Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Partner Shoulder Stretch
x 45 seconds each
Two sets of:
Inverted Shoulder Opener x 45 seconds
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two sets of:
Bamboo Press x 8-10 reps @ 1113
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Drop Snatch x 2 reps
(pause in the receiving position for 2-3 seconds)
Build in weight, but focus on speed and stability.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 3 reps @ 50%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 60%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 70%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch High Pull + Snatch @ 80%
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Snatch Pulls x 3 reps @ 90-105%
Rest 2 minutes
Strict Overhead Press
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50%
* Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60%
* Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70%
* Sets 4-9 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
Rest 90 seconds to 2 minutes between sets.
One set:
Farmer’s Carry For Max Load x 200′ (Turns at 50′)
(as heavy as possible)
followed by…
One Set:
300′ Sandbag Carry For Max Load
Felt kind of beat from the weekend. Still not able to work on snatches and C&J yet… So I did some squatting today and that was it.
5×3 Pause Squat: 205/225/235/245/255 up 20# from last week.
2×2 Squats at the heaviest weight from above: 255/255
Saturday I worked out with our 8am comp class. We did a snatch complex, so I did not snatch today and made up Saturday’s back squats instead and did some deadlifts (because they are my biggest weakness). Hope that’s ok. A. Done (Negative HSPU, really liked the donkey kick and wall hold warm up) B. Back Squat Every 3 min for 15 min 3 reps. 200/200/200/205/205 Dead Lift cycle 5@215/3@225/1@240/5@225/3@240/1@255failed, 255failed! 🙁 couldn’t get it. so very frustrating!!! C. Strict OH Press 50#x5/60#x5/70#x5/85#x3/90#5×3 D. Farmer Carry 200′ w/ 55# UB Sandbag 300′ w/ 100# punching bag. No time, was outside.… Read more »
Way to work in things you missed.
Mob: Done
A: #5, #10, #35 kb w/PVC
B1: 95/105/115 (focus on speed and stability)
B2: 85 (all snatches today squat)
B3: 95/105/105
B4: 115/125/125
B5: 185
C: 85/95/105/135/135/125/125/125/125
D: could not do today
M&A Done
A. DOne
B1. 65,65,75
B2. 75
B3. 90
B4. 105
B5. 120
B6. 155
C. built up to 120 – I have to say this was super hard, I actually feel super week on all my lifts including snatches, not sure whats going on? There is no way I could have gotten close to my previous PR’s 150# snatch / 140# overhead strict press.
D. No time
DMA done. Shoulders still tired, but…
A. Done done but no bamboo press.
B1. Skipped.
B2. 65-75#.
B3. 75-85#.
B4. 85-95#.
B5. 95-105#.
C. 75-100#.
D. Farmers carry w/75#. Skipped sandbag. Don’t have access to one.
Mobility done.
A – Done.
B1 – 155#.
B2 – 105-115#
B3 – 115-125#
B4 – 125-135#
B5 – 135-145#
B6 – Pulls at 185#
C – 85/100/115/140 (6 sets). Rough.
D – Farmer’s carry 110# each hand. Sandbag 100# (most they had). Did 400′.
Rough day. Felt lethargic. Not really sure why. Possibly because I was stuck in all day meetings and didn’t eat enough.
Mob done
A. Done
B1. 55/60/60
B2. 53
B3. 65
B4. 78/80/80
B5. 85/90/90. Snatch pulls at 100
C. 45/55/65 then rest at 75
D. Sandbag 100#, heaviest we have. Sore elbow so no farmers carry
Mobility done A. T’s, Y’s and I’s done. Skipped bicep and tricep openers…didn’t think it was too smart considering the extreme soreness in my biceps! Bamboo press done with bands and 15# KBs B1. 85# B2. 105# B3. 115# B4. 135# B5. 165# C. Haven’t tested 1RM on strict press for a long time, last time I tested it was 117#. But based off the recent weeks work, Andy helped me guesstimate what my 1RM is now (we decided on 130#). Sets 1-3: 65, 78, 91# (5 reps) Sets 4-9: 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115# (3 reps). Guess I… Read more »
ACTUALLY!…I decided on 135!?
