Two sets of:
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 15 seconds
Hindu Push-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Press x 5 reps each side
Rest 15 seconds
Single-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Cossack Squat x 8 reps each leg @ 2111
Rest 15 seconds
GHD Hip Extension x 8 reps @ 2012
(focus on glute activation and maintaining a hollow position)
Rest as needed
Against a 40-minute running clock, complete as many calories as possible of Concept 2 Rowing or Bike Erg…with a twist. 🙂
At 3,2,1,GO! perform the following…
Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps of:
Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
When the running clock reaches 10:00, perform…
30 Devil’s Presses (50/35 lb DBs)
When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform…
Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps of:
Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
When the running clock reaches 30:00, perform…
30 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lb DBs)
90 Heavy Rope Double-Unders
Record and post total calories in 40 minutes and times for i, ii, iii and iv.
Three sets of
Hollow Rocks
x 30 reps
Left Side Plank x 45 seconds
Right Side Plank x 45 seconds
Straight Body Ceiling-Reaching Crunches
x 20 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
B. 3:19/90 cal
4:45/65 cal
7:47/40 cal (back BURNNNNED on this one)
5:39/50 cal (losing steam here)
This is pure evil haha – let’s gooooo!
B. Disgustingly hot today. Need to hydrate after that. All on the row:
65 cals did strict pullups to save my elbow
40 cals
10 cals 🙁
45 cals
Row really jacked up my grip, part of the reason those deadlifts took so long. Need to experiment and save my forearms. good stuff today!
B. No rower did all rounds with Airdyne bike. Regular dus.
Fran: 2:23 PR and 117 cals
Devil press: 4:01 and 60 cals
Diane: 6:09 and 41 cals
Thrusters: 3:58 and 90 cals
C. Done
Yeah Douglas!! Congrats on the “Fran” PR!!
Wow! Bummed to be missing this one.
I did Thursday’s swim program instead.
My 250m times were 6:49 & 6:50.
Really nice meeting you Tino! Best of luck to all the athletes. I will do my best to keep Vernon in check these next two weeks!!
Awesome to meet you Caitlin! Look after that kid. He’s a handful 🙂
Super proud of all he has achieved this year!
A. Done
B. Scaled HSPU using 30”box, 150 DU with regular rope.
i. 2:50/135 cal
ii. 6:15/70 cal
iii. 7:00/54 cal
iv. 6:30/62 cal
Total – 321 cals
C. Done
A. Done
B. Done as written, I didn’t catch all my times or my calories. I swapped the order for the big class this morning. Very rough idea of scores:
Devils Press – 5:00
Fran – 4:30
DB Thruster – 6:30
Diane – 9:30
C. Done
10/15 shspu
Positive is that I stuck with it but I just didnt have that extra gear (or two) and not a lot of drive
C: done
Mental win today! Nice work!
Fran : 5:20 / 61 cal
Devil press : 7:30 / 30 cal
Deadlifts, shspu: 7:11 /32 cal
Db thrusters, 150 dus: 8:30 / 23 cal
Great work Ismael!
Well, I was excited about this one….until I got to the devil’s press haha (35lb still not light), and then the thrusters did me in. These are still a weakness for me. I didn’t really keep track of when I was finishing each buy-in, just the calories.
Fran – 71 cal
Devil’s Press – 37
Diane – 15
Dumbbell thrusters + Heavy DU – 38
Working those weaknesses and getting better!
Alternated row and bike for calories due to class size
Bi: 102; fran ~3:30
Bii: 45; done ~5:30
Biii: 22; strict diane 8:27
Biv: 67; thrusters no bueno
Thrusters should be bueno
A) done
B) this was really effing hard for me. I’m really happy to have done it and not died or barfed. Was working on the assault bike because I need to get over my hatred of it.
i) 6:53 And 16 cals
ii) 8:00 and 9 cals
iii) 8:18 and 6 cals (lose steam much?)
iv) 7:06 and 17 cals (normal rope)
Total cals was 48.
C) 2 rounds done because I was dead.
