Primary Session
Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
Drop Snatch x 2 reps
Building in weight, but don’t go heavier than you can comfortably and safely bring back down to your back rack.
Followed by…
Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
Behind the Neck Press in Split Jerk Position
x 5 reps
Build over the course of the 3 sets.
Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (12 sets):
x 1 rep @ 85%
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 2 reps @ 80%
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
15 Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs)
5 Muscle-Ups
Week 1 was thrusters, week 2 was wall ball shots…let’s see how you handle the couplet with Overhead Squats. Goal is to match or better your score from week one (August 15, 2020).
Complete rounds of 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 reps for volume accumulation of:
Legless Rope Climb
with 10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 0-4″ Deficit between rounds between rounds (40 total strict handstand push-ups)
*If you do not have access to a rope perform 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 reps of Towel Pull-Ups
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Sandbag Squat x Max Reps (total muscle failure. Shoot for around 20 reps)
Immediately followed by. . .
Harnessed Sled Drag x 40 meters
Rest 90 seconds
We are shooting for 40m but go hard and fast until you quit.
One set of:
200 Meter Sled “Sprint” & Jumping Air Squats
Do not walk on the sled sprint, give it all you have and keep your feet moving. Once you reach the 200m mark, do as many jumping air squats as possible. Those might be hard!
Engine Accessory Option
Five sets of:
45 second Sprint @ 90-95%
Rest 15 seconds
15 second Sprint @ 95+%
Rest 2 minutes
*Goal is to hold the same pace as you did on August 10, 2020.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option
Three sets for times of:
800 Meter Run
200-Foot Double Kettlebell Front Racked Carry (24-32/16-24 kg)
400 Meter Run
150-Foot Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry (24-32/16-24 kg)
200 Meter Run
100-Foot Handstand Walk
Rest 5 minutes
A.) 155/160#
B.) 200#
C and D.) we put the 4 moments from the workout together in an EMOM to treat it more like skill work. Fridays I have been pretty beaten up from the beginning of the week and those 20 clean and jerks have left me exhausted after. Today I just didn’t have the motivation to push the pace of either of those workouts. But still wanted to get the movements in.
How’s things outside of the gym? Work, life stress, recovery and nutrition? Seems like this happens 1-2 times per week?
I feel really good M/T/W with training…but It pretty much is how I feel every Friday, so yeah once a week haha I’m the only one on staff right now so I’m dealing with all the member/gym issues on top of coaching all the outdoor classes. And trying to plan a wedding amidst all the COVID craziness. So I would definitely say I’m stressed ?
Well that explains a lot! You have a lot on your plate. Continue to be smart and adjust accordingly. Control what you can control!
Warmed up.
A. All sets @ 70kg
Got some real good snatch work in today.
B. All sets @ 85kg for C&J
Got real heavy and sweaty towards the end, to keep good form i dropped to singles on the final 2 sets.
C. Hands are raw and rough so i gave them a break.
Went for 7 min amrap of 15 ohs + 3 strict muscle ups.
Got 4 rounds +15 reps.
D. No legless ropeclimbs for the same reason. Accumulated volume on the strict hspu and worked on my form.
Two good sessions today, now time to look after those hands to make sure you can hit all of next week’s gymnastics fun!
Drop Snatch: 55, 65, 75
BTK Press in Split: 75, 85, 90
Snatches: 175lbs
C&J Doubles: 200lbs (can we just talk about how taxing this became?!)
Conditioning: 5+15 – UB OHS & MU
Out of time for legless/SHSPU
But a good day nonetheless.
Did the Engine Work w/ Weight Vest from earlier this week yesterday. That was really fun!
It’s been a good first week back! Nice work!
-Snatch drop 65#
-BHTN Jerk 75#
A. Snatch Emom @105# ( not too bad today- what IG do I send the video ? 🙂
B. C&J Emom @140#
C. 7min AMARAP 3 Rounds flat :/ tough one for me. OHS ub / MU 3-1-1 (I was failing them)
Rope & HSPU – 14:50- I struggled big time with the Def. HSPU . I gave it all in the C&J EMOM.
then I did the Engine Accessory!
I would consider adding in the full gymnastics program. I think it would be really beneficial for you.
Drop snatches 20/40/60kg
BTN 60/80/80kg
A snatches 115kg
11/12 hits
B clean and jerks 130kg
Legs were super heavy! Missed 2 jerks
C 5 rounds and 13 reps
Oh squats unb
Mu unb
D done didn’t had a timer on. But tried to stay moving.
Push those transitions and that 6 rounds 🙂
AM Session: Five sets for max calories/reps of: 60 seconds of Rowing 60 seconds of Alt Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean to Overhead (50/35 lbs) 60 seconds of Assault Bike 60 seconds of Alternating Single Arm Devils Press (50/35 lbs) Rest 60 seconds Row: 23/22/21/21/20 = 107 (21.4 Avg) SA DB HC&J: 14/12/12/12/11 = 61 (12.2 Avg) Assault Bike: 21.1/19.5/19.0/18.4/18.9 = 96.9 (19.4 Avg) SA Devils Press: 8/7/7/6/6 = 34 (6.8 Avg) Total Reps = 298.9 Last week machine averages: Row: 22/23/22/21/21 = 109 (21.8 Avg) AB: 18.6/19.0/18.5/18.5/18.9 = 93.5 (18.7 Avg) A little worse on the rower and a little… Read more »
Exercise selection will play role on those numbers. Interesting! Nice work!
Drop snatch
40-45-50 kg
Jerk positions
45-50-55 kg
82 kg
100 kg
4 round
OHS 8-7
Mu Unbroken
Shspu 4-3-3/5-5/4-2-4/4-3-3 ( 6 cm )
In the afternoon Engine opzion
Couldn’t keep those OHS unbroken??
8/7 I was fast with transitions, if I did it unbroken I would have rested too much before the mu
Did you try?
i tried before the wod. But weighed down even after snatches and C&J
I think you can go unbroken. You can breathe on OHS and that narrower grip will also help fatigue your arms less.
Ok. Grazie ??