Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Rocking Box Bridge x 10 pulses
60+: Gymnastics Bridge x 30 seconds
followed by. . .
Extensor Stretch x 30 seconds
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Banded Tricep Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and finish with . . .
x 25 reps
One set of:
Ring Swings (small) x 8 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Rowing Transition Lifters on Low Rings x 6-8 reps
Interval 2 – Supine Ring Swings x 6 reps
Followed by. . .
Option 1 –
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes (4 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Pop Swing x 5 reps
Interval 2 – Rowing Transition Lifter Swing x 5 reps
Option 2 –
Every 20 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Rowing Transition Lifter Swing x 1 rep
Interval 2 – Shove Pop Swing x 1 rep
Interval 3 – Muscle-Up x 1-2 reps
Every 45 seconds, for 6 minutes (8 sets):
Banded Deadlift x 1 rep @ 45% of 1-RM Deadlift on the Barbell + 25-30% Band Tension of 1-RM Deadlift at Lockout
*Get tight and the concentric portion of the lift needs to be performed as fast as possible to a strong lockout by the glutes
Here is a video of two versions of banded deadlift, as well as instructions on how to measure band tension at lockout.
Every 7 minutes, for 28 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Row x 750 Meters
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x designated reps
Wall Ball Shots x 15 reps (make these unbroken)
10/8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups; 20/14 lbs to 10′ target
50-54: 8/6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups; 20/14 lbs to 10′ target
55-59: 6/4 Strict Handstand Push-Ups; 20/10 lbs to 9′ target
60+: 4/2 Strict Handstand Push-Ups OR Handstand Push-Up with knees on box x 10/8 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4UiIX_ON_0&index=95&; 20/10 lbs to 9′ target
Three sets of:
Weighted Hip Extensions x 10-12 reps @ 2112
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Hip Bridges x 10 reps per side
Rest 45 seconds
Two sets for max time of:
Farmer’s Hold
Rest 2-3 minutes
The weight should be roughly 90% of the weight you can handle for 150-foot carry. Just pick it up and hold for as long as possible – goal would be 60 seconds or more.
A) Did option 1 on things, did option 2a & 2b on rings 2c on bar
B) 140kg + band
C) 3:48 – 3:40 – 3:42 – 3:39
D1) 24kg
D2) green band #goinvictus
D3) 90lbs (1:00), 95lbs (1:00)
DM&A – done+
4 mile warmup run, 7:22 pace
A. did not do. Muscle strain in back on Saturday. First day touching a barbell or rig since.
B. 215 + dark blue band (?)
C. 4:22, 4:09, 4:14, 4:20
D. Did Tuesday’s Strongman work
E. Farmer’s Hold. 2 x 53# KBs. 3:01 round 1. 3:23 round 2.
Completed on Thursday. Mobility and warm up done A. Completed with Option 2 doing 1 MU. B. 120# on bar with Purple Band. Seemed light, but stayed with it. C. 4:20 (2:57 row) / 4:29 (2:55 row) / 4:31 (2:58 row) / 4:39 (3:02 row). SHSUP 4/4, 3/2/2/1, 3/3/2, 3/2/2/1. That darn breathing thing. I lose focus of engaging the lats to push out. WB all UB. D. Farmer Max Hold with 45# KB 3:15/1:34 ( I may have thought we only had to do it once, and then realized I had to go again… left forearm blew up in… Read more »
Did Metron running workout
Then I’m a day behind so I modified
10 min emon 2 rmu
DL @365 every 45 sec x 8 last set did 5 touch and go
C. 3:52,3:37,3:32,3:42 all ub
Not working out at my gym so had to make do
Mobility: done
A: no rings today
B: 200lb with a purple band (not sure of tension)
C: 4:07, 4:12, 4:22, 4:55.
Subbed 15 pike push-ups on 30in box to minimize stress on my foot. Thought I sandbagged the first round, felt super easy. Turned out to not be the case. Wheels came in rd four. Couldn’t keep the wall-balls unbroken (11, 4).
D: done. 10kg plate for hip-extensions (12 reps)
Got two rounds of 2minutes on farmer hold with 24kg KBs.
A) done but used my rings at home so, much shorter strap for the swings.
B) 125lbs with green band. I have no idea if that is the right weight and tension but I was able to stay explosive.
C) the row killed me today. My whole body was cramping, back, quads, triceps…it was awful. I think I slept badly.
Used 1 abmat for SHSPU, wall balls all unbroken
A. Done, we don’t have rings at the globo gym, so I used the bar and TRX for that work.
B. 225 with 75 lbs. bands
C. 4:17, 4:17, 4:20, 4:34 – was not feeling the rower today
D. Done
Farmers Hold with 80 lbs. today, hands were smoked from all the bar work.
Mobility Activation Done – some with PVC instead of bands and for the push ups used a 45lb plate on my back 🙂
A- Drills and Option 2 Done (felt sloppy on the MU, got 2 per rd)
B- No bands today so did 225lbs is 55% of 1RM.
C- 4:10 / 4:25 /4:26 /4:20 – HS & WB were unbroken. Felt a small sting sensation on my right shoulder.
