Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (4 sets):
3-Position Clean x 1 rep
The 3 positions we are looking for are: Hip Clean, Mid Hang Clean and Clean from the floor. Use this as a warm-up/preparation exercise. The focus is on getting warm & prepared, not getting to a heavy weight.
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
Clean Pull with 2-second Pause at Knee + Clean with 2-second Pause at Knee
+ Jerk
*Set 1: @ 70% of 1-RM Clean
*Set 2: @ 75% of 1-RM Clean
*Sets 3-4: @ 80% of 1-RM Clean
*Sets 5-6: @ 85% of 1-RM Clean
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
3 Front Squat @ 41X1
*Set 1: @ 70%
*Sets 2-3: @ 75%
*Sets 4-5: @ 80%
Against a 4-minute running clock:
40/30 Calorie Assault Bike
100 Double-Unders
Max Reps of Burpee Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of FIVE sets.
Goal is to have 60 seconds of burpee pull-ups.
Four sets of:
Dumbbell Strict Overhead Seesaw Press x 16 reps (8 reps each arm) @ 2111
Immediately followed by. . .
Dumbbell Strict Overhead Press x 20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8 reps each arm @ 2111
Immediately followed by. . .
Kneeling Straight Arm Press Downs x 20 @ 1121
Rest as needed
Completely forgot to post this on Monday due to work and the site issues (glad you got it sorted out!).
A. Done
B. 115/125/135 lbs
C. 105/115/125 lbs
D. 400m run, 200 single unders, 5/5/4/4/4 burpee jumping pull-up/negatives
E. 20 lbs press, 30 lbs row
A. Done
B. Top set at 225#
C. Done 80% @ 260#
D. Sub to Row
6, 6, 7, 8, 6
E. out of timw
A. Done (35/40/45 kg)
B. 55/60/65/70 kg
C. 55/60/65 kg
D.Scaled the DUs to 50 (25 reps on the last two rounds) 6/6/5/5/5 Burpee pullups
E. Done (2x15kg shoulder presses, and 20kg row)
Nice work Rasmus!
A) up to 125
B) 150 (was supposed to be 140?)/150/160/160/170/170 these felt great
C) 150/160/160/170/170 felt good here
D) 14/12/10/10/10 Rx and echo
E) done
Thanks so much!! Hope your day was awesome!
Great start to the week!
A. 115
B. 145 155 165 175
C. 210 225 240
D. With 40 cal row / 75 du / burpee + pu (kind of awkward since no pu bar high enough to jump to)
7 7 6 5 5
E. 20# for 16 alt db press + 10 db press
Good adjustments! Solid start to the week Tim
A) 65/85/95/105
B) 120/130/135/140/145/145
C) 130/140/140/150/150
D) 9/9/9/8/9 it was so hot ? ?
E) ✅
? ? ??
A. Done
B. 97/104/110/110/118(f jerk)/118Kg (f jerk)
C. 110/117.5/117.5/125/125Kg
D. Rx with Echo – 10/11/8/11/10
E. Done
8?? ?
Tripped a lot on DUs that round.
A: Stayed at 75#
B: 160, 170, 180×2, 190×2
C: 170×3, 185x3x2, 195x3x2
Didn’t have time for much else today. But glad I got something in
Great job getting in your lifting ??
A. Up to 185
B. Up to 245. Felt really easy.
C. 225/235/255 ow
D. Got annoyed and threw my rope. Ended up no-looking it into the garbage can to give you an idea of how this went.
40 cals/about 50 dubs/ and 8-9 each round.
Cals done in under 2 mins every round and just so bad on the dubs when my heart rate is that high
E. Done
Happy with the lifting today at least ?
Let’s take the positives and call it a good lifting day and not mention the conditioning 🙂
A. Done
B. Done 205/220/235/250
C. 245/265/280
D. Done ( big slice of humble pie looks like back to 100 du for part of my warm up) never made it through DU
E. Done
Let’s get them dialled in!
A. 115/115/135/155
B. 210/225/240/255
C. 215/235/245
D. Class, sorry Tino ?
E. Done with 30# DBs and 55# row
As long as you win 🙂
I’m so proud of myself for choosing the non-barbell options today when I didn’t have time to do everything ?
D. 8/10/10/11/11
Subbed 25cal row; did “invisible” DU for first 3 rounds before switching to ball taps for last 2
E. All I have at home are 25 and 35# DB. Used 25# for see saw, then switched to single 25# DB using both hands for the 20 strict presses; 35# on the single arm rows
Way to prioritize the things you don’t want to do. Does that mean you jumped with no rope?
