Rotate through the following movements for 15 minutes @ 75-80% effort:
100 Meter Run
50 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 70 Double-Unders
10 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Snatches (70/50 lbs)
2 Handstand Obstacle Course Traverses or 100-Foot Handstand Walk
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 4 – 10 reps @ 77%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
“CrossFit Games Open Event 11.3”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat Clean (165/110 lbs)
Jerk (165/110 lbs)
Rest 10 minutes until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
For time:
30 Calorie Row
30 Toes-To-Bar
30 Handstand Push-Ups*
30 Bar Muscle-Ups
30 Handstand Push-Ups
30 Toes-To-Bar
30 Calorie Row
*If you are not interested in competing in the Open or other online qualifiers, we would advise substituting the kipping handstand push-ups for 20 strict handstand push-ups – the pounding on your cervical spine isn’t worth the risk unless you’re preparing for the movement to be tested in competition.
Four sets of:
30 second Chin-Over-Bar Hold
50-Foot Plate Pinch Walk (35/25 lbs)
100-Foot D-Ball or Sandbag Bear Hug Carry (HEAVY)
20 Reverse Hypers @ 40-45% of 1-RM Back Squat
Rest 2 minutes
*If you don’t have access to a reverse hyper please perform band pull-throughs.
*If you do not have access to a D-Ball or Sandbag please perform Double Kettlebell Front-Racked carry.
A. Done
B. 245/ 280/ 315/ 270 (6/10)
C. 13
D. 19:28
E. Done
A. Changed to bench press ?.
B. 325/375/420/365×10
C. 27 cleans 27 jerks.
D. Did 60 pull-ups instead of MU, and did SHSPU. 13:32
E. Done
A. Done with 200m / 70 du / 10 db pwr snatches 70# / 100ft bear crawl
5 rounds in about 23
B. 240 275 320 10@265
C. Maybe tomorrow
D. Done with reg pushups small deficit and ctb instead of bar mu 17:34
Great workout thanks Tino!
A. 2 rnds Rx.
B. 135/155/175/147.5Kg x 10
C. 26 rnds
D. 12:03. Scaled HSPU 36” box and Subd 30 strict C2B pull-ups, no bar or rings today.
E. Done, did pull throughs.
Decided to rest my knee some this week- it was sore after being on it all day at work and it was sore after I squatted and snatched on Wed. But, no pain at all when I worked out today! ? I made up some things from throughout the week…
Back squtats- 175/200/225/190. Felt awesome
Clean and jerk complex- 130/140/150 felt good too
Then conditioning from wed- 10:08 Rx and 10:17 Rx
Thanks Tino!! Hope your weekend is awesome!
Great to see you’re feeling better and that you took the time to rest your knee. Hopefully back to normal training come Monday!
A. 3 rounds (DB Squat snatches at 25, 35, 35 lbs. Big win for me to be able to do DB Squat snatches! A few months ago all I could do was 15lbs with a bent elbow)
B. 126-146-164-140 kg (felt better than I thought I would)
C. Rx 15 rounds
D. Rx 19:27. BMU were very hard: 4-4-3-3-3-3-3-2-1-1-1-1-1 ?… did 20 Strict HSPUs each time.
E. Had to skip it today, gym was closing.
F. My butt hurts soooo bad, as do my legs…
Have you all a great weekend!
Nice work on those dumbbell squat snatches! Now to get those bar muscle-ups dialed in!
A. 3 rounds. Assault runner and used the drag rope for the first time (just bought it). Liking it! DB squat snatches with 35, then 40s. Shoulder issue + mobility = 50s weren’t happening today. Practiced walking to the wall. Not sure what happened but I’ve felt like I’ve gotten worse on HS practice. B. 155/175/198/168 C. 25 rounds. Was really aiming for 30 but it wasn’t happening today. Just off and rested too long. Did 5 extra after the 5 mins. Honestly not sure why, maybe I anticipated that Part D wasn’t going to go well and wanted to… Read more »
Final day of the week is always tough! Nice work seeing it through. Enjoy your rest day and get ready to hit Monday hard!
