Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Overhead Barbell Underarm Stretch
Follwed by. . .
Banded Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then. . .
Two sets each arm of:
Single-Arm Viking Sloth Presses x 5-7 reps (video has been created but needs to be edited. Will get it to you all as soon as possible)
Rest as needed
Focus on mechanics and tempo, not reps. Slow and controlled on the descent, smooth and strong on the ascent. Try to feel tension through the internal obliques on the descent and engage the lats and pecs as hard as possible on the ascent. You should not be shrugging at any point during this movement.
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Behind the Neck in Receiving Position x 3 reps
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Drops x 2 reps
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch Balance x 1 rep + 1 Overhead Squat @ 3211
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets), complete:
High Hang Snatch + Mid Thigh Snatch @ 75% of 1-RM
(please use blocks for the mid-thigh position)
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets), complete:
4 Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift x 1 rep
Stop @ 2″ off floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, high hang
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Run 200 Meters
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Run 200 Meters
*Try to keep all of your times consistent
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Run 200 Meters
Chest-to Bar Pull-Ups x 8 reps
Run 200 Meters
*Try to keep all of your times consistent
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Run 200 Meters
Chin-over-the-Bar Pull Ups x 10 reps
Run 200 Meters
*Try to keep all of your times consistent
Three sets of:
Skull Crushers x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Banded Push-Ups @ 1111 x Max Reps
Rest as needed
Front-Leaning Rest on Rings x 45 seconds
Rest as needed
I’m one week behind:
A1) 20kg, 20kg, 25kg
A2) 40kg, 50kg, 60kg
A3) 70kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg (struggle to go low…)
B1) 60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg
B2) 150kg, 150kg
C) 2:06 – 2:05 – 2:00 – 2:00 – 2:00
D1) 45lbs, 45lbs, 45lbs
D2) 8, 8, 8 (heavy band)
D3) 45”, 45”, 45”
delayed entry : did this on Tues
dyn/mob. done
viking sloth press: 25 lbs each I love these they seem to be helping me, left shoulder
still cranky -going to take it easy
A1) Sots: 33bs,x3 sets
2). SD: 43 lbs,48,1×1 fail not sure if Im doing them right ..will look it up after
3). SB+OHS 63 lbs,68,73 x2s,78 x1
B1). HHS+M/T: 63 lbsx2sets, 73x 4 setsx1 fail ,78×2
2) S/H/DL: 133 lbs
3). did every round in just a few under 3 mins .. tough one! Rxd 50 age group
D) ran out of time will make it up
Monday’s seem to be snatch days, both at Invictus, and the local box. During the local workout, I used a lighter weight for 4-position Snatch DL, and the Snatch complex. I opted to focus on positioning and technique. Later in the day, I followed the prescribed percentages for this workout. A. *I used PVC pipe for the Sotts press since we did that in the morning session. Left shoulder is a bit sore. *Went up 20# for the Drops. Need to commit tot he drop. I need to get under the bar quicker. *up 10# on the snatch balance +… Read more »
A1. 95
A2 STAYED at 95#
A3 165
B1. 125
B2. 220
C. 2:15, 2:14, 2:14, 2:25, 2:30
A1. 75/85/95
A2. 95/105/115
A3. 115/125/135/140/145
B1. 125
B2. 165
C. 2:10/2:05/2:15/2:08/2:15. Sub row
D. Done
Had ART therapy on my shoulders this morning. Felt great. Right shoulder still sore and about 20% weaker than usual but improving. Still not going to snatch until I can fix thoracic mobility.
A & B – skipped. Did mobility work and some strict press.
C – 1:45, 1:43, 1:45, 1:50, 1:48. Did strict C2B (supinated grip). First 3 rds unbroken then 8-2, and 7-2-1. Runs were consistent.
D – Done.
A1. 45/50/55
A2. 65/75:85
A3. 95/105/115/125/125
B1. 115(missed the mid thigh, so went down to 110.) 110# for all remaining sets and pulled the mid thigh from blocks. Didn’t feel right with positioning.
B2. Ran out of time… did not do.
After coaching did
C. 2:03/1:58/1:57/1:55/1:57 all UB C2B. Our 200m isn’t exact (probably more like 185m)
D. Forgot. Will work then in tomorrow.
Mind was a little distracted today. Amazing how it effects the focus when doing a lift like the Snatch.
Thoughts and prayers to all of you in Texas.