Yeah ? I didn’t have a rope with me. I wanted to practice the rhythm since it’s been forever and the ball taps don’t really seem like a comparable sub….they’re just easier on my pelvic floor ??♀️
Skipped A and B, trained some back and bi’s with a friend ?
C. Done based on 135kg
1. 5
2. 5
3. 6
4. 5
5. 8
E. Did the shoulder part since we hit back including those back exercises earlier.
Hard but fun sesh! ?
Got to get that pump in! hah we understand
A. 95/115/135/155
B. 225/245/265/275
C. 255/275/295
Slightly under % for B and C
D. RX 10/11/10/9/10
Tripped a few times on that fourth set
E. Done
Glad you are sticking to the reps, tempo and technique over just hitting percentages
Thank Hunter, I’ve learned my lesson after doing this for so long!
A) Up to 155lbs
B) 190/205/215/230lbs
C) 235/250/270lbs
D) Scaled to 65 Double Unders: 10,9,9,10,10 burpee pull ups
E) Done with 20s/65lb/red band
We are up and running again!
I am back! 3 weeks of vacation to france and spain hiking with the motorbike and no sport 😛 Guess I needed it especially my elbow and knee but also my mind. Hard to start again but here we go! A. Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (4 sets): 3-Position Clean x 1 rep Hip Clean, Mid Hang Clean and Clean from the floor. B. Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets): Clean Pull with 2-second Pause at Knee + Clean with 2-second Pause at Knee + Jerk *Set 1: @ 70% of 1-RM Clean 60 kg *Set 2: @… Read more »
Well that sounds like a fantastic vacation! Glad you are back
Oh finally the website is working!
A. 30/40/50/60kgs
B. Done based on 115kgs
C. Done based on 144kgs
D. I had to scale calories
1. set: 30 cals/ DU’s UB/ 10 Burpee Pull-ups
2. set: 30 cals/ DU’s UB/ 7 Burpee Pull-ups
3. set: 30 cals/ 1 Trip/ 5 Burpee Pull-ups
4. set: 25 cals/ DU’s UB/ 7 Burpee Pull-ups
5. set: 25 cals/ 2 trips/ 7 Burpee Pull-ups
E. 2x20kgs on seesaw press/ 2×7,5kgs on strict press
20 kgs on row/ purple band on pull-downs
I will definitely feel those 500 DU’s tomorrow!! ?
Double under gains!
Went to the gym after work, but the website didn’t want to cooperate. Gave it a second try in the evening with limited time.
A. 25/ 25/ 30/ 30 kg
B. 35/ 39/ 42/ 42/ 44/ 44 kg
C. 43/ 47/ 47/ 50/ 50 kg
D. Skipped ? Saving this one for Thursday ??♀️
E. Done
Glad you will be able to get to it. Make sure you are still reserving a rest day too
A. 4 sets 3-Position Clean x 1 rep: 50/60/70/80kg B. Clean Pull with 2-second Pause at Knee + Clean with 2-second Pause at Knee + Jerk *Set 1: @ 70% of 1-RM Clean: 85kg *Set 2: @ 75% of 1-RM Clean: 90kg *Sets 3-4: @ 80% of 1-RM Clean: 95kg *Sets 5-6: @ 85% of 1-RM Clean: 100kg C. 3 Front Squat @ 41X1 *Set 1: @ 70%: 90kg *Sets 2-3: @ 75%: 97,5kg *Sets 4-5: @ 80%: 105kg D. Against a 4-minute running clock: 40/40/30/30/30Calorie Assault Bike 100 Double-Unders Max Reps of Burpee Pull-Ups 7/5/10/10/10 * 2 round I… Read more »
Solid adjustments ?
Great start to the week!
Hello! A) Up to 75lb B) 80 – 88 – 93 – 93 – 100 – 100lb C) 108 – 115 – 115 – 123 – 123lb D) 20 cal Echo 100 DU BPU: 10 – 9 – 8 – 9 – 10. Tripped too much on the DUs specially at the beginning (just after getting out of the bike). At least all the burpee PU that I have been doing paid off today! ??? E) Done with 10lbs. 35lb for the row. Thank you so much for posting the Program in your Instagram and sending by email this morning!… Read more »
Sorry about the confusion. Damn technology!!
No worries ?