m very satisfied with this weight. I got it after WOD, so a huge boost to my confidence. B. 255 lb lost the last jerk, almost black out haha C. 75 lb. ? Strength accessory option A. 24 kg B. 15 lb plate for the landmine and 45 lb plate for planks. I’m not sure if I am doing the landmine correctly. I’ve been doing it for a while but I don’t know which muscles I have to feel working. Do you have… Read more »
Legs are tired and you still hit 97%! Not bad at all!
Here’s a great video for landline rows from Julian Pineau
A. Up to 267# (2# hang PR)
B. 245#
C. 95#
D. Did Fight club, wanted to try it a few weeks ago & figured it was a similar stimulus
Power cleans-20/15/10
A. Did rows laying face down on an elevated bench w/ 50# db’s
B. Done with bar & 20# landmine
How many reps per set for letter A??
One hang clean + jerk every 2 minutes for 20 minutes.
Thank You!!
Hang clean & Jerk: stopped at 230lbs. It was beautiful. Missed this two weeks ago.
4×1 every 90 at 207. All clean lifts.
Bulgarian Split squats at 65lbs. That was the hardest part of the session.
Conditioning: 17:49 UB Thrusters, AB around 1:00 or less, Pull Ups UB through 6 rounds, last set went for a quick 10-5. I’m getting fitter!
Landline rotations and side planks done. Good fourth day of training. Full rest tomorrow. And back to work on Monday. ?
Work?! ?
230!! That’s solid Lindsey! Great work! Fitter and pretty damn strong!!
A) Worked from 225-305
B) 275
C) 125
Did some SB over yoke, shspu, sled pulls and pushups
Primary strength A.235 when i add more weights i lose the smooth movment and i jump forward to catch the bar so i stick with the weight becuase Quality over quantity – tino said B.211 very easy and smooth C.135 ? Conditioning 5 sets only no excuse but i don’t wanna spend very long time in gym and still have more exercise 22:40sc not perfect but iam getting better Burpee thruster is so hard feel hard to breath i stick with slow pace rest 2 sc before stand up to finish movment thats keep me finish workout – train smarter… Read more »
Congrats on becoming a daddy!! Prioritise quality work rather than quantity with lack of sleep and a crazy schedule with your new born it’s not smart to add unnecessary volume. Youllbe doing more harm than good.
Actually i did dumbell thruster weight 50 ? thanx
Primary Training Session
A. Up to 315#. PR hang clean and PR c&j
B. 285#
Strength Accessory Option
A. 70#
Strength Accessory Option from yesterday
C. 320# yoke / 400m run / 150# sandbag – 100’
Damn Steve!!! What an awesome day of lifting!! Great work and congrats on the PRs!!