Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3-Position Snatch @ 65-75%
(high hang, mid-thigh, floor)
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-85%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch @ 85-95%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Pull x 2 reps @ 95-100%
For time:
400 Meter Run
10 Bench Press (150% of BW/100% of BW)
400 Meter Run
20 Bench Press (125% of BW/85% of BW)
400 Meter Run
30 Bench Press (100% of BW/75% of BW)
400 Meter Run
40 Push Ups
Three sets of:
Half Kneeling Med Ball Slam to Right x 10 reps
Right Side Plank x 45 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Half Kneeling Med Ball Slam to Left x 10 reps
Left Side Plank x 45 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
*MB Slam is over the knee that is not on the ground.
A. 135/145/150#
B. 32:46 RX BW 183#
275# 9:10
235# 20:59
185# 29:30
40 PU 32:46
C. Done
Hotel Gym
B: 33:40 ( scaled to 125%, 113%, 102%)
Hotel gym
B. 24:15
C. Done
60, 67.5, 80, 90kg
Scaled bench to 80,70,60kg
9kg med ball
A. 135 across on 3-pos, up to 165 for hang+full, up to 185 for last 4 heavy singles, 195 for the pulls.
B. Scaled to 185×10, 165×20, 135×30, RX push-ups for a time of 22:14
C. Done
A. Up to 125
B. Built to aheavy bench: 155. 5lb PR
B. 16:50
140×4 then dropped to 130×6
Great work tonight!
A. Up to 100
A2. Work up to a heavy bench, per Hunter: 175
B. RX 13:23…if there was ever a workout written for me, this was it. 🙂 Thanks, Tino!!
C. Done
A) all power
3pos 135/145/155
2 pos 165/170/175
PS up to 194
SP: up to 302
B) 17:40
Run is 500 but who cares when you run as slow as I do.
270×10 (5/3/2)
223×20 (10/6/4)
179×30 (15/8/7)
40 push ups (UB)
? in’ to the pump.
Think this is one of my favorite workouts ever! Going to do this on my off days!
Mmmmm….that chest pump is real! ??
C) done
Good for you ?. I was tempted to curl after but was afraid of being too sore and tight for whatever tomorrow brings
A. 155,165,175. 185,195,205. 210,215,220,225-f,230. 235,240,245×1. Glad to hit some good numbers again.
B. Ass handed to me. 225 (110%), 215 (105%), 205 (100%). 42:59.
A. Took this slow. Shoulders felt ok strength wise and good stability wise; didn’t want to rush the weight and risk injury.
B. Scaled to the ladies %. Still working on gaining the strength back.
C. Done
A. Done yesterday up to 125 for complex
B. 19:15 rx (123, went off 125. Should have gone to Regional weight)
C. Done
First day back after 2 week vacation to Oahu and Kauai(surfed and hiked a lot) Dropped in twice at
crossfit Kapaa.
A. 95
B. Done nft bench 135# across and row 500 instead of run
C. Done 20# ball
A) 135×2, 145#
155×2, 160#
B) Did bench at 85%/75%/65% of max. Done at 23:04
C) Done
A. Done 40/50/55/60 kg
B. Done 85kg/75kg/63kg
Snatch pull:
10 rounds of:
-8 cal aab
-3 power clean (80%)
11.28 RX
C. Done
D. Build to 1RM bench
270lbs ✅
A 1.) 145lb/ 155lb/ 165lb
2.) 165lb/ 185lb/ 190lb
3.) 190lb/ 195lb/ 205lb/ 205lb/ 215lb
4.) 3 x 2 Snatch Pull @ 225lb
B.) started with 150% (250lb) failed 6 reps in, that was fun. Dropped down to about 140% and reset reps.
235lb (140%) / 205lb (120%) / 170lb (100%)
Total time: 27:25. my…tittttttsssss.
80/80/85/85/90 (technic are good but receive in power position)
100kg 125%
80kg 100%
60kg 85%
Time: 18,14
C: done
A. 155/175/200/235
B. 24:50 205/185/165 Body weight=165
C. Done
A. 175/185/195
235/245/250/255/260f failed 260 a few times but felt better today. Not really sure why I was missing
B. 22:13 RX holy Christ my man tits
C. Done
315lb?! damn man! good work.
Yea man! brings me back to my college meat head days bench twice a week!
Don’t you know it…total bro workout.
This is a good one for a Sunday!
In the pump dungeon! ?? How much you bench bro?!
Back in my glory days I maxed out at 385 but that was 8 years ago .. currently 360? 365 maybe? Not really sure! My chest is gonna be sore for days!
I was just trying to be funny but that’s a solid bench. Yes I think we will all be hurting this weekend.
If this was a named workout so many meatheads would think crossfit was awesome.
A.) 3 position snatch 100-115#
Hang + snatch 115-130#
Snatch pulls 150#
I still can’t believe I’m able to snatch 150# I remember when my PR used to be 95#. Lol.
B.) My 1RM was 130# but it was a while ago so I devided to do the RX with a body weight of 137#
100# took me 21:53 I think my chest will be sore.
Am I cool because I did it rx?
Very cool:)