Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Band Distracted Perfect Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Wrist Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Deep Squat Progressions x 5 reps
and then …
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 20 seconds on the rack/20 seconds for 2 sets per side
Straight into …
Banded Monster Walks x 20 steps forward/20 steps backward
Banded Lateral Walks x 20 steps each direction
and then …
Three rounds of:
Assault Bike x 10 calories
Goblet Squats x 10 reps
V-Ups x 10 reps
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat x 2 reps @ 2311
*Sets 1-2 @ 70% of 1-RM Front Squat
*Sets 3-4 @ 75% of 1-RM Front Squat
*Sets 5-6 @ 80% of 1-RM Front Squat
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Tall Clean x 2 reps
*This is meant to be a drill so keep this light and focus on good footwork
and then …
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
High Hang Clean
+ Hang Clean @ 70-75%
and then …
Three sets of:
Clean Deadlift on a Riser x 2 reps @ 90%
Please focus on positioning. Here are a few things I am looking for:
*Shoulders pinned together
*Pause for 2 seconds at the hang position
*Patience from mid-thigh to high-hang
Four rounds for time of:
Prowler Push x 50′
Strict Pull-Ups x 10/8 reps
Burpees to the Pull-Up Bar x 15 reps
Prowler: 90/60 lbs added to the prowler
Prowler: 70/50 lbs added to the prowler
Prowler: 50/30 lbs added to the prowler
The Prowler Push should be fast. I want that to be fast so you can move right into your strict pull-ups. You may slow down on the prowler during that 3rd and 4th round but in no way should you be stopping on the push.
Two-Three sets of:
DB Tate Press x 10-15 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Stationary Dips x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Kneeling Paloff Press x 15 reps per side
Rest 30 seconds
8/27 @11am
DMA Done
A: 1-2 #150
3-4 #160
5-6 #170
B:#125 still need to try harder to keep my torso more upright on the high hang
Clean DL on riser #175
Skipped C (there was a class going while I was working out)
I did do D: with #20 DB
Working my way back in after a 2 week vacation ;(
A) 185/190/195/200/205#
B1) 75/85/95/105#
B2) 175/180/185/190/195# getting pinned under 70% cleans is no fun
B3) 210#
C) 13:04 used a sled 25′ down and back, just moved through it, first real metcon since vacation
D) Done
Couldn’t do programming today but lucky enough to drop in at Crossfit HQ for their wod (20 Clean and jerks for time): scaled to 135# in 5:26 but definitely distracted by coach Boz ?
Fun Vivian!
A. 215, 230, 245. Last rep on final two sets was a battle.
B1. 115; B2: 185; B3: 235
C. Class was using prowlers so I jumped in with them and did the following:
20 min AMRAP:
50 meter prowler push (fast; 90# loaded on sled)
300m run
10 jumping squats
20 walking lunges
Rest 60 sec.
Did 5 rounds + 1 prowler push. This got nasty.
D. Done. Tate 40#; Dips with 35# KB.
Awesome class workout!
A. 145/155/165
B. BB/55/65/75 then 110/115 then 140
C. 8:31
Also did Invictus weightlifting
A. 145, 165, 185
B. Tall Cleans @95
High hang/hang:165-185
C. 9:20 (run to get to and from prowler)
Mobility warmup done
A. 145-155-160-165-170-170#
B. Subbed out with 100 Barbell hip thrusts for time at 145#. 5:36
C. 7:41, subbed pull-ups with left arm only 35# DB HC&J and burpees with 15 box steps ups 24” (right calf/Achilles sore today).
D. Shoulder PT
A) 160, 180, 200
B) Tall Clean @ 125, HHC/HC @ 125, CD on Riser 265
AM Session:
Front squats – 200/200/215/215/230/230
Tall cleans – 145/155/165/175
High hang + hang clean – 205/205/215/215/225/225
Deadlifts – 255 across
PM Session:
8:33 RX’d (35-49)
25’ out and back on a shitty, homemade sled. Harder than it looked!
Those homemade sleds make a prowler push 10 times harder!
Today I had: A. 12 min emom: This is a warm up so treat it like such, add weight as you can. 1st: 3-4 reps per leg. Single leg landing BJ. Start low and build as your comfort allows. Jump with both feet and land with one. 2nd: 6-8 BB Good morning. Start light and add as needed. 3rd: Row :20 hard. Increase pace each set. 4th: 10m crab walk B. 5 sets: 2 min rest between. Go hard on each of these. 21 cal bike 15 cal ski 9 cal row 6 PC- Start at 95 and add 10lbs… Read more »
A. 240-275
B. 215-245
C. 6:36
D. Complete. 25# DBs
Blazing fast Keith and well done on your weightlifting!
DMA complete
A. 125/135/140#
B. Tall cleans @65#
HHC +HC 110/117#
Clean DL on riser 140#
C. 10:12
D. Complete…surprised myself and got two sets of 10 unbroken on the dips ?
Congrats on the dips!
A. 215 230 265 I am not so sure on the 2nd set and 265 was not the right weight. Was heavy that I was supposed to. Probably why it was so hard.
B1. Done
B2 135
C. 10.44
D. Done
DMA done
A) 165/175/185
B) 1: 65/75/85/95
2: 115 (3 sets) 125 (3 sets)
3: 150
C) 7:03. Strict Pullups slowed me down (5/5, 4/3/3, 4/3/2/1, 3/3/3/1). Steady through the Burpees
D) Done
A/ 210,210,225,225,245,245#
B/ done at 140#
B2/done at 210#
D/completed all
DMA Done
A. 70-75-80kg
B1. 40kg
B2. 60kg
B3. 90kg
C. 7:58
D. Tate press 16kg, Pallof 10kg
All around good work Ben!
DMA) done
A) 205,205,220,220,235,235
Felt pretty good today
B1) 95 . Really tried working on form, been having a problem of pulling to early and not opening my hips all the way so that was my focus on this and the clean complex.
* will post videos for these movements
Had to push sled outside so I had about10sec transition time each round
Pu- unbroken,6/4,6/4,5/3/2
D) done 50 for Tate’s press
10 reps on dips
Blue band
B3- 198
C-(35/49) Pull Up 10 reps Time 16:10
A. 190/205/215
B1. 135 (Tall Cleans)
B2. 180/185/190/195/195/200
B3. 230
C. Done – have to run outside to get to the sled, so a lot of transition time. Our sled was made by a member – I added 90# to it, but I think its much heavier than the Rogue sled. It was a good workout – enjoyed it (even though it had burpees in it). Did my pull-ups 4-3-3.
D. Done
DMA- Complete A.) 225 / 240 / 255 B1.) TC @ 135 all sets B2.) HighHang + Hang Clean @ 180 only for 3rds. The felt good to moved up to 185 which was my 75%for last 3 rds. B3.) Clean DL on Riser @ 235. C.) Totally miscalculated this workout. Seemed like the Burpee PullUps lasted forever! Not enough floor space so subbed the Prowler with 100# Sandbag carry. 25′ decline then 25′ incline. Splits- 2:00 / 3:15 / 3:41 / 3:35 = 12:31 D.) 3 sets of each DB Tate Press – 15# DBs x 15 / 25#… Read more »
Fun sub Phil!