Gymnastic Skills & Drills
Two sets of:
Strict Muscle-Up Rocking Transition
x 5-6 reps
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Strict Muscle-Up x 1 rep OR False Grip Strict Pull-Up to Sternum x 2-4 reps
followed by . . .
Two sets of:
Prone Upper Back Muscle Recruitment for Ring Muscle-Ups x 10 reps
Jerk warm up with 45/33 lbs barbell
Three sets of:
Split Press x 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
followed by . . .
Three sets of:
Split Jerk x 5 reps with a 3 seconds pause in the dip and a 3 second pause in the catch
Rest 60 seconds
followed by . . .
Three sets of:
Split Jerk x 3 reps @ 95/65 lbs
Rest 60 seconds
followed by . . .
Three sets of:
Drop to Split x 6-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Behind the Neck Jerk x 1 rep @ 80-85% with a 3 second pause in the receiving position
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes, (4 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes, (4 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 12 reps
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes, (4 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Double-Unders x 40 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Two sets of:
Reverse Dumbbell Flys x 20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Gymnastics Skills & Drills: DONE (got 7 strict MU and missed 3).
A&B – skipped and did my knee training:
– 3×8 – 2 legged RDL (not heavy) 205/205/205
– 5×5 snatch grip starts: 185×5 sets
– 4×8 death martch – with 45#
C) Every 6 min for 24: subbed as followed
– 500 meter row (instead of run)
– 50 Double unders
– 15 KBS w/ 2 poor (hands were ripped from Saturday).
Still a day behind (Done Thursday). Rocking transitions were tough. They made my elbows hurt – probably a mobility thing. Strict MUs done.
A – Done.
B – 215#
C – 2:58/3:04/2:58/3:15. DUs were crappy. Only 3rd set UB on DUs. 4th round hot mess.
D – Done.
Gymnastic skills done. Rocking Transitions were easier than I thought they would be, Strict MU were harder than I thought they should be.
A. Done
B. Done at 85% 185 missed the 3sec pause on one rep, wasn’t steady in the receiving position.
C. 3:55, 4:10, 4:15, 5:10 Got a side ache that last round.
GS&D Done, negative rocking transition, False Grip Strict Pull-Up to Sternum
A .- Done
B .- 225 #
C .- 4:35; 4:41; 4:58; 5:35
D .- Done 20#
Warm Up: Struggled through it… Thank you Tino for having Travis send modification option. A. Split Press 45# Split Jerk 5 reps 45/55/65 Split Jerk 3 reps 95/115/125 Drop Split 3×6 95# B. 145/145/155/155/160/160 C. 3:34/3/:29/3:30/3:49 Consistent 1:47 run each round. UB DU’s, and then C2B mainly 5’s to 3’s to 2’s stronger the first 2 rounds, smaller sets the last two. D. Did a rope climb workout in prep of Granite Games. Every 3 min for 9 min (Avg 1:30 a round) 1 legless RC 100′ farmers carry 55# 1 Rope Climb Was only able to make it to… Read more »
Big day!! Enjoy your rest.
That’s a big day of work! Nice job!
That’s what happens when Fogarty is your workout buddy! 🙂
Only had about an hour…
A. Done
B. All at 155#
C. Did 4 rounds for time of:
run 400, 50 DU’s (no chest to bar because of shoulder and lack of time)
Will do MU work and part D tomorrow.
Still being careful with my left shoulder strain, so skipped GSD.
A. Kept all jerk exercises between 75-95#.
B. Skipped BNJ.
C. 3:00-3:15 all sets. Subbed strict PU’s. All sets UB. No C2B or kipping today.
D. 15/20# DB’s.
Shoulder felt much better today and with tomorrow being an off day, hopefully, I’ll be good as new on Friday. And while Travis makes everything look easy (like those hollow to L-sits), I’m going to fit in those MU rocking transitions. ?
Good to see that the shoulder is better. Lots of mobility today!!
Could do the rocking transition but had to start from on top of the rings.
EMOM 10- strict my done but the last 5 were a lot harder than the first 5
A. Jerk drills done
B. 175-185# BTN jerk
C. Knee was bugging me so subbed out the run and du with the bike and ghd.
Every 6 mins:
Bike 1/2 mile
20 ghd situps
15 c2b
2:52, 2:55, 3:00, 3:05
D. 10# DBS
Geez Corey did you wear a jet pack? those times are awesome!!
