August 3, 2019 – Invictus Athlete

Primary Training Session
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)

followed by…

Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed

Rotate through the following movements for 15 minutes:
30 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 50 Double-Unders
50-Foot Handstand Walk
2 Rope Climbs
1 Handstand Walk Obstable Course

We are not looking for a score. Your priority is to move through these movements smooth and efficiently. Use this time to improve skills and body awareness. These are things you can do often, but this is dedicated time today to improving these sometimes neglected skills.

Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s 2-RM Bench Press

Four sets of:
Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x 16 reps (8 each leg)
(go heavy on these; HOVER, but DO NOT TOUCH your back knee to the ground – this shows control)
Rest 60 seconds
Tempo Ring Dips x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds

Two rounds for time of:
800 meter Run
40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
30 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Bar Muscle-Ups

Optional Additional Work Sessions

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*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
4-6 Wide Grip Strict Pull-Ups
100-Foot Plate Pinch Walk (35/25lb.)
60 second Supinated Grip Dead Hang
20 GHD Hip Extensions
60 second D-Ball or Sandbag Bearhug Hold (150/100lb)
20 Reverse Hypers @ 50% of 1-RM Back Squat*
Rest 90 seconds

*If you don’t have access to a reverse hyper please perform band pull-throughs.

For time:
200 Meter Sled Push

Simple rule…no stopping or walking. Load the sled light and commit to moving it without stopping. Goal is to beat your time on July 6, 2019.

Running Endurance Option
At designated paces:
Run 800 Meters – easy (60-70% effort)
Run 400 Meters – moderately hard (80-85%)
Run 800 Meters – easy (60-70% effort)
Run 400 Meters – moderately hard (80-85%)
Run 800 Meters – easy (60-70% effort)

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Ismael Calderon Otero
Ismael Calderon Otero
August 3, 2019 8:40 pm

Warm up done
A. Done
B. 90kg
C. 60kg all 4 rounds
D. 26:03 I lost a lot of time with the thrusters
The snatch was unbroken and the mu 8/7, 5/5/5
The thruster was 3Rounds of 10 both 2 rounds.
I did an additional wod from the class
Amrap 10 min
1 t2b
1 hsp
10 du
T2B and hsp increase by 1 every round
Total rounds: 11+8

In the afternoon.
Run 5km low peace 2 times

August 4, 2019 3:01 am

Damn dude that’s a lot of conditioning. More is not necessarily better!! Be smart we don’t want to see any injuries or burnout!

Petr Krejci
Petr Krejci
August 3, 2019 1:29 pm

Morning 10.5km run (4:50/km)
4 hours later
B. 120kg
C. 2 x 24kg
Dips 12 reps
A. Done
Pull ups 6 reps with 10kg
Hip extensions with 10kg

August 3, 2019 1:40 pm
Reply to  Petr Krejci

Solid finish to the week Petr!

Thomas Bowidowicz
Thomas Bowidowicz
August 3, 2019 11:35 am

A. Done
B. Built to 255#
C. 135# and 10 reps for all sets
D. 32:55 Rx Workout got interrupted halfway through which slowed it down.

Jacob Garrison
Jacob Garrison
August 3, 2019 10:50 am

A) Complete
B) 285
C) 135 / 12
Had a large open gym crew today so did a team of 2 workout with the group
Team of 2 Co-Ed
a) AMRAP 8
12 Squat Cleans (155/105)
24 BBJO (20”)
-Rest 4:00-
b) 6 RFT
20/15 Cal Row
8 Sandbag over shoulder (150/100)
20 WB (20/14)
-Rest 4:00-
c) AMRAP 6
4 Legless Rope Climbs

August 3, 2019 11:19 am
Reply to  Jacob Garrison

Fun way to end the week!

Bryan Chu
Bryan Chu
August 3, 2019 9:44 am

Warmup done A. Done, but HS obstacle really hard for me today. Heavy rope getting much better! B. 255 x 2, 260 x 1. Never tested 2RM but my 1RM is 275. C. Did increasing sets here, 75-95-115-135 (will do them all at 135 next time) D. Did something else; 3RFT 500 Meter Row 40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50 lbs) 30 Toes-to-Bar 20 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50 lbs to 24″) 10 Muscle-Ups *Compare to June 15, 2019 31:22:00 Score today: 29:02 (-2:20) Efficiency on the Box overs this time was so much better! 1/4 on 1/4 off, 2 sets of… Read more »

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
August 3, 2019 10:09 am
Reply to  Bryan Chu

Getting better and bettter! Way to smoke your time

Lucas Dozzi
Lucas Dozzi
August 3, 2019 8:17 am

Rotate through the following movements for 15 minutes: 50 Heavy Rope Double Unders or 70 Double Unders 2 Handstand Obstacle Course Traverses 2 L-Seated Rope Climb Four sets of: Tempo Bench Press x 2-3 reps @ 21X1 Rest 90 seconds Front-Foot Elevated Split Squat x 10 reps each leg @ 20X1 Rest 45 seconds between legs, and 90 seconds after completion Bench: 205×2 for all sets Lunges: 50-55-65-70 (last week was 35-50-50-70) One set of: Bench Press x Max reps @ today’s working weight (no tempo) Rest 2 Minutes Dumbbell Walking Lunge Drop Set x 20.20.20 steps Bench: 7 @… Read more »

August 3, 2019 9:27 am
Reply to  Lucas Dozzi

One of my favourite workouts that I’ve ever written. You’ll see this again 🙂

Lucas Dozzi
Lucas Dozzi
August 3, 2019 10:33 am
Reply to  tino


Jacob Garrison
Jacob Garrison
August 3, 2019 10:52 am
Reply to  Lucas Dozzi

That workout looks awful and so fun at the same time. Did I miss that one from a few weeks back while I was gone or did you pull that from Tino’s archives

August 3, 2019 11:19 am
Reply to  Jacob Garrison


Lucas Dozzi
Lucas Dozzi
August 4, 2019 4:42 am
Reply to  Jacob Garrison

It was actually the primary conditioning piece from July 17th of this year (it was a Wednesday). It was definitely fun, especially if you can get some friends to do it with yiu

Noble Tucker
Noble Tucker
August 3, 2019 8:02 am

A. Done
B. 245, had 265 going up on 2nd rep
& nailed the J-hook. Benching alone didn’t feel like re-racking the weight
C. 135# lunges, 12 dips each time
D. 28:50 w/ ring mu
Db snatches-40-30/10
Db thrusters-15/10/5-15/9/6
Ring mu-5/4/3/3-5/3/3/2/2

Koen Knarren
Koen Knarren
August 3, 2019 7:01 am

Yesterdays training today.
A. 6sets 2 lift offs +clean+jerk
Build up to 100kg missed the jerk.

4 sets c&j at 95kg every 90 sec
B. 1rm tempo back squat 32×1
Build to 140kg
1 set max reps@ 140kg no tempo
3 reps.

Did a wod with the group:
100du buy in
5 rounds bar@ 60kg
12 deadlift
9 hang clean
6 p. Jerk
3 back squats
1 overhead squat
Buy out 100 dubs

Strenght accesory

August 3, 2019 9:26 am
Reply to  Koen Knarren

Fun finish to the week. Looks like you had fun with your crew!

Michele Gabba
Michele Gabba
August 3, 2019 5:35 am

A. Done
B. 105 kg
C. Done
D. 23:24
DB Snatch Unbroken
DB Thruster 10-10-10/10-10-10
Bar MU 9-6/10-5

Strength accessory done

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