Great work today dude! That was a grinder and good test of both physically and mentally
A) done
B) 276 cals rowed total
Fran 2:32 (chill) 127 cals
30 devils (5 minutes) 25 cals
21-15-9 DL/SHSPU (3:32) 82 cals
30 thrusters + 150 du (7 minutes) 42 cals
C) I’ll do it
Go INVICTUS!!!! May the Lord keep all the athletes healthy!
Big final day! ??
Hello!! Happy Saturday!!
A) Done
i) 7:05 Kipping PU/30 Cal Erg Bike
ii) 6:24 25# DB/36 Cal Erg Bike
iii) 8:22 115# DL, 3” raise for HSPU/15 Cal Erg Bike (I almost gave up, I had cramps on my shoulders and ??)
iv) 5:55 25# DBs, 90 DU heavy rope/47 Cal Erg Bike
Total: 128 Cal Erg Bike
It was a mental battle, I’m really happy that I made it through the end!
D) Done
Great job at the Games!! Cheering on you! ??
Don’t let your head get in the way of your fitness. The workout never wins. You always win! Great work!
Thanks Tino! Have a great weekend!
A. Done
B. Fran – 3:47 (24 sec PR)
Row – 75 cal
Devils press – 6:42
AB (we alternated between row and AB due to class size) – 14 cal
Diane – fell apart. Only got through the 15’s
Row – 0
Thrusters/heavy DU – 5:36
AB – 39
C. Done
The coaches here have successfully turned me into a shorter timeframe success and not so good with the long durations anymore. I was good for about 10 min and then not so much.
Congrats on the “Fran” PR!! You’re good over 10 minutes too 🙂
Fran: 2:43; row calories: 110
Devil press: 5:58; AB Cals: 45
Diane: 7:35ish; row calories: 31
Thruster/du: 6:30ish; AB Cals: 44
2:43 that’s cute I remember my first Fran.
B. i – PR 3:47. 93 cal row
i i – 4:12 30# DB 50 Cal Assault Bike
i i i – 6:47 blue pad on SHSPU DL RX 35 cal row
i v – about 4:45 I think heavy DU 30# DB 47 cal Assault Bike
Didn’t feel my best going in- very happy. Looking to go 35# on devil presses.
Didn’t feel your best and PRd your “Fran” and crushed it today! Nice work Trish!
Well this got interesting. I’m really excited bc I didn’t miss any training this week and my body feels pretty good!
A) done
B) probably wasn’t a good idea to start by PRing Fran, but there we were. I. 3:38 Rx and 50 cal on echo bike.
Ii. 4:03Rx 43 cal echo
iii. 5:39 Rx 40 cal echo
Iv. 4:34 W DU 38 cal echo
171 cal total on echo bike
Ended up being fun!
C) done
Thanks Tino!! Hope today’s awesome!!
Awesome work getting all your sessions this week! Same again next week please! ?
I’ll do it!! ??
? thank you so much
Morning session:
1,2km run
200m swim
1,2km run
200m swim
Time : 24,26
I modified the wod cause see ostheo 2 days ago so don’t want to work to gravure on my back :
E2MOM 14’:
Power clean + hang power clean + jerk
B: Same schema like you: Amrap 40’:
21-15-9 strict hspu
15m Handstand walk
15 rope climbs
3 rounds:
30 pull ups
15m handstand walk
30 DB Thruster
150 DU
Cal row total: 70
Done midline work
Good to see you be smart and finish off the week strong! Hope to see you back to full health soon!
A. Done
B. I. 3:32 Rx (85cal)
B. II. 5:50 Rx (45cal)
B. III. 7:11 Rx (30cal)
B. IV. 6:21 with 150 regular DU’s (50cal)
Total: 210 cals row
C. Done
I saw this workout on you IG story and I was thinking that I would never want do this and here we are ?? devil presses were definitely the worst!
Now rest and cheering on all Invictus athletes at Games ?
hahah funny how things work out. Great job!!!
You’re welcome! 🙂
Thanks buddy! It’s been a fun week so far!