D- Barbell Hip extension @135 and Hip Bridge with no band.
Hmmmm what is going on with the shoulder?
I felt the sensation during the HSPU test we had on the first round. I have arthritis on the tip of the shoulder bone, but has ease for good time.
I also notice it, depending my hand position for the HSPU
Ease up on it and don’t jerk today (Friday). Instead, do some shoulder stability work!
A – Skipped to rest shoulder. Feeling tons better since treatment Monday. Strength returning too.
B – 205 + 110# of tension.
C – 4:01, 4:08, 4:12, 4:18. Rows all sub-3, had a walk to the HS wall and then walk back to the WB target. SHSPUs UB for first two rounds. WBs all UB.
D – Done. 45# on hip extensions. Farmer’s hold – 88# kb in each hand. 90 seconds each round.
So happy the shoulder is feeling better!
Mobility activation done
A. Done…some new drills, hopefully I did them correctly. Option 2 done
B. 165# on bar plus Green and Purple band (105# tension) felt too easy so went up to 2 green bands (125#) which still felt easy and then for last two went up to 2 green+purple (170# tension), maybe too much tension!
C. Enjoyed this piece. 4:05 (3:05 row), 3:57 (3:04 row), 3:54 (3:04 row), 3:53 (3:02 row)
D. 25# / green band
How is the hamstring feeling after that?
Feeling ok! Some strange sensations in the back of my leg at times but it wasn’t any more sore after yesterday’s session…so I think that’s a good sign!
A. Done.
B. 220w/ black band triple wrapped and underfoot
C. Done. Did 2×5 on shspu until last set, then did 10 ub. should have trusted my fitness and started with 10 unbroken
D. Done. 25# on hip extension- forgot the farmers hold
It is important to test during training – you are definitely capable of 10!
A. Option 2 Complete
B. 215# plus green band
C. 4:00/3:59/3:58/3:56
D. 20#/Green Band/70# Kb
A. MU drills/strict and regular reps
B. Regular DL singles @365 (79%)
C. (35-49) 3:45/3:43/3:46/3:49, rows were 2:49-2:53
D. Hip extensions/bridges
Nice and consistent, I love that!
Thanks Nichole!
Mobility & Activation – done (added Pick drill and warmed up on concept 2)
A. done
B. 145 lb. bar weight + 96 lb. tension weight
C. 4:12 – 4:06 – 4:08 – 4:09 (UB on WBS)
D. HE – 15# plate, SL BHB – done (green band)
Max time – 1:30, 1:35 ouch! (used 70 lb. KBs)
A. Done. Did option 2
B. 130#+green band
C. 4:03/3:50/3:49/3:58 all unbroken
D. Done farmer hold @105#
Great work Jason!
Barbell wod session 1(snatch complex, jerks and squats) A. Really glad no one was around to see me trying these new drills ha ha what a goof. Muscle ups have regressed slightly, trying not to get frustrated and look at the positive, I can always do one from the boxes on a false grip. B. 145lbs and purple bands C. 3:54/4:03/can’t remember, had to stop and sign for a package during set so probably slower/ had a little more rest before the last one because someone came into the gym to ask for information so I had to take care… Read more »
Yay, progress with sHSPU!!
Mobility done
A. Done – option 2 (2 MU per)
B. Done at 205# with black band
C. 4:45/4:47/4:48/5:45 – slow times due to the SHSPU (rows at 2:45, WB all UB). Very happy to do all SHSPU RX though – no riser. I had an ab mat next to me just in case, but never had to use it. Had to go to singles in round 4.
D. Done
Major success Joe!!!
Used the bar overhead stretch in place of box bridge
A: finished w 5 min EMOM
2 MU ea
B 185 w band
Extra fun. Walking on my hands 3 ft at a time
C finished each rd in 4:15-4:30
Kept the rower at 150 or better
Took more time to do Strict HSPU
These are new and excited to do them.
D. Maybe later.
DL 255 with green band
4:08 too much in reserve
3:38 went for it… should have all 4…
This hurricane left me drained but no missed days. Stir crazy though!
Hope weather improves for you soon. Good job!
How are you guys doing with the weather?
We are doing well, thank you. Almost every house around us flooded. Water came within a few feet of the house but receded just in time.
FFS so annoyed rotator cuff gone during HSPU ?
dude! Ouch. get some ice on it.
Yep I am.
Going to try and get in and see a physio too.
Feels like one thing after another…guess it’s our age!
Could be. I had my results of the MRI yesterday. The good news is that I don’t need surgery or an injection or physio. I have two minor Labrum tears, which are healing slowly. Just got to be sensible. Apparently, I dislocated the shoulder during BodyPower Games day 1. Probably should have not done the individual event on day 2. Oops! Lesson learned.
High pain threshold then!
just don’t quit buddy. Can be good and bad trait to have.
How is the shoulder feeling now Daniel?
Sore but greater ROM than last night.
Thanks for asking.
Will rest and see physio.
OMG Rob!!! So so so glad no surgery is needed!