August 24, 2021 – Invictus Athlete Program

Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation

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Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (3 sets) for max reps:
Minute 1 – 15 seconds of Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 2 – 30 seconds of Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 3 – 45 seconds of Bar Muscle-Ups
Minute 4 – Rest

Skill-Based Movement Primer
Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
8-12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (fast and efficient)
20 Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats (70/50 lbs – 10 each arm)

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
20/15 Calorie Row
4 Power Cleans @ 65-70% of 1-RM Power Clean

When the clock reaches 10:00, complete:

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
40 Drag Rope Double Unders or 60 Double Unders
*Power Cleans

*Sets 1-3: 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Sets 4-5: 2 reps @ 80-85%

Every 90 seconds, for 36 minutes (4 sets) of:
Station 1 – Farmer’s Carry x 60 seconds
Station 2 – Diamond Push-Ups x 15 reps @ 1111
Station 3 – Hanging Knee Raises x 15 reps @ 2111
Station 4 – Goblet Squats x 20 reps @ 20X0
Station 5 – Zottman Curls x 12 reps @ 3011
Station 6 – GHD SIt-Ups x 45-60 seconds

Athlete Notes:
Nothing like a little “cardi-olympic” lifting to build some confidnce at lifting a barbell in a workout! We love these “on the minute” style pieces that combine a cardio element – row and double unders – with a relatively barbell, but one you shouldn’t be in danger of failing. We want to see you push the pace on the row and the double unders, and then put your hands on the barbell immediately! See how well you can practice some touch-and-go reps for the first few sets, but if you have to resort to singles, STAY OVER THE BARBELL! Today is the perfect opportunity to practice what we preach about staying over the bar. Stepping away chips into more time than you’d think, so we want your working on simply keeping your shins right at the bar between reps!

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Engine Accessory Option

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Against a 2 minute clock:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Bar Facing Burpees
Max Rep Deadlifts (225/155lb.)
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of FIVE sets

Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
For time:
4000 Bike Erg or 2000 Meter Row
20 Strict Handstand Push Ups to Deficit (8″/6″)
3 Legless Rope Climbs
3000 Bike Erg or 1500 Meter Row
20 Strict Handstand Push Ups to Deficit (4″/3″)
3 Legless Rope Climbs
2000 Bike Erg or 1000 Meter Row
20 Strict Handstand Push Ups
3 Legless Rope Climbs

Strongman Option
Five sets of:
30 second Sled Push
30 second Sandbag Squats (bear-hug hold; heavy but unbroken)
30 second Sled Push
Rest 3 minutes

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Sheina McManus
Sheina McManus
August 24, 2021 4:45 pm

A) Just did 2 rounds because my hands felt like they were going to rip on the way down
:15 – 4/5
:30 – 8/5
:45 – 8/2 didn’t want to rip..

B) Done but had to do DB front squats. I can’t do the overhead at all..

C) Only did the first 5 rounds and ran out of time. Did at 105#

D) Done with 44# KBs

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
August 24, 2021 5:46 pm
Reply to  Sheina McManus

When you have time, keep working on mobility the best you can so you can get to the overhead squats.

Sheina McManus
Sheina McManus
August 24, 2021 7:52 pm
Reply to  Hunter Britt

Okay I will

Koen Knarren
Koen Knarren
August 24, 2021 1:10 pm

Was a bit sick sun-monday so took it easy today.
A. Did 2-3-4 bar muscle ups for 3 sets.
Or am i supposed to go all out on the first set and struggle for the next 2?

Worked on my descent and connecting bar muscle ups.

B. Skipped

C. Scaled the row cals to 15.
Lost some time loading the bar and getting to the jumprope for round 6
Had to focus on proper set up for the heavier power cleans.

D. Only did half.

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
August 24, 2021 5:46 pm
Reply to  Koen Knarren

We want you to go big, but not all out. So it looks like you did a good plan

Mauk Moerman
Mauk Moerman
August 24, 2021 8:32 am

A done
B done
C 110kg first 5 sets
Felt heavier than last week but still tng
Did the row in around 55 seconds each round

3 sets 125kg
2 sets 135kg
Did not do tng this time but drop and go legs were a little heavier than last week. Different stimulus on the machine.

D done

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
August 24, 2021 10:16 am
Reply to  Mauk Moerman
