Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Bar Muscle-Up Skill Development
Every minute, on the minute, for 11 minutes:
Minute 1: 6 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 2: 5 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 3: 4 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 4: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 5: 2 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 6: Rest
Minute 7: 6 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 8: 5 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 9: 4 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 10: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 11: 2 Bar Muscle-Ups
Six sets for times of:
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
7 Power Cleans*
Rest 3 minutes
*Sets 1-3 @ 65% of 1-RM
*Sets 4-6 @ 70% of 1-RM
Every 2 minutes, for 40 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1 – 25 Band Resisted Romanian Deadlifts
Station 2 – Double Kettlebell Push Press x 10 reps + ISO Overhead Hold for remainder of 60 seconds
Station 3 – Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Leg Raises x 10-12 reps @ 3110
Station 4 – Band-Resisted Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown x 15 reps @ 2020
Station 5 – L-Sit or L-Sit Progression x 60 seconds
Athlete Notes:
How fast can you go and still hang on to the barbell? That’s what we’re looking for here! The assault bike should be aggressive. We want your legs pumped and your lungs working by the time you get to the barbell…and then, hang on! You get a full three minutes of rest, so we’d advise walking around, or even slowly pedaling on the bike. Don’t just sit down (your legs will thank us). The goal of this workout should be to see how quickly and efficiently you can move a moderate load after a sprint buy in. If the reps start to get sloppy, it’s ok to drop the loading down a little bit and focus more on the intended stimulus! Find that line between going too hard, and going just hard enough to still complete the work!
A. Done with 135 and 145
2:04 to 2:17
Did tue workout today.
Bmu’s done, ripped my palms again. Maybe it’s the liquid chalk that I’ve been using to blame. ????
A. A bit lighter, 60-65%, rx echo
80kg: 2.20/1.40/1.32
85kg: 1.30/1.28/1.28
Fast & fun ????????
B. Done
A) Rx with echo
125#- 1:51/1:43/1:44
135- 1:42/1:37/1:44
B) done
Thanks so much!! Hope you had an awesome day!
???? ????
Bar mu. Done
A. 205- 1:52/1:48/1:55
220- 2:03/2:25/2:21
Bar MU: done
A. 175 lbs:2:01/1:58/1:57
185 lbs: 2:29/2:29/2:10
B. Done
Dropped the hammer on the last set!
A. Rx with Echo
80Kg – 1:49/1:51/1:53
86Kg – 2:07/2:14/2:15
Echo – 1:03-1:17
PC – 4.3/5.2/5.2/4.3/4.3/4.3
Took too long to get on the bar after Echo.
B. Done
Remember that note and next time focus on fast transitions!
I was unusually gassed after the Echo today. Once I got on the bar I started to feel better. Transitions are always what I need to focus on. Sometimes they’re great and other times I spend too much time admiring the bar sitting on the ground. ????????????
Just pick it up! ????????♂️
Skill work- did air chair swings, ceiling to low for muscle ups. What’s the next progression after this one for a bar muscle up, what should I add to this movement?
A. 1:41/1:41/2:02/1:30/ 2:05/2:15, 90 and 95 lb bar. Goal to remain unbroken in PCL. Broke into 5/2 on last 2 sets.
B. Done
I really like jumping bar muscle ups to help get the full motion and practice pulling throughout the movement
BMU work was fun, but had to do a makeshift setup inside garage with barbell on j-cups, but I made it work!
A) used row for cals and hit 65% and 70% on weights without issue ???????? … 1:40-1:40-1:40-1:54-1:42-1:48 wooza that was a fun doozy, totally LOVE these workouts though! Thank you ????????
B) cherry picked a bit due to time, but I love those strict T2B
^ Pedro’s wifey
Making it work and getting in what you can! Nice work!
Lower back was acting really bad today, wasn’t even sure i should train or not, but ended up doing something and now it’s maybe a little bit better
Bar mu primer done, all ub
A) Did class workout instead
For time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps at
thrusters 95lbs
Lateral burpees
Time: 8:16 RX, all ub
B) every 90 sec, because short on time, but 4 rounds done
2x20kg kb for the dl and push press hold
20 GHD instead of t2b
L-sit progression
How much mobility do you do? Specifically Si, Psoas, Hamstring and hip flexors?
I’m doing the usual hip rotations and these basic stuffs before every session, because without it i can’t even squat down, but i would say that’s kinda all. Don’t have enough knowledge for sure, so I’m open for any suggestions ????
Have you searched the articles on our site for suggestions? That’s a good starting point
I’m always trying to read every article in blog, but didn’t specifically search it yet. Will do tomorrow, thanks for the tip!
Sets 1-3 @ 205 – 1:21/1:24/1:25
Sets 4-5 @ 215 – 1:30/1:26
Set 6 @ 225 – 1:27
23:33 total time on running clock
That was rough
Activation and Skill Done
A. 1:56/1:58/2:05/2:17/2:16/2:07 Rx
B. Done
Way to bring that last one down!
A) Done, focused on having a more firm grip on the bar so I didn’t rip like last week.
B) 175 then 195
C) after work
Good stuff!
Bar mu done all ub
A. 85kg 1:52, 1:59, 1:51
90kg 1:57, 1:59, 1:58
Bike was between 1:05-1:15.
B. Done
Moving well today!