A) not good at obstacle HSW. That’s a wake up.
3 rounds plus 3 DB alt squat snatch
B) 315/360/went for 454f dropped to 434f hit 395/345×10 (hard again)
Rested 10 minutes
C) 27 rounds. Absolutely weak sauce effort.
Back in 2011 Rich did 46 rounds + 1 SC, amazing!
D) 14:36 (30 for everything, SHSPU)
Emergency garden hose cool down.
E) I’ll get it done.
Need to get on that gymnastics work!
Nothing to write home about today but you still got some good work in. Enjoy your Sunday!
Day 2 of Sam recovers from sickness
A: Did some rounds
B: Was not feeling reps so built to a single at 420#
C: 27 c&Js, so I guess 54 reps
D: ~11, strict c2b for bmu because of palm tears
Hope you feel better come Monday dude. Rest up, sleep well and stay hydrated!
A) WZA workout #4 – 11:04
B) skip
C) 22 rounds at 105lb
D) just moved through this workout (subbed V-ups for T2B) and mainly focused on the bar muscle-ups
Nice work Ola!
A) 3 rounds with 50 weighted rope DU, 30 Freestanding Handstand Marching and 25# DB
B) 62/71/80kg then 10x68kg
C) 16 Squat Cleans + 15 Jerks @ 100lb (85%). My goal was 20 but it wasn’t happening today ?
D) 24:56 with 20 BMU (singles with assistance) and 20 SHSPU (second round) . Not my worst, not my best today… I just woke up feeling tired and couldn’t move well, even though I was trying to push harder. Maybe I should’ve done 20 reps of everything ??♀️
E) Didn’t have time today, the gym was closing ??
Sometimes its ok to just get into the gym and move a little. Enjoy your rest day!
A. 3 1/2 rounds, with 50ft HSW.
B. 190 – 215 – 245 – 208lbs
C. 27 rounds rx (54 total reps)
D. Elapsed time 33:43 (so, 18:43 on Part D). Mostly singles and doubles on bar muscle-ups ?
E. Done
Looking forward to a day of rest!
You’ve earned it! Solid week of work!! Please look after Vernon. He’s his own worst enemy 🙂
A: 3 rounds. 70 DU. Practiced handstand walk/hold
B: Single leg stuff.
C: 18 rounds.
D: 18:25. Only did 15 bar mu.
E: done.
Nice work Trine!
A done
B based off 155kg
C 17 + 17
D 19:03 strict hspu
E done
A) Done
B) 265/305/345/292
C) 18 rounds RX
D) 18:01 RX
E) Done
Tough but good week!
Solid finish! Enjoy your rest day!
A: Done
B: 300×5 340×3 390×1 225×10 (hips were feeling tight wanted to get the volume just smarter with the weight)
C: 30 rounds RX
D: 16:22 RX
E: Done
According to the Open standards clusters are okay. Same here?
A) 2 rounds plus squat snatches with 70dubs and 100ft hswalk
B) 325×10
C) 27
D) 21:30 bmu all singles, 20 strict hspu
How does it actually work by the C? I have to do 5’ amrap sqcl and then from 5-10’ amrap jerk from block or?
Just 5’ amrap squat clean and jerk together? 😀
One round includes a squat clean and a jerk. You must complete the squat clean before moving on to the jerk and you must complete the jerk before moving on to the next squat clean. If you miss a jerk you may power clean the bar to set up your jerk attempt. You will enter your result by the number of rounds completed, plus an additional squat clean if the final round is incomplete.
Crystal clear, thank you! 😀
A. 2 full rounds + 10 DB squat snatches (regular DU’s/ 25kgs DB)
B. Done based on 157kgs
C. Rx 16+16 (32 reps) not satisfied with this ☹️
Rest 10 minutes and then @15:00 ->
D. 18:28 Rx
E. Done except carry (didnt have access to d-ball neither Kbs)
We have a grill party in our gym tonight so I’ll try to limit my alcohol intake to max 1 bottle of wine ? Have a great weekend guys! ?