Dynamic Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Spend 5-8 minutes rolling out your Quads and IT Bands
and then …
Two sets of:
Bird Dogs x 8-10 reps
Deep Squat Progression x 5 reps
and then …
Two sets of:
Leg Lift Over Object x 5 passes each direction (sit with your back against the wall and legs straight. Place a small object, about 6” high, on the floor. Keeping your leg straight, lift the leg and clear the object)
Copenhagen Side Plank with Hip Abduction x 5-8 reps
Floor Slides x 10 reps
Gymnastic Skills & Drills
Please watch the below video:
[Handstand Walking Progressions]
and then spend 10 minutes working on one or two of the progressions from the video.
If you already have Handstand Walking then perform the following:
Four sets of:
Handstand Walk x 10 meters
Rest 30-60 seconds
Deadlift Progressions
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Single Leg Posted Romanian Deadlift x 8 reps @ 3011 each leg
EMOM Conditioning
Every 10 miutes, for 30 minutes, complete:
Run 800 Meters
Alternating DB Snatch x 20 reps (50/35 lbs)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 20 reps
Every 10 miutes, for 30 minutes, complete:
Run 800 Meters
Alternating DB Snatch x 20 reps (35/20 lbs)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps OR Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Ups x 20 reps
If you don’t have pull-ups then please substitute with the following:
Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Jumping Pull-Ups
Done on Sat 31 Aug
DMAWU) done
Gymnastics) HS walk 4 sets of 10m
DL) 50#, 60, 50, 50 (later than “E2M” last set)
Condo) done
HSW done.
DL w/ 2x 70lb KBs.
Wod: 6:11, 6:19, 6:09 w/ Assault Runner.
HSW completed unbroken for every 10m rest 1min between sets.
Metacon 5.35/5.34/5.30
Great job on your HS Walks!
Dmva done
HSW done felt good
Deadlift progression 40lbs
8:00 1st round
8:25 2nd round
9:20 3rd round
Awesome job getting all that work done in under 10 minutes each round!
Thanks. This is my second week of training doing masters. Getting custom to the training and loving the soreness!
That is awesome to hear!!
DMA and crossover symmetry done
From Monday:
A. Slow pull snatch 100 to 115
B. Hands still not healed completely so did 4 sets of AB/DU E4MOM again (2:15/2:07/2:13/2:09. All DUs UB)
Good sub – hope the hand gets better soon!
10 minutes working on hsw progression – done
Deadlift Progressions – skipped
EMOM Conditioning (35/54)
6:06 10 X C2B – 7:53 20 X C2B
6:52 10 X C2B – 8:05 20 X C2B
6:47 10 X C2B – 8:02 20 X C2B
Great job on your C2B Marcos!!
Thanks Nichole. It´s been 8 months that I´m recovering from my tendon repair surgery. I got so upset with this major setback. I just cant keep many of the RX WODS. I lost so much of my performance. Only this week I felt a progress to endure 4 days of exercises. I dont post most of my videos and scores because they are terrible. What I feel the most, is not being abe to recover 100% for the next day WOD. I was lucky enought to go to the doctor 3 weeks ago and being prescribed to take Collagen. I´m… Read more »
I totally understand! After two back surgeries, I had to be careful about the total volume accumulation over the week. I know it feels slow but dialing back the volume and incorporating your PT work will be so beneficial in the long run!
Wow, Im surprised about you surgery. One more reason to me to never give up!
Mobility completed
Gymnastics Skills & Drills
Spent 10 minutes working on the progression drills
then 4 sets of HSW 10 meters UB/UB/UB/came down 1x.
In order for me to be effective at HSW I need to do the drills first instead of jumping right into them.
Deadlift Progressions
44# KB’s (4) x8 per leg
I do not know about anyone else but between the split squats yesterday and these today my hips and glutes are feeling it.
EMOM Conditioning
Glad you incorporated the drills and then went into your HS Walks!
Handstand progression on toes on box 2 rounds and then wall walk and March for last set
Deadlift progression first time doing this so did with 10 lb dB
Conditioning 7:58 8:10 8:50 jumping pull ups hurt knees so last set did with green band strict
What has been going on with your knees?
Old age? this is why I don’t do a lot of double unders the impact is harder than when I run? because I just jog
A. 25′ UB /25′ UB 25′ 1 break/ 25′ 1 break
B. 20kg for all 4 sets
C. Changed it up after Monday’s workout
VC 175 ( first time on a versatile climber)
50 DU’s
15 GHD sit ups
Ohhhhhhhhhh I love the Versa Climber – how was it?!
Well it wasn’t love at first sight but after the 3 rd it felt better.I will work on increasing distance now
1. DMAWU – done
2.Handstand Walk x 10 meters x 4
3. Deadlift Progressions with KB 24 kg × 8
4. EMOM Conditioning 6:50/6:40/7:10
Well done!!! Great work on your HS Walks!