Ok, well lets say we compromised at 130! 😉
Warm up…
Bamboo with empty barbell-PVC
B4. 90
B5. Pulls- up to #115
Snatches felt good today working on hip pop.
Farmers Carry Went almost 300 Meters
Sandbag-Weighted Vest-Heavy Sandbag not sure how much. Went 200 Meters.
Training felt good today.-Slow and focused-form feels better
A. Done except no bamboo press
B. Snatch drop: 65/75/75#, then snatch complexes:
Snatch pulls: 135-145/145#
C. 55/65/75/85# then stopped shoulder presses cuz hurting shoulder
D. 70# KB for farmer carry; 120# for sandbag carry which was tough and I had 3-4 drops (halfway unbroken, then a couple drops on way back; not the best sandbag…homemade :))
Unfortunately have inflammation and pain around shoulder/bicep tendon. Couldn’t even hold unloaded bar overhead without pain. Went for a bike ride instead. Metcon for today was 1.2 miles ride from sea level to our house at 700 feet. Took 15 minutes. Great leg pump similar to assault bike at about 75-85%. Worked on some abs and obliques after. My wife worked on the shoulder and it felt better… see how it’s doing tmro.
hope you feel better
Thanks Pete!
Take care of yourself. We need you healthy.
Yeah, can’t stand being injured! Thanks Dean.
A. Done
B1. 135/155/165
B2. 135/140/150
B3. 160/170/180
B4. 185/195/205
B5. 210/220/230
B6. Skipped pulls
C. Subbed Bench for Shoulder Press. Still felt like crap!
D. Heaviest weights I have are 100’s, Cheryl did those so I figured I better do 2 sets!
Sandbag with 150#
Invictus Endurance Session #1 – 2 mile run 45 secs at a time with rest.
Mob/Act done
A. 10# on Raises, 15# on Bi/Tri, Bamboo with 44# KB’s
B1-Drop done to 135
B2- 100
B3- 120
B5- 160
B6- 210
All reps felt great, enjoying the tech work.
C. 95/115/135/145/155/160/165/170
D. Done.
M&A – Done
A- Done
B1: 115; 135; 145 lbs
B2: 115lbs
B3: 130 lbs
B4: 145 lbs
B5: 160; 165; 170lbs
Snatch Pulls @210lbs
C:Strict Press needs a lot of work!
95; 105; 125; 140×3; 135×3
Dropped weight down because I struggled with 140 lbs on third set.
Hey man, let me know if you figure out a magical way to improve the press – I was struggling with 117 yesterday – it’s sad, really, and totally out of proportion when compared to any other lifts 🙂
Oh I will!! Hope everything is going well over in Finland!
Way too many distractions today during my training. Not usually like me.
Mobility completed.
5# for Rear delt warm up
10# for bicep/tricep opener
Bamboo presses with 20# on each need to go up next week.
B. 35/45/55 – drop snatch
B2. 60#
B3. 70#
B4. 85#
B5. 95#
C. 120#
D. 75# in each hand
Sandbag carry 120# unbroken 🙂
later tonight: Dark Horse Rowing
A. Done
B. 1.65-75-95
2. 95
3. 115
C. 95-95-115-145-150 for the rest of sets
D. 270- 150
Mobility completed
D1)85# DB
DMA Done
A .- done
B 1.-105#
B 2.-105#
B 3.- 135#
B 4.- 155#
B 5.- 175
B 6.- 205/225/225 #
Did the wod of the house: cap time 40 min.
5 rounds of 12 WBS 20# / 9 T2B / 6 power clean 185# (15:46)
followed by
800 m farmer carry 60# each hand (12:14)
followed by
21-15-9 ohs 115# / HSPU / burpee pull up ( 10 reps)
D. Farmers carry with trap bar 315#
No sandbag today will have to buy some from rogue.
Mobility done
A. Done
First time squatting in over a week, so kind of took it easy on the loads. Felt pretty good – hopefully will be fine tomorrow. Glad to not be power snatching today…injuries suck.
B1. 75/85/95
B2. 95X3
B3. 105X3
B4. 115/120/120
B5. 125/130/135
B6. 185/190/195 (pulls)
C. 85/110/115/140/140/140/140/145/145
D. Carries – 140# per hand. No sandbag unfortunately.
Ease yourself back in. Nothing stupid now!