Invictus Endurance Session 2 -Aerobic work
.90 miles per 6 min effort x 5
Gymnastic drills done
10 SMU-Done
A. Jerk drills done
B. 2@225, 2@230, 2@235
C. 1- 3:16, 2- 3:02, 3- 3:07, 4- 3:14
D. Done with 15’s and 20’s
I could get three transitions in a row but no more-
I had Big Andy pushing me up on the strict MU EMOM- it won’t be long
A and B- I subbed some strict press and worked up to a PR of 205
Here is a video, I thought taunting a disabled guy was not PC! Tell my workout partners that.
C. I did 1:30 of Schwinn 15 GHD/15 C2B- 3:00 ish minutes for all rounds
D. skipped
Awesome work Al!! Just be careful putting any load on that knee.
What a bunch of a$$holes ruining your lovely performance like that Al. ?
Not supposed to go overhead for a week ?
Will rest till Friday!?
Did some very light Bamboo Bar work, then
4 sets
Pendlay Rows
Curls for da girls
Tricep extensions
WOD as RX’ed but subbed scaled Ring Rows for C2B
Be smart and don’t rush back. you’ll rep the benefits in the long run when your fit and healthy.
MU drills done. Had to sub some stuff.
A. Jerk Drills done
B. 195 behind neck jerks
C. 3:50, 3: 20, 3:31, 3:20 subbed 15 GHD situps for the C2B.
D. Done
A. Oh boy Travis you made those things look easy and I was like…is he using a strap, or a box or what… nope he is not! Well I did them with a little box support LOL SMUs… I did from my knees with the rings at head height. 10 Mu recruitment done B. All Jerk work complete BH the neck jerks- all at 135# C. 2:58/3:01/3:08/3:25 * I worked with my Victory Grips today and hands held up good. However, I worked on Butterfly C2B and I am no where near as proficient at these as kipping. but… I… Read more »
keep working on that butterfly pull-ups Tracy and they will come!
Jerk-Work… B. 125-130- Did not get extension on the last rep. Tried again right away failed….waited 90s then nailed it! A. 3 each minute Strict ring pull-ups Could not even begin to do a rocking transition-Going to have a session to learn the drills that we are practicing so that I know how to do them right… C. 25 DU-30DU last 2 sets 50DU- and made it with time to spare…YAY! Always think I will not make it. DU are a big struggle-Have been getting better-Learning slow and controlled C2B last set did 2 sets 10/5 800 M cool down… Read more »
Nice job on the 130lb.!
Du’s are coming! This is great and your strength is gaining1 Keep it up Lady!
geeze..LOL travis 🙂 makes these drills look effortless until you get up there!!! LMAO!! but we are soo grateful..these drill have helped me tremendously!!!! thank you Team INvictus for such a well put together program! Im happy I stuck with this one!! love ya guys and all the support from the athletes..I hope to start tom on this one .. missed a bit due to unfortunate circumstances! mised the group!
Thanks for your kind words! Great to hear that the work we do helps! Just trying to help make you guys the best you can be!
Tino Marini -you guys are hitting the mark very well!! I couldnt be more happier! thank you!!! <3 Looking forward to what else im going to achieve with you guys! 🙂 thanks again!
Glad you are back! I thought the same thing about those effortless drills that Travis did! He looked like a puppet hanging from the rings. WTH? right.
its amazing to see people who are really good move ..LOL the one thing not translated right away is how hard the move is until you try it..well in my case ..I was like” darn it I keep falling and my arms dont work! LOL Im sure you did it well tracy! your super good strong… thank you!
Gymnastics – Rocking Transition – I knew it would be much harder than Travis was making it look! Had to modify these today because I have one wrist which is quite sore right now. False grip was not a good option today. A. Press – up to 65# Jerk with pauses – up to 90# Split Jerk @ 95# – done Drop to split – was getting the hang of these – up to 75# B. Behind neck – 145 (2), 150 (2), 155 (2), 160 (2) not sure why I did 8 sets? Just noticed that now! C. 1.… Read more »
Skill & Drills
1. 45
2. 45
3. 95
4. 95-135-185
B. 225
C. 2:33- 2:49- 2:49- 2:50
D. 10’s
Fast Corey, nice work
Thanks Karen. Love anything with short runs!
Rogue has used event SANDBAGS on clearance. I think they only have the large size still available at the moment. The large size holds up to 160 lbs. I bought one. 🙂
Buy them all!!