Dynamic Mobility done
A1. 95/105
A2. 95/105/115
A3. 115
B1. 125 – 4 sets, 135 – 4 sets
B2. 225
C. Subbed 15 kcal row, Avg 1:45 per round – calf was still tight did not want to push it today
D. 60 lbs. DB, 50 lbs. band resistance,
Swim at the pool: 200 m of warmup drills and then 11×50 m intervals on 1:15
Mobility activation and hamstring strengthening exercises done
A. Sotts 55-75-85#
Snatch drops 85-95-105#
Snatch balance + OHS 115-125-135-145-155 miss (not ready for that weight yet)-135#
B. 105-115-125-125-125-125-125-125# (felt good)
175# 4 position
C. Still not running yet and shoulders felt a little cranky so decided to just do 20 mins on the AirDyne at about 75%. 247 calories.
D. Forgot
A1. 75#
A2. 75#
A3. Worked up to 185#
B. 155# across
C. 2:05/2:09/2:12/2:14/2:11
D. Complete
Noon session- Lifting felt off today! A1: 95; 105,115(2) A2: 145; 155; 165(1) A3; 165; 175; 185;,195; 205(m) B: 8×155- Took about 3 sets to feel more comfortable. Evening Session- Invictus Gymnastics HS Level 2 HS and Pull up work then I did the Granite Games Down and Back workout. Looked fun so why not. 4:56. DL felt heavier than usual. All HS walks UB. HSPUs were 10/5/5 each rd. Wasn’t sure how they would effect the HS walk. That second walk was interesting each rd. Masters 40–44 5 deadlifts (335lbs/220lbs) 20ft handstand walk* 20/15 handstand push-ups 20ft handstand walk*… Read more »
Fun workout!
A1: 11# bar then 22# bar
A2: 55/65/65#
A3. 85/85/90/90/95–slow
B. 73/83, missed hi hang, 83 same, 78/78/78/80 for rest
C. 2:15/2:15/2:15/2:20/2:17–CToB unbroken, second 200 more like a shuffle than run
D not done, 3×5 back squat at light weight since I couldn’t do them last week 125/125/135
Mobility done
A1. 65/70/75
A2. 125/135/140
A3. 145/155/165/170/175
B1. 150
B2. 215
C. 2:01/2:03/2:04/2:03/1:59 – butterfly c2b are coming along. Still can’t string 10, but was getting 5-6. Pushed the second run to make up some time for breaking c2b up.
D. Done
Awesome improvement Joe!
A1. 95, 105, 115
A2. 135, 145, 155
A3. 155, 185, 195, 205, 205
B1. 135, 145, 165X5, 170
B2. 225×2
C. Done
D. Done
OMG that is crazy!!
wow. did you swim instead of run then?
Hahaha. I found a dry patch going the other way! But luckily no running today-no road left.
A1: 20 kg
A2: 35 kg
A3: 35/40/45/40/40 kg
B1: 35 kg
B2: 40 kg ( to light)
C. Skipped
D: done
Training felt good.liked it
A1) 45,55,65 (5lbs up from last week)
A2) 65,75,85
A3) 95,95,100,105,110 (up 5lbs from last week across all sets)
B1) 95lbs
B2) 135lbs
C) I am not great at stringing C2b together so I modified it a bit and focused on stringing them together. By the last 2 sets, I was doing 1 at a time. Made it 8 C2B and only 1, 200meter run per 3 minutes
Nice work Dawn!
Mobility & Activation – done
A1. 35 – 40 -45
A2. 55 – 65 -75
A3. 95 – 105 – 110 -115 – 120
B1. 95 (4 sets) – 100 (2 sets) – 105 (2 sets)
B2. 135 lb.
C. 1:57 – 1:56 – 1:56 – 1:54 – 1:48
UB on all sets of pull-ups
D. SC – 20# all sets (8 reps)
Banded Push-ups (Green) 10 – 12 – 13
Hold – 45s
Great consistency Barry!
A.1 55-75-95
A.2 95-115-135
A.3 155-175-195-205-215
B.1 135-155-165-175-185-195-205-215 (Preferred to increase each weight in every set. Shoulders were feeling very tight)
B.2 265 both sets
C. 2:05 // 2:11 // 2:15 // 2:19 // 2:15
D. Done
Strong snatch and good job going unbroken on the C2Bs!
Thanks Markus!
Great day Alvaro!
Felt great!
strong snatching buddy!
Thanks Rob!
A. Bar
B2. 165#
C. 1:58, 1:53, 1:52, 1:53, 1:53 (not sure about the 200m, was close give or take, C2B all singles, still can’t link but getting close).
D. No time
Love the consistency Chris!
runs must have been fast if C2B were singles! Nice job.