August 23, 2022 – Masters Program

Mobility & Activation
Three sets of:
1-2 Minutes Assault or Echo Bike @ 50-60% effort
30 Second Single Arm Overhead Hold each arm
30 Second Supinated Grip Hang from Pull Up Bar

and then …

Upper Body Warm-Up Series (10-12 reps each)

Three sets of:
5-8 Push Ups
30 Second Front Leaning Rest
4-6 Pronated Grip Strict Pull Ups
10 Single Arm Ring Rows

Six sets of:
Strict Press x 3 reps @ 75%
Rest as needed


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Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:
Station 1: Strict Handstand Push Ups x 40% of Max Reps
Station 2: Double Under Variation x 50% of Max Time
Station 3: Toes to Bar x 40% of Max Reps

Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:
Station 1: Strict Handstand Push Ups to 5″” riser x 40% of Max Reps
Station 2: Double Under Variation x 50% of Max Time
Station 3: Toes to Bar x 40% of Max Reps

You may break your reps up into multiple sets. This is an accumulated score within the minute. Please use last weeks numbers.

Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 12 minutes of:
4 Burpee Dumbbell Deadlifts
8 Dumbbell Front Squats
12 GHD Sit-Ups

35-54: 50/35 lbs
55+: 35/20 lbs; Weighted Anchored Sit-Ups

GHD Sit-Up Standard:
35-54 Men: 40″ from top of seat to floor
35-54 Women: 37″ from top of seat to floor

Three sets of:
8-10 Tempo Incline Dumbbell Bench Press @ 3131
Rest 30 seconds
8-10 Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions @ 2121
Rest 60 seconds

Athlete Notes:
We are continuing to build your gymnastics volume with a similar layout to last week but your % of reps per minute has gone up (you’re welcome). If you didn’t do this last week then start this session with the following so you have numbers to work off of:

Complete as many reps possible in 60 seconds of each movement:
Strict Handstand Push Ups (55+: 5″ riser)
Rest 60 seconds
Weighted, Drag, or Regular Rope Double Unders
Rest 60 seconds
Toes to Bar

Then you’ve got a little 12 minute burner. The rep schemes are deceivingly low which means you can hold onto those dumbbells for unbroken movements! Your ‘break’ comes with the GHD / Anchored Sit-Ups where you will quickly transition. 12 minutes is relatively short but still pushing your lung capacity if you are moving quickly. Take a note of your time after your first round and see if you can hold that time for your following rounds, give or take 10 seconds. This is the type of consistency we’d like to see our athletes train and by making a mental note of times for each round help you mentally stay engaged and focused.

Scaling Options for Strict Handstand Push-Ups (choose one of the following):
Elevated Foot Handstand Push-Ups
Elevated Knee Handstand Push-Ups
Hamstring Curl Handstand Push-Ups

Scaling Options for Double-Unders (choose one of the following):

Scaling Options for Toes-to-Bar (choose one of the following):
Knees to Chest
Knees to Elbows

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Assault Bike or Echo Option
Eight sets of:
60 Second Assault or Echo Bike @ medium to hard pace
15 Second @ Max Effort Sprint
1:45 Spin @ easy pace

If doing Legends, complete Workout 1 instead of the programmed conditioning …

For time:
Calorie Row
Lateral Burpees over the Erg

For time:
Calorie Row
Lateral Burpees over the Erg

Please refer here for